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好看的word文档模板范文 第1篇

分管交通工作期间,通过积极向上争取项目,先后实施了9条通村(组)文案大全 实用标准文档


好看的word文档模板范文 第2篇


篇2:人事干部个人年度工作总结 年度个人工作总结

一年来,在领导的帮助和同志们的支持下,紧紧围绕中心工作,充分发挥岗位职能,不断改进工作方法提高工作效率,以“立足服务、团结同志、认真学习、扎实工作”为准则,始终坚持高标准、严要求,协助领导和同志们做了文案大全 实用标准文档



努力工作,不断干好本职业务。立文案大全 实用标准文档


不操心、让同事舒心不闹心的原则,对待各项任务不怕麻烦,严格审查,认真把关,坚持以事实为依据,以政策规定为准绳,坚持高站位、高起点、高标准,从讲政治的高度积极完成每一件事,工作慎始慎终,力求不出纰漏少出差错,努力当好参谋助手。先后辅助领导完成了X名干部的调整交流和到龄免职、X名试用期满干部考核、公务员登记与核销、X批X名人员调动计划、军转退役人员的接收安置、领导班子年度考核评优评先及履行干部选拔任用工作职责民主评议以及有关文件、报告的起草撰写等诸多工作。成了干部任免材料汇编十四卷和录用登记文件汇编一卷,特别是整文案大全 实用标准文档


慎独慎微,不断增强自身修养。坚持以党的最新理论成果武装头脑,努力学习法律法规,模范遵守各项规章制(来自: :干部提拔个人工作总结)度,为做好本职工作打下坚实的理论基础。能够按照岗位廉政风险点防范承诺,牢记服务的宗旨和组织干部“十条禁令”,严守工作纪律和组织纪律,谨小慎微,每日自醒吾身,平时注重一言一行,能做到心正、眼正、身正、行正,胸襟宽广,团结同志,不讲出格的话,不做出格的事。工作中虚心向同志们学习,采他人之长补已之短,不断提高自己综合素质。同时积极参加单位组织的各种教育培训和集体活动,不断拓宽视野增长阅历。很多人事工作时间紧迫,任务繁重,业务量大,对此能正确认识自身的工作及文案大全 实用标准文档




篇3:干部选拔任用工作情况报告 朝阳市审计局干部选拔任用工作情况报告

2013年,我局严格按照《党政领导干部选拔任用工作条例》,认真贯彻落实干部人事制度,强化对选拔任用干部的文案大全 实用标准文档


好看的word文档模板范文 第3篇










Mobile phone promotion programs during the International Labor Day Promotion’s title: write a short meage ’s time: 7:30---9:30pm every day during the International Labor Day

promotions Place: within each Apple store Promotion’s objective: to improve mobile phone’s image and brand, and popularity, improve phone promotions: mobile store is ready for different mobile phones, then called on the interested customers to have a contest! Each customer to write a text meage is: Dear friends, I mi take part in writing short meage activity, take this opportunity, I brought you my bleing, I wish you happy every day! The customer who finish the short meage most quickly is the day, you can make several rounds of competition Prize sets: the first is is third is 20 in the activity: Henan Daily and TV advertisement.

Recently, the movie American Captain is very hot, the third episode has been brought into the screen.

Since I see the first episode, this great hero catches my attention all the time.

he is so handsome and brave, what’s more, he fights for the justice, which makes him a charming person.

I will support this movie, American Captain is my hero.

Hello, everyone

Today I want to introduce one famous superstar, I think most people, no matter young or old, female or male, all know him very name is He Jiong.

Yes, he is one of the hosts of the most famous variety show in China, Happy people, especially students watch this show on every Saturday for others, just for the reason that the show can pa happine to is more important, the core host, He Jiong, is lively, witty and of him, the whole stage is more shining and you will unconsciously turn all your gaze to him, and under his guidance, the whole program procees so wonderful and succesful.

I like to watch all of his programs, such as Go Bravely Forward, Happy Boys and Let’s think many of you have heard, or even watched these these programs, we can find that whether happy, excited or sad, he will expre it without any like this kind of person, revealing true feelings and never cover up or avoid.

In addition to being a host, he is also a university ’s unbelivable, but it’s wonder how he is in he be humorous or crazy as in the programs? Probably not, I heard that as a teacher, he is very , being a teacher contributes to his host he is an extraordinary variety show host with lots of knowledge and culture.

Other than that, he also has many other positions, such as singer, actor, and ’s very amazing, right? All these make me admire his talents very it also makes me emerge the sense of worship and respect for my heart, he is such a perfect and omnipotent life maxim is “Prepare for the worst, do the very best”.From this sentence, we can see his positive attitude towards life and sentence also gives me a great inspiration and encourges me to challenge the life in a positive way.

As for such an artist with lots of talents and achievements, there’s no doube that I like hope you will like him, you

Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims:

(1) Students can learn four new words: orange, pear, apple and banana.(2) Students can master the structure of “Do you like pears?” Ability aim:

Students can improve their listening and speaking ability by taking part in aim:

Students will be more interested in English and like to speak English in daily points:

(1) Listen, speak and use the new words: orange, pear, apple and banana.(2) Master the structure of “Do you like”.Difficult points:

(1) Use the new words and structure in their daily life.(2) Improve the interest of learning English, and like to speak English.课前准备:

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up and lead-in greeting a song named How Do You Do 2: Presentation andSTEP3 practice Activity 1 Show a picture of an apple and ask students to answer the question “What’s this in English”.Describing the apple and tell students if there is more than one apple, we can say “apples”.Write the word “apple” on the blackboard and ask students to read it together for the same way, teach students another three new words “orange”, “pear” and “banana”.

After teaching the four new words, play a game: Divide students into four I show the four pictures arbitrarily, each group should read out the name of the fruit in the group reading all names in the least time will be the 2 I will say that I like pears very much and explain why I like pears students when I ask them the question “Do you like pears”, they can answer “Yes, I do” if they like and “No, I don’t” if they do not like.

Invite some students to answer my questions “Do you like apples/oranges/bananas” by using the structure of “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”.

Play the tape for the first time and ask students to listen the tape for the second time and ask students to answer the question “if the boy likes pears” after the tape for the third time and ask students to read after the students 3 minutes to make conversations with their deskmates and then invite two groups to 3 Make the chant on the 4: Summary and homework

Ask two students to talk about what we have learned in this some supplements after their students to teach their parents the chant we did just design:

My favourite festival is Spring Festival. It’s in January or February. People in China celebrate it, and there are many things to do. We often celebrate Spring Festival by having a big dinner, visiting relatives and friends, getting some red packets and letting off fireworks. We often have a big dinner from the first day of Spring Festival to the last day. We often go to our relatives’ home and have a big dinner and also we have a big dinner at home. We often have many things to talk and we are very happy. After dinner, we watch the TV programs of CCTV. There are many plays, and we often laugh at them. At midnight, we don’t go to bed but wait for the new day. We always let off fireworks. It’s very exciting and interesting! At Spring Festival, we always visit our relatives and friends too. We go shopping with them, and children are very excited to visit their relatives because they can get some red packets from their relatives. There is some money in it and children can use it to buy toys, books or some snacks.

Spring Festival is very interesting, isn’t it?



本人***,男,苗族,1970年8月出生,2005年7月加入中国xxx,2005年6月参加工作,本科学历,现任***镇党委副书记、纪委书记。三年来,在镇党委、政府的正确领导下,在全镇干部职工的共同帮助下,我的思想理论水平不断提升,工作作风更加务实,工作方法不断创新,履职能力得到进一步加强,圆满、高效、优质地完成了县委、县政府,镇党委、政府交办的各项工作任务,得到了干部职工、人民群众的充分肯定。文案大全 实用标准文档


好看的word文档模板范文 第4篇






