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英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第1篇

_Thats hard! As I struggled with the math, I sighed in frustration. Looking up, I saw that it was raining outside the window. Its still clear. Why is it raining? In your dreams. After yawning, enjoy natures masterpiece. Its free, after all.

Lying on the windowsill, looking up at the sky, dark clouds gathered together, like what to say, and occasionally hit a few thunder.

Rain, like a naughty little boy, keeps jumping on the colorful umbrella; The rain, like an innocent little girl, sings a beautiful song with a gentle and sweet voice; Rain is the gardener, he makes everything spotless; Rain is also a magician. The flower sister burst out a charming smile, Liu Yangs brother waved his long arms...

People in the street were either walking in the rain with umbrellas or scurrying by with things over their heads. People have been ignoring the performance of nature, it looks like ordinary rain, but it is so beautiful. The whole city was surrounded by rain, as if covered by a mist.

Suddenly, without warning, the rain stopped. Like those who come and go in a hurry. Only the green leaves outside the window and the clean wet ground told people that the rain was not an illusory dream.

Take deep breaths of fresh air after a rain. Suddenly, my heart was no longer gloomy, as if washed away by the rain, and became clear. Ah, cant you think about that math problem in a different way? Hurry up and take a deep breath of air after the rain. Well, thats fresh.

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第2篇

with the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. as a result, thousands of students take part in various eaminations. however, some students have been found cheating on their eams. some of them copy from each others, some took out their tetbooks or reference books to copy, some copied from small pieces of paper on which they had prepared for the eam, still some used the modern communication tools such as bp, mobile phone as a way to cheat on eams.

then, what’s the effect of cheating on eam? there are three factors for this. first, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. second, it will ruin the students’ self-confidence in the long run. third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society.

however, how to stop cheating on eam? in my opinion, there are two ways we can adopt. first, a severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating. second, great effort should be made to make students understand what kind of person the society needs and try to improve their self-confidence.

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第3篇

The most interesting phenomenon in life I think is the tadpoles life.

I have five tadpoles at home. The five tadpoles are I caught from the purple bamboo yard, the black tadpoles do not mention how cute! I came to see my tadpoles after school, watching tadpoles grow up day by day, I understand life!

One day, when I came to see the tadpoles, I suddenly found that the tadpoles grew two legs between the head and the tail. I knew it was a tadpole turning into a frog! I quickly told my mother the good news. Another week passed, the tadpole grew two legs, and finally turned into a frog! I was very happy, but after that, the frog often cried when I was sleeping, so that I could not sleep every day.

Just so, its summer, there are more mosquitoes, and some frogs are eaten. But my frog died some time ago for some reason. The frogs life is over!

I think, tadpoles life is really interesting! It turns into a frog, but its a little noisy. I still like them because they are cute! I also want to raise a tadpole ah, but I think _tadpoles to find the mother_ this story feels very bad, because, tadpoles also want to find the mother. If we take her away, they wont find her. I decided to go to Zizhuyuan Park every day to see the tadpoles and frogs.

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第4篇

How strange! I am in a bad temper today, I can say the worst.

In the morning, at breakfast, I became unaccountably angry. Took the stuffing out of my four meat buns for breakfast and threw them away. Dad talked a lot about the importance of the morning to the body, I did not say a word, after listening to Dads _speech_ I quickly walked into the door, but also loudly shut the door.

Even though it was in my little world, I still felt that there was a fire about to shoot out. I kept throwing books, throwing things, and Shouting, and the doors and Windows were shivering. Aaargh! I had no reason to throw things, to shout, and I suddenly had a feeling that I was a bad girl.

At this time, the mother said outside, _Liu Liu, too Chengliu! Come out!_ I just feel a little bit better in my heart, hearing this voice, my heart fire has _miso_ rising, _Dont bother me anymore?_ Im sick of it!_

What the hell is wrong with me? Did that really come out of my mouth? I must be possessed by a demon. I had a good cry, and when I had finished, I went to wash my face, and when I passed my parents room, I put my ear against the door to hear if they were angry. I didnt hear them speak for a long time. They must have thought I was a bad girl. I crouched in the corner again and cried. Suddenly feel so relaxed and comfortable.

What the hell is going on here? What the hell is wrong with me?

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第5篇

Heaven and earth are so big and amazing that there are countless strange landscapes in the world. The most amazing one for me is the _Cheonyeon_ waterfall in South Korea, which is called the four-color waterfall.

From a distance, the waterfall looks like a silver-white ribbon, and like a fairy in mythology draped in silver gauze. Approaching the waterfall, standing on the water platform, looking up at the waterfall, as if the sky broke a hole, the water poured down from the hole, it can be said that _flying down three thousand feet, suspected that the Milky Way fell nine days._ Straight down the waterfall like tens of thousands of war horses go forward, mighty straight down the surge, falling rock pentium, with loose beads of mist flies. The clattering noise in my ears was deafening. The waterfall flows into the pool and twists and turns in the pool.

The most amazing thing is that its water will change color with the change of the season: in spring, everything recovers, everyone puts on new clothes, the waterfall also wears a light green coat, full of spring; In summer, the water becomes a dark green, as if stained by the rolling green hills near the waterfall; In autumn, the golden leaves are everywhere, and the color of the waterfall also becomes golden and golden, like a waterfall composed of thousands of fallen leaves; In winter, snowflakes are flying, and the waterfall has become a pale milk color, like a girl with a sad white head. Because of this, people call it the four-color waterfall.

This four-color waterfall is really called a _celestial wonder_ ah!

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第6篇

Only to hear the sound of the drip tower outside the window, as if accompanied by a small dance, I can not help but be attracted by the world outside the window.

Came to the window, it was drizzling. This misty drizzle is infatuating with the ground, light and fine, floating in the rubble of this open space, withered branches and leaves.

He wet the earth, and the grass on the earth began to rejoice: _Ah! Its raining, its raining!_ The wild chrysanthemum buds of this drumming quietly open, sending out attractive fragrance, is so moving. The jasmine flowers in front of me opened up again, and the fragrance touched my heart, feeling the autumn rain and dew together with them.

He got wet in the forest, and the trees began to laugh loudly, feeling so comfortable in the cool autumn rain that they seemed to say, _Cool!_ The birds chirp, also for the arrival of the autumn rain feel gratified.

Look, the autumn rain is dancing. Its the wind, its the wind beautiful music makes the rain. The autumn rain has danced a beautiful dance for people.

In the rain, people walk on the road with colorful umbrellas, adding color to autumn.

It got dark quickly, but the rain didnt stop. I listened to the rain on a rainy night. Raindrops fell on the glass, dribs and drabs, reflecting the wet streamer against the light in the window. After the clear rain gas and blurred rain, a little yellow light flooded away, melting into a fuzzy and soft light. The light sound of rain outside the window is like the ballad of my mother urging me to enter the dream when I was a child, like the murmur of birds between green trees and red flowers. The car under the window sometimes passes in front of my eyes, giving it to this auspicious and rainy night.

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第7篇

In the morning, I got up early and had breakfast. It was more than seven o clock, and I went to the lake with my father for a walk. After walking for a while, I saw a big stone in front of me, and I sat on it to enjoy the beautiful scenery around me. Just as we were enjoying the beautiful scenery, suddenly, a dragonfly flew over and landed in front of us like a small plane. My father and I kept watching it, and soon it flew. I saw it flying lower and lower; Almost touched the ground. I couldnt help but wonder: Why does the dragonfly fly so low? Isnt he afraid to bump into things? Thus; I asked Dad. Without hesitation, Dad said, _The dragonfly is like this because its wings are very heavy and it cant fly._ Then why are its wings so heavy, I asked curiously. _Because it was going to rain, the air was very humid, and its wings were stained with small droplets of water, so it was very heavy and could not fly high._ With that, Dad pointed his finger at the sky. After a while, really dark clouds, bean big rain fell from the sky, followed by a downpour, my father and I quickly ran to the gazebo next to the rain shelter.

After a while, the rain eased, the sun came out, and a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky. I looked at the beautiful rainbow and said, _In the future, I will pay more attention to things around me and discover the secrets of nature._

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第8篇

In life, many people have their favorite stars and idols. We always talk about who is the most loyal fan of who, but is this a good phenomenon?

Some people say that star-chasing is wrong, because it will make a person infatuated with their idol and blindly imitate their idol, so no longer pay attention to their own study and their own life. In daily life, people often quarrel for their idols; Some people will dress like their idols, dress like them, and deliberately change themselves. In fact, people living in this world, there is no need to change their original appearance for a certain person, their own few catties, will not change because of the change of appearance.

However, others say it is right to be star-obsessed. Because it will let people learn from each other, will let us experience the difficulties and obstacles encountered behind a star, will let us learn the star in the face of difficulties that kind of perseverance and indomitable spirit, some people say that when the star is the most beautiful job in the world, shooting a movie or TV series, or even an advertisement will have millions of dollars. In fact, they have suffered setbacks that ordinary people can hardly bear. They are to see the stars from a different Angle, to experience the stars.

As for the phenomenon of star chasing, I think we should not like and worship a star just because he is famous. It was more about learning his quality of fighting for his dream. Because no one knows how much a star has to pay behind his fame, no one knows how much pain he has to endure, what a blow...

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第9篇

Before dinner was finished, the dark clouds all over the sky led to a rainstorm. The rain, fueled by thunder and lightning, became crazier.

The sky darkened earlier than usual because of the dark clouds. The storm took advantage of this situation, presenting itself as a dark messenger, and showing all its extraordinary skills, commanding its thousands of troops to attack the ground. The clouds have made a contribution, and the thunder is not far behind.

A narrow light streaked across the sky, and the whole earth was brighter than day. All of a sudden, the light disappeared. Soon, almost the whole city was dark -- the power was out again. Then there was a loud boom that made the earth tremble. Maybe it was a cheer for the blackout.

Night, darker. Torrential rain, even crazier. It seemed to know that no one would notice its face at this time, it appeared more arrogant, in the dark, it performed various spells, and its troops and horses became more powerful.

The earth is under relentless attack. The rainstorm seemed to sense the indestructibility of the earth, and then the attack was also a white effort, so it was secretly withdrawn. Soon, the rain stopped, the thunder stopped, the clouds dispersed, and only some _small soldiers_ attacked the ground. The lights are on. The whole city is lit up again. It was as if there were a feast to celebrate the victory of the war. The first winter rain Composition Storm Composition Spring rain Composition 600 words

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第10篇

There are many interesting phenomena in life, such as ants moving, geese lining up to fly south, birds standing on a wire without being electrocuted... But what interests me most is the geese lining up to fly south. Do you want to know the answer? Then let me tell you!

A crisp autumn morning, I was walking on the road, I found a group of geese flying south, but also in a chevron, a zigzag, I dont understand, they will not be tired? Doesnt it take time?

Then, these days I have been observing geese, I have so many questions I do not know, all blame I did not pay more attention before, I went to ask my classmates, they do not know what is going on, I put these interesting natural phenomena are recorded in my notebook, I have a strong interest in nature.

Sunday afternoon, I took my notebook to ask Grandpa what was going on, and grandpa said to me: _The formation of wild geese is called_ wild goose formation _, _wild goose formation_ is generally led by experienced _wild goose_, when the wings of the _head wild goose_ flying in front of the air, there will be a weak updraft on the wing tip, and the wild geese behind it can use this airflow in turn, not only can save energy, but also shorten the flight time of the whole wild goose formation._

I did not expect that nature is so magical that it can bring us infinite knowledge. I love you, nature!

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第11篇

_To see the truth, look carefully everywhere._ It is true that there are many things around us that you would not expect, let us explore and discover, so that we can practice true knowledge.

One day at noon, I heard my sister say to do a small experiment, I immediately rose in mood, eyes brush and stare at my sister, it seems that I cant wait.

So, the sister took a small magnet used in the handicraft class, two small iron pieces and a pin. The sister put the pin on the small magnet to suck, feel very little attraction, as long as the finger flick, the pin will fall off. I think: if there is a piece of suction iron in the middle interval, it must be smaller than this force! So, I told sister Li this idea, sister put a small iron piece on the magnet to attract the pin, hey, how strange! Pin like a demon, suddenly jumped to the iron sheet, tightly stick, sister spent a lot of effort to take it down, visible magnet suction is many times stronger, sister can not think of reason, so I and my sister went to ask dad, I went to dads room, the strange phenomenon said again. My father listened to my oblique somewhat dubious, he took the pin first in the magnet on the front, back, both ends, sides of the suction; I put in a small piece of iron and tested it again, finally concluding that what I had discovered was true.

Through this small experiment, I feel that _strange phenomenon_ is very meaningful, not only to enrich my spare time life, but also to increase a lot of knowledge. It is really _on paper to get the end sense shallow, never know this matter to practice._

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第12篇

One day, I read an experimental problem in a book, pour hot water into one cup, pour cold water into another cup, and put it in the refrigerator at the same time, which cup of water will freeze faster?

In fact, many people will think that the cold water must be freezing fast ah! Yes, thats what I thought at first, but thats not the truth. Hot water freezes faster. I wonder, is that really the case? You cant be lying. To prove the truth, I conducted my own experiment. I poured cold water and hot water into cups separately, labeled them so as not to mix them up, and put them in the refrigerator.

After 30 minutes, I took the cup out and was surprised to find that the cup with hot water was frozen, while the cup with cold water was still watery. I thought it was very strange, so I looked up the information and understood that water is cooled by evaporation, and the temperature distribution is maintained evenly, then the hot water will freeze first, which is called the Mpemba phenomenon.

I told my father this conclusion, and my father gave me a thumbs up and said, _You are so good, dad wants to learn from you, I didnt know how to write things before._ . I was pleased to hear that.

In fact, we can not only rely on books to learn knowledge, but also understand nature and understand the world! There are many mysteries in nature - waiting for us to explore, to study! In life, we should have a pair of good observation eyes, let us refuel together!

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第13篇

There are many interesting phenomena in nature: ants moving, geese flying south, spiders spinning webs, swallows flying low... They all indicate changes in the weather, and the one that impresses me most is the spiders web.

I still remember last summer vacation, we went to the lotus pond to play in the moonlight, but it rained heavily on the way up and down. When the moonlight came to the lotus pond, the rain became smaller, we quickly ran to the farmhouse for shelter, and the rain on the eaves slid down like a broken line of pearls. I suddenly noticed a spider spinning a web on a branch not far away. I stared at it intently, it tied a _m_ word, stretched out in all directions, a palm-sized circle, a circle of knots, especially dense in the middle. _Hey, hes really a weaver!_ I cant help but praise! I could not help but ask curiously, _Why are spiders not afraid of rain?_ Mother smiled and said: _ spider web rain will be sunny , have you heard this proverb?_ _Never heard of it,_ I shook my head. _What does that mean?_ _When it rains, spiders cant hunt. If you see a spider spinning a web, its going to clear up soon._ Mother said patiently. _Its still raining. Will it clear up soon?_ The more I think about it, the weirder it gets.

After a while, the clouds gradually parted, and surprisingly, the day did clear up. What a wonderful phenomenon in nature!

Interesting phenomenon in nature. Its really wonderful. Those who do not love to learn do not understand, only those who are diligent in thinking can find.

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第14篇

Life is small, like a grain of sand on the beach; Life is great, just like a tall and straight pine in Mount Tai. The spirit of the turtle is not afraid of difficulties, which makes me feel the power of life.

I remember once, my mother and I went to the park to play, playing and I saw the sale of small turtles. Little turtle back has a beautiful pattern, I like it! My mother bought one for me. I kept it. I took it on a pirate ship.

I let the turtle out when I got home. Turtle, whats wrong?! It was motionless, eyes closed, lying there, no matter how much I teased it, it seemed dead. We didnt have turtle food, so we picked a few leaves for him. The little turtles eyes moved, as if against an invisible hand, and he tried to remember to eat, but still could not.

In the blink of an eye a few days passed, the turtles body is also getting better day by day, it has been able to walk happily, eating the leaves we give it. After a few more days, the turtle was fully alive, always crawling around the ground in our house, lively and no different from a normal turtle.

Life is fragile, but also strong, life is short, but also eternal, let us cherish the value of life, with love and strong to write a song of praise for life.

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第15篇

Spring is the season when all things come back to life and when all flowers bloom. She gave all her unique paints to nature and changed everything.

Lets take a look at springs proudest masterpiece: _Grass._ There was a little green on the grass, and every grass stuck its little head out of the hard mud and looked around curiously. A breeze blew, they tilted back and forth in the wind, dancing, from a distance, like a sea of green waves.

Lets take a look at the various poses of the peony girls. Check it out. They are about to enter a beauty contest in the spring. Step into the backyard, peonies bloom! Here, there are many flowers, there are many colors. There are fire burning _Luoyang red_, jade bone bing jade clean _luminous white_, dignified and beautiful _tortoiseshell_, and the most striking _gold fire_... Its really colorful and dazzling. Among the many peonies, I still prefer _golden fire Dan_. When flowering, it is water red, and when flowering, it emits red flames: like pomegranate flowers in May, more like the red scarf of the Young pioneers, so it is called _the crown of red flowers_.

Plants are the main characters in spring, and insects are no exception!

Colorful butterflies play in the sun. They sparkled all over and had little circles on their wings. Red, yellow and black are evenly distributed all around, just like a three-color flower. Sometimes they fly from east to west, as if playing hide-and-seek with spring!

After a while, spring flew away in the breeze...

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第16篇

It was a sunny weekend, my friends and I were playing happily, by a group of busy ants attracted the attention.

I saw the ants are moving food to the height, I thought: _This is the so-called ants moving!_ Having never seen ants move before, I began to take a closer look.

Suddenly, I remembered a proverb I learned a few days ago: _ants moving sunny rain, spiders make web rain sunny._ I scratched my head, frowning and drew a question mark in my heart: _Now such a big sun, can it really rain?_ You cant just make this saying up._

I walked home doubtfully and leaned over the window waiting for the rain to come. But after a long time did not see a drop of rain, I said angrily: _What weather proverbs, clearly is to coax children._ Just then, the sun put away his smiling face and hid himself, and the sky became overcast, and the clouds gathered in the sky. Soon the rain began to tap on the glass. I couldnt help but exclaim, _What a wonderful weather proverb!_ _But ants are not gods. How do they know its going to rain?_ So I looked it up online with questions.

Originally, before the rain, the air will be very low, if the ant nest is low, their air will be very difficult, not enough for all the ants to breathe, and ants are very afraid of water, so they have to move away from the rain attack.

Everywhere attention is learned, there are countless interesting phenomena in life, and I will be a kind person in the future, to find more wonderful and interesting phenomena, and increase more abundant knowledge.

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第17篇

What is static electricity? Maybe a lot of students dont know. Before, I didnt know what static electricity was, I discovered it accidentally.

I think it is so mysterious, so incredible. I remember that it was a cold night, almost nine o clock, my mother urgently urged me to go to bed. As soon as I took off my clothes, I saw a glimmer of blue light on my clothes and heard a very small _sizzle_. I was stunned. I didnt know what was going on. Quickly called Dad and asked him what was going on? Dad smiled and said, _Dont be afraid, its static electricity._ _What static electricity?_ I asked, puzzled. Dad said: _Electrostatic imagination can be mysterious, to understand it, tomorrow to check their own information, it is very late, should go to bed immediately._ In this way, I slowly fell asleep with a lot of questions. After school the next day, I couldnt wait to go home and check the Internet. I finally understood that static electricity is caused by friction between objects, and the voltage is very small and difficult to detect.

It turns out that in winter, various clothes or clothes and skin friction between each other will produce static electricity. When we brush our hair, we sometimes see static electricity. This static electricity does not do much harm to the human body, but if people live or work in a static environment for a long time, it will also have an impact on health. In fact, many of the amazing natural phenomena in life are not so magical and profound.

As long as we are careful to observe and good at thinking, we will surely uncover their mysterious veil.

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第18篇

Class, have you ever seen a total solar eclipse? Total solar eclipse is a quite magnificent natural scene and astronomical phenomenon, July 22, 2009, there was a total solar eclipse, some people take film to see, some people wear glasses to see, can be lively!

In the morning my father and I went to the roof to see the total solar eclipse. As soon as we reached the roof, we heard someone Shouting, _Its started! Here we go! The sun is beginning to get dark! I cant wait to pick up the film to look at the sun, found that the light cloud covered the top of the sun, the sun is missing a little bit, like a round mooncake was cut by a knife one-fifth, a blink of an eye and missing a little, like an expanded fan, and then only a point of light and the sun halo composed of diamond rings, a faint light, I found that the day gradually dark down, Its like when evening comes and at last the sun is blocked by the moon, the day suddenly becomes dark, the day suddenly becomes night, and people immediately shout: _The sun is gone!_ Its getting dark!_ The streets were bright with lights, the animals were quiet, and the chickens I fed were ready to go home. A few minutes later, a little bit of light from the black ball around the divergence, the earth gradually restored the light, the sun showed a smile, people opened a smile, excitedly shouted: _The sun out!_ . I am also happy to cheer up, think the mystery of the universe is too magical!

Total solar eclipse is really rare to see, to be honest, we are really lucky, once in five hundred years to see the eclipse, it is very lucky!

英语四级作文现象解释型真题范文 第19篇

A Witness of a Theft Incident Yesterday, I witnessed a theft incident on my way home. The thief was so rampant that it left me a very deep impression. It was in the rush hour, when many people were buying tickets at the subway station. A woman took her purse out and paid for the ticket. Then she put her purse back into her bag and turned to leave, when a mid-aged man brushed past her muttering Excuse me. She didnt feel unusual and went into the station. Indeed, her purse had been stolen by that man. To our surprise, the thief seems not to be nervous at all and even began to look others up and down. Maybe he was searching for the next target. At that time some persons, including me, witnessed the process. But unfortunately, no one dared to warn that woman. This incident makes me ashamed and leaves me a deep thought. The pickpocket has posed a great threat to residents and visitors property safety. Undoubtedly, it is an urgent thing to take action to prevent pickpocket. However, it cannot depend on the police only. Instead, it needs our common efforts. We can not shut our eyes and mouths to the pickpocket any more.

It should be kept in our minds that our forces are far beyond those thieves.




