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大学英语四六级英语范文 第1篇

as the result of birth control and improvement of medical care, supporting the old has become an issue of china today.

because of the different culture and traditio, supporting the old is different from country to country. for instance, british is a developed country and the problem of supporting the old is solved very well these years. the government takes a series of measures to solve the problem and also pays a lot of money for the old every year in order to make them live china, because of its tradition, the old people are mostly supported by their children. but our government and our society are taking measures to support the old.

as the development of economy and society is so rapid that we believe the system of our country to support the old would be perfect one day.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第2篇

Part I Writing

Online shopping has been a boon to many industries and companies looking to expand their markets. Also, it's convenient for shoppers who are too busy to leave the house. However, in some cases nothing can replace a true face to face shopping experience.

Internet shopping is convenient for the mothers who spend all day doing house chores and for the fathers who work a full-time job. On the other hand, there are limits to shopping online, for example: guessing the correct size of clothing on a computer screen can be very frustrating.

For the busy mother and father, online shopping is a very useful and convenient tool. But, there are instances, like clothes shopping, where nothing beats the real thing.



大学英语四六级英语范文 第3篇

According to a recent survey involving over 3000 undergraduates, 35% of university students have never said “Thank you” to their parents. Their parents have done all they could to bring them up in the past score of years, but have never been rewarded with gratitude.

The subjects claim such reasons as follows. First and foremost, a quarter of the interviewed students regard it as parents’ duty to support them spiritually and financially. And it is not necessary to express appreciation to their parents. However, the majority of youngsters are aware of their parents’ tender love but are not accustomed to saying “Thank you”. Some even find a generation gap between themselves and their parents, thus feeling reluctant to express their affection for their parents.

In my opinion, extending thankfulness to our parents is a way of respecting them and their love. We should express our feelings directly and bravely, but what’s more important is, we should do all that we can to reward them.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第4篇

It is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people's health. Scientific researchs show that smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.

Still,many people find it difficult to stop reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behaviour,and habits,whether good or bad are not easy to be given reason is the effect of nicotine,the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.

Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking. In many cities,smoking is forbidden in public danger of smoking is warned of newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for _No Tobacco Day_ is observed every year as the biggest compaign against smoking.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第5篇




nowadays ,there are more and more in some big cities . it is estimated

that ( 1 ).

why have there been so many ? maybe the reasons can be listed as follows.

the first one is that ( 2 ) .besides,( 3 ) . the third reason is ( 4 ).

to sum up ,the main cause of is due to ( 5 ) .

it is high time that something were done upon it. for one thing ,( 6 ).

on the other hand ,( 7 ). all these measures will certainly reduce the

number of .









generation gap between parents and children

nowadays , there are more and more misunderstanding between parents and

children which is so- called generation gap . it is estimated that (75 percentages

of parents often complain their children's unreasonable behavior while children

usually think their parents too old fashioned).

why have there been so much misunderstanding between parents and children?

maybe the reasons can be listed as follows . the first one is that ( the two generations,

having grown up at different times, have different likes and dislikes ,thus the disagreement often rises between them) . besides(due to having little in common to talk about , they are not willing to sit face to face ) . the third reason is (with the

pace of modern life becoming faster and faster , both of them are so busy with their

work or study that they don't spare enough time to exchange ideas ).to sum up ,the main cause of is due to ( lake of communication and understanding each other) .

it is high time that something were done upon it. for one thing (children should

respect their parents ).on the other hand ,( parents also should show solicitue for

their children). all these measures will certainly bridge the generation gap .

大学英语四六级英语范文 第6篇

When looking for a job,you will most likely have a job interview first. This seems to be in fashion now. Through the interview the interviewer and the interviewee can talk face to face,which provides a way for them to know each other better.

On the one hand,the interviewer can introduce the main aspects of the job opening to the interviewee,such as the specific requirements for the job,the working conditions,and the wages and benefits the interviewee will get.

On the other hand,the interviewee also has a chance to give the employer a good impression. He can talk with confidence and show the interviewer how well he is educated and how good his working ability is. And it will be better if he emphasizes that this is the very job he wants and he3 won’t cast an eye on any other jobs. The interviewer will most probably be moved.

Through the job interview,people who look for a job will have a better chance of getting a good one and those who need people to do a job will have a better chance of finding someone that is qualified.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第7篇

Advertisements are getting their way into people's lives. People depend on advertisers in their daily lives because they are cusumers. The advertisers are always manufacturers. Sometimes they are salesmen. Their merchandise needs advertising. Thus nearly every product is some extent, good dvertising means success while bad advertising can means failure.

There are many ways to advertise and 'ads' come in different forms. Newspaper carry advertisements. Some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide also carry advertising. Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies are set up to furnish a variety of services for it.

However, advertising is not always product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benifits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the consumer falls victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products and they haven't always been satisfied.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第8篇


Energy Resources

China is rich in various energy resources. Coal and petroleum, for instance, are two major ones. They are essential in developing the countrys industry, science and technology. China has done a great deal in the past few decades to raise its output of coal and petroleum.

Three energy resources are being used up rapidly, With the building of four modernization, new industrial and science projects are springing up like bamboo shoots after rain. They are all big consumers of energy resources. Besides there has been considerable waste in the utilization of these resources.

To avoid an energy crisis in the future, the government must take certain measures. First, it should let people know the importance of saving energy. Second, efforts should be made to develop new energy resources, such as solar energy, geothermal energy and so on. We have reason to be optimistic in this respect.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第9篇

Lie Two boys are arguing. Their dad comes and asks, _What are you talking about?_ We found a ten doiiar bill. And we decide that the onethat tells the biggest lie can have it._ answers one of the boys. _How can you do that! When I was you age, I didn't know what a lie is!_ says the father. the tow boys hear it, and give the bill to their father.文章大意:撒谎两个男孩在争论。




大学英语四六级英语范文 第10篇

As is apparently betrayed in the bar chart above, at present university students suffer from psychological problems of various kinds, among which spiritual depression, miscellaneous problems, and suicide-committing top the list. What the chart reveals is indeed thought-provoking.

The implied meaning of the chart above can be briefly stated as follows. On the one hand, university students are encountering more psychological problems than ever before. The fact can be attributed to many factors. Most university students are overloaded with study and haunted by employment pressure. As young and inexperienced people, they are also facing emotional dilemma and trial of human interrelationship. Besides, some students are in a financial predicament. On the other hand, necessary psychological work for university student is a must for the time being. It is quite shocking that at least forty percent of university students suffer from spiritual depression. The very fact should not be neglected. Effective countermeasures must be taken to reverse the current grim situation. In sum, the psychological problems should be put on our agenda.

In my view, great efforts must be made so as to ensure the healthy growth of university students. To begin with, we must have a good understanding the necessity of psychological instruction and guidance among university students. Whats more, government departments at different levels and related organizations should make joint efforts to create a more relaxing environment for university students. Only in this way can university students develop well both physically and psychologically.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第11篇

Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence developed by our environment or experience? Strangely enough, the answer to both questions is the one hand, if we take two people at random from the crowd, it is very likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. However, if we take two identical twins, chances are that they will be as intelligent as each other. Therefore, a conclusion can be drawn that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in the other hand, though, if we put two identical twins in different environments, for example, we might send one to university and the other to a factory where the work is boring, we would find differences in their intelligence several years later, which indicates that environment does play a crucial role in our as every coin has two sides, our intelligence is partly born and partly developed. The sure way to develop our intelligence is intelligent parents as well as a good environment.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第12篇

On Events of Network Public Opinion

On Events of Network Public Opinion

Do you still remember the “Guo Meimei Scandal” which has aroused national fury and mistrust toward Red Cross Society of China in ? However, it was just a start of the influence of network public opinion of China in changing the society. Now, nearly every day or two, there will be a new event heatedly commented by Chinese netizens through online facilities.

Actually, network public opinion is the co-product of the interaction between two factors. For one thing, the highly developed internet has brought the explosion of information to everybody’s life. Each piece of information can potentially be an “event”. For another thing, democratic consciousness has grown stronger in minds of Chinese people. Network is the democratic outlet where their free speech can be fully realized.

Now, network public opinion has become the constructive power for a better society, which has been acknowledged by all levels of governments. With overwhelming influence and massive power, it will help a lot in constructing Chinese social equity, including improving Chinese democracy, promoting anti-corruption; bring in judicial fairness, and etc.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第13篇

Generally the tendencies of three countries keep up though there are some differences among them. The Japanese old people aged 65 and over account for 5% in 1940 which is the lowest proportion in three countries. The situation will remain till about 2030. After that its proportion has a suddenly rise and exceed the other countries’ proportion. Till 2040, it will reach it peak of 27%.

The USA old people’s proportion is a little more than the Sweden’s. However this trend was reversed in 1999. After this year, the proportion of Sweden has a sharp rise till 2015 while the USA ‘s proportion remain a steady at the same time.

In summary, before 2000 the proportions of aged people of three countries were remained under 15%. But after 2030, these proportions will exceed 20%.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第14篇


Should College Students Hire Cleaners?


1. 有人对这一做法表示赞成

2. 有人则表示反对

3. 我认为…


Should College Students Hire Cleaners?

That some college students at a local university hired a cleaner to do laundiy and cleaning once a week has led to a heated debate. Some people advocate and support the practice. They mamtain that hiring cleaners to keep the dorms clean can help students save time, which they can spend on their studies.

Others, however, argue that hiring cleaners could help students save time and devote to their studies is merely a pretext* Typically, college education is not dominated by heavy loads of coursework and college students have ample time to manage their own afeirs apart &om studies. Usually, those students who claim they are too busy to clean their own dorms are most often found preoccupied with playing computer games or shopping. They refuse to do manual labor because they tend to regard themselves as elites once they succeed in entering a college.

Personally, I think college students shouldn't hire cleaners. In performing the cleaning himself/herselft a college student learns to share the responsibility for managing a public space of which one is a part. And by doing so, the student also shows respect for the common welfare of the entire dorm- Cleaning one's own dorm is a small but necessary process whereby one becomes a responsible person.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第15篇

It is indeed the most effective way for China with implementing family planning to solve the population problem. But family planning has so far made little progress. While half of the world is suffering from starvation, poor health and a low life standard, we cannot just think lightly the population problem. We have to make the birth rate under control.

The main enemy of family planning is illiteracy. For example, Brazil and India have the highest birth rate, and they embrace the highest illiteracy rate, and their people even have no idea of birth control.

Nowadays China's population is growing rapidly. Therefore it is crucial for China’s economic improvement to control the growth of population. China should spirit up the whole nation to take actions.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第16篇

A Chance of a lifetime生命的机遇_This is a chance of a life time,_ I declared to my friend Stacy as I locked the door of my office and left the restaurant I managed. _It's every twenty-seven-year-old woman's dream to live in New York City, and in a few months I'll know if I get the transfer.__这可是我生命中的一次机遇,_我对斯泰西说。


I watched the moonlight glisten on the waters of Laguna Beach. _I'll miss it here, but living in the Big Apple is everything I've ever wanted - a dream come true._我凝视着倒映在拉古纳湾水面上的月光。_我很留恋这里,可住在纽约是长久以来我心中惟一的梦想--如今,美梦就要成真了!_We met a group of our friends at a local cafe, and I jabbered on about the possibility of my move. Laughter erupted from a nearby table. I watched as a handsome man captured the attention of his friends with his engaging story. His broad, warm smile and air of confidence held me in a trance. Stacy nudged me. _You're staring,在街上的一家小咖啡店里,我们遇到了一群朋友,我便和他们闲聊着我可能要走的事。



_Michelle, and about to drool._ _Wow,_ I whispered. I watched the gorgeous guy push up the sleeves of his bulky sweater. Everyone at his table had their eyes fixed on him. _That's the man I want to marry._ _Yeah, right,_ Stacy droned. _Tell us more about where you'd like to live in New York, because we all plan to visit you there when you land this job. _ As I spoke my gaze drifted back to the debonair man.我看着那英俊的家伙卷起他那宽松外套的衣袖。他桌边的同伴都全神贯注地望着他。



Three months later my friends and I gathered at the same restaurant. _To life in the Big Apple!_ they cheered as we tapped our glasses together. _My chance of a lifetime!_ We talked for hours. I told them of my plan to save money by moving out of my beach cottage and renting a room for the few remaining months. Our friend offered, _I have a fellow South African friend who is considering renting one of the four bedrooms in his house. His name is Barry. A great guy._ He scribbled on a napkin. _This is his number. He's a forty-two-year-old confirmed bachelor. Says he's much too busy being a single dad to be a husband._三个月后,我和朋友又相聚在同一家餐厅里。我们互相碰杯,欢呼道:_为了纽约的新生活!_我们聊了几个小时,我总说这是我生命中的一次机遇。



他戏言自己忙于做一个单身父亲而没有时间再做丈夫。_I made an appointment to see the room the same day. I approached the entrance of the spacious house, and the door opened. _You must be Michelle,_ he said. He pushed up the sleeves of his bulky sweater and flashed his handsome smile. It was the man from the restaurant months before --- the man I wanted to marry.当天,我便预约去看房子。


这不就是几个月前饭店里的那个男人--那个我想要嫁的男人!I stood staring, my mouth gaping, hoping I wasn't drooling.我目瞪口呆地站在那里,希望自己没有失态。_You are Michelle, aren't you? _ he said, coaxing me out of my trance._ Would you like to see the room?__你就是米歇尔,对吗?_他打断了我的思绪,说道:_你想看看房间吗?_A Chance of a lifetime生命的机遇(2)I followed him through a tour of the house, then accepted when he offered me a cup of tea. Barry had a sophisticated kindness about him and listened attentively as I chattered nervously about myself. His silver-rimmed glasses accented a few gray streaks in his dark hair. Soon, his warm, inviting smile put me at ease, and we spent the next two hours talking casually. Ultimately, I decided not to take the room and reluctantly bade him good-bye.我便随着他参观了一下房子。

大学英语四六级英语范文 第17篇

选做一套近年来的四六级考题(如:6月大学英语四六级考题), 并在考试规定的时间里答题,以从整体答题效果上找出自己的弱点, 如:听力感觉迟钝?文章阅读速度较慢?读懂了文章后的问题却找不准文章中与之相对应的语句?不知如何下笔翻译? 写作感觉词不达意,不知道如何根据写作要求较好地进行论点的陈述和写作内容的展开?发现了自己的这些弱点后就可以中进行有针对性的复习了。)


把词汇复习作为四级复习的第一步。对于大多数参加四级考试的考生来说, 答题的主要障碍都来自于词汇量的不足, 所以四级复习需要把词汇学习作为复习的首要工作。

下面是笔者帮助广大四级考生粗略安排的一份四级复习计划, 建议每位考生可以根据自己的英语基础和复习情况进行一定调整,以实现最有效的复习。

大学英语四六级英语范文 第18篇


Should People Play Games While od Duty?


1. 有人认为这很正常

2. 也有人反对这种做法

3. 我的看法


Should People Play Games While on Duty?

Should people play games white they are working? People* toward it vary greatly. Some people regard it as a common phenomenon in office nowadays. They think playing games is a good way to kill liie boring time. At the same time, it can make them relaxed, which, in turn, can help them do their job efficiently*

However, some people have the opposite opinion. They think companies should prohibit their employees from playing games. They raaintain that playing games at work is an irresponsible behavior and a wrong working attitude which can exert a bad influence on their colleagues. Moreover, many serious mistakes are often made when people piay games during tbeir working time, because playing games distracts people's attention.

In my view, people s&outdi^t play games while on duty. Oa the one hand, pi ay mg games can occupy some of their time wbicb can be used to do something more important and meaningful, such as the further study of their working field and the improving of their working skills. On the other hand, playing online games takes up a lot of corporate network resources which may interfere with other colleagues work.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第19篇




2. 出现这种现象的原因

3. 我对这种现象的看法



In recent years, Sinology, the study of Chinese traditional culture, literature, history, society etc*, has become increasingly popular* For instance, it is reported that many primary and secondary schools have set up courses of sinology, in which students are taught classical works by Chinese ancient educators and philosophers, like Confucius- Another good illustration is in the program CCTV Lecture Room famous scholars, , Yu Dan, give lectures on Chinese ancient philosophies and literatures*

Sinology becomes prevalent due to the fact that it is of vital significance for both the individuals and the society. For one thing, Sinology is the essence of Chinese civilization with more than 5,000 years. Thus, for individuals, they can enlarge their scope of knowledge, enrich their experience and adapt themselves to the complicated society. For another, it is acknowledged that the rehabilitation of Sinology can contribute to the establishment of a harmonious society.

In my opinion, all Chinese people should inherit the merits of Sinology. To do so, we can read books by ourselves or to attend lectures on this issue. Besides, we have the obUgation to popularize introducing it to the world* By doing so, we can not only inherit it but also make it glorious and prosperous.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第20篇

My mother has a pair of keen eyes which can speak. With her eyes,she observed my mood,gave me courage and made me strong. Therefore,I could face difficulties.

When I was a baby learning to walk,my mother always lent me a hand and encouraged me to get up while I fell down. As I finally threw myself into her arms,her eyes smiled with praise. Later as I grew up,I met with more difficulties. But whenever I was frustrated,my mother's eyes always gave me hope and encouragement. Once I failed in exams,my mother encouraged me to find out the reasons. Instead of blaming me she pushed me to do better. At last I overcame the difficulty. Now I have grown up and become more independent,but whenever I come across setbacks,my mother's eyes are always with me encouraging me wherever I go.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第21篇

1. My MotherMy mother is a housewife. She is a nice and hardworking woman. She can cook very well. My mother is also very gentle. She loves me and seldom scold me. When I did something wrong, she will tells me and teaches me on how to do it correctly. I love my mother.我的母亲我的母亲是一个家庭主妇。




2. My FatherMy father is a business man. He is strong and serious. He cares about me a lot. When I do not do well in my study, he will scold me. However, I know he loves me. He likes to bring me to go swimming every weekends. I love my father.我的父亲我的父亲是一个生意人。他很健壮,也很严肃。



我爱我的父亲。3. My English TeacherMy English teacher is a kind woman. She is nice and humorous. She always teaches us by using different interesting ways. I like her class because I can learn English well. Other teachers and students also like her very much.我的英文老师我的英文老师是一个善良的人。



4. About MyselfMy name is xxx. I am xx years old. I study in xx(学校名字). My favorite subject is English and Mathematics. I like to eat chocolate. The thing that I like to do most is playing computer games. My ambition is to become a teacher.关于我自己我的名字叫xxx。我今年xx岁。



我的愿望是成为一名教师。5. My HobbiesI have many hobbies. I like to swim, read story books and play computer games. I often go swimming on Sunday morning. Besides, I will go to library once a week to borrow story book. Every night, I will play computer games for about one hour. My hobbies help me to spend my time wisely.我的爱好我有很多爱好。



我的爱好帮助我更充分的利用我的时间。6. The Rules in Our SchoolThere are many rules in our school. Firstly, we must wear our school uniform, and we are not aloud to have our lunch at home in the afternoon. Then, we cannot go out at night and not aloud to watch television shows. Besides, we cannot eat in the classroom and must clean the room everyday. Lastly, we must not be late for class and surely cannot fight with each other.我们的学校有很多校规。



7. Good eating habitsIt is very important to have a good eating habit. By eating wisely, we can maintain our body health. It is not difficult to have a good eating habit. First, we must drink enough water everyday. Then, do not eat to much meat and oily foods. Besides, eat more vegetables and fruits. Then we can live out a healthy life.良好的饮食习惯养成良好的饮食习惯非常重要。吃得好,就能保持身体健康。



这样我们就能享受健康人生。8. Planning a birthday party for my friendNext week is my friend's birthday. I and my classmates plan to held a birthday party for him. We decide to have the party at Mc Donald restaurant. We will buy a cake, some cookies and drinks to get ready for the party. The party will be very wonderful because we also prepare some games for fun. I hope my friend will like the party.为朋友筹备生日派对下星期是我朋友的生日。



我希望我的朋友会喜欢这个派对。9. Our class ruleThere are some rules in our class. Teacher sets the rules so that we can behave well in the class. First, we must not talking when teacher is teaching. Second, we must hand in our homework in time. Then, we also need to keep our classroom clean at all the time. Besides, we must respect our teachers and love our school.我们的班规我们的班上有一些班规。



另外,我们一定要尊敬老师们,并且爱护学校。10. A sick 。

大学英语四六级英语范文 第22篇

In this long journey we call life, everybody is in pursuit of happiness and has their own interpretation of happiness. An inspiring idea is that happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them, which reveals the very truth about happiness. It cannot be achieved through waiting, but only through striving.

There is no way that life always progresses as we wish. Problems may occur and we find ourselves in trouble, but it doesnt mean we are deprived of happiness. There are numerous examples for us to follow: disabled people overcoming obstacles, patients fighting against disease, poverty-stricken people achieving their dreams -- all these inspiring heroes. Their lives are definitely not problem-free, but they have found happiness by courageously solving problems.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第23篇


With the development of science and human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality .

Some of them have positive effects on our life, but some are distasteful .

The phenomenon of _______ (主题现象) is an example of the former / latter one .

There are many factors that may account for it, and the following are the most conspicuous aspects .

To start with, __________________ (原因1) .

Furthermore, ______________________ (原因2) .

Eventually, __________________________ (原因3) .

Good as ____________ (主题现象) is, it has, unfortunately, its disadvantages .

The apparent example is that ___________ (缺点例子1) .

In addition, ___________ (缺点例子2) .

On the whole, the phenomenon is one of the results of the progress of the modern society .

There is still a long way for us to improve / eliminate __________ (主题现象) and make our life more comfortable.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第24篇


Sports are flourishing in china now. More and more people are willing to take part in sports of different kinds, such as table-tennis, football, volleyball, and so on. Every year there are many matches played on the city, provincial or national level. Sports are no longer limited to a few professional players.

Early in the morning people may be seen doing exercise. Martial arts which formerly were cultivated for self-defense, now have become a form of physical exercise and are practiced in parks, streets, gardens, or on campuses. In addition young and old people are also often seen running in order to build up their bodies.

China promotes sports to enhance the physical condition of its people; she is formulating policies to provide encouragement of this activity. She awards prizes to the excellent players for the best records both in china and the world. In the world the Chinese have become a strong people instead of the weaklings of East Asia.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第25篇

As a famous saying goes,“Never go out there to see what happens,go out there to make something happen.” Simple as the sayingis,its meaning is profound and thought-provoking,which is meantto tell us that we aresupposed to be creative instead of acting as theonlooker.

Conspicuous are the impacts of being creative and I would like toexplore the following aspects. To begin with,it is to leading a team to makeconstant progress what water is to fish,which can be best illustrated by an example concerning an extraordinary basketball player,Yao Ming. Moreover,this kind of innovation also makes it possible for anation to promote its international statusand improve the comprehensive competitiveness.

From my perspective,keeping creative is so essential thatadequate importance must be attachedto it. Only when we literally realize the key roleit plays can we become better selves in theforeseeable future.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第26篇

In recent years, credit cards have gained more popularity among college students. With banks more focus on college market, an increasing number of college students have applied for a credit card and begun to consume by it.

The following three factors can account for the popularity of credit cards in college. Firstly, a credit card provides overdrawing service, which is a big attraction for those students who have no much money for their domination. Secondly, a credit card can help release financial burdens on those poor students, and hence reduce the risk of their dropping school for lacking money. Besides, many banks make some preferential policies on credit cards, like sending a gift, lowering year cost. Drawn by these policies, many college students apply for credit cards.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第27篇

Nowadays,it’s becoming a trend to pursue as many as possible certificates among colleges students in order to distinguish themselves in the fierce competitive job market.

However, the craze of obtaining various certificates caused many problems. For one thing, students prepare for those examinations either through years of arduous self-education or by spending large sums of money attending local training schools. For another, the publishing of examinations-related study materials and the training programs offered, both online and offline, have combined to form a sizable industry.

In my opinion,it's good for college students to have some certificates if they are sure what they would do in the future. In the meanwhile, we should focus on improving students’ ability but not on how many certificates they get. It’s the knowledge and ability they learned that contribute to work not just merely a certificate.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第28篇

As is known to all, the success of a person needs the right guidance and interest is undoubtedly the best teacher. Even Albert Einstein, the world-renowned physicist, said, “I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” So it is high time that people explore and cultivate their own interest.

Passionate curiosity can be developed in one’s childhood or in one’s sixties, but once it is ignited, it can change people’s way of study, work and living. On the one hand, interest makes one’s pursuit of knowledge successful and enjoyable. For instance, the pianist Langlang, who plays piano with great love, is awarded a lot of prizes at home and abroad. On the other hand, curiosity helps to resolve difficulties constantly. A worker with curiosity is more likely to dig into the essence of the problem and thus accomplish more creative tasks.

I would like to end up with the famous educator Herbert Spencer’s words which I can’t agree more, “If the interest and enthusiasm among us are cultivated smoothly in the first place, most people will become talents or geniuses.”

大学英语四六级英语范文 第29篇

As can be clearly seen from the cartoon, the mahjong pieces occupy most part of the desk, while a book, an exercise book and a pencil box lie at the corner. This picture vividly tells us how poor the condition is for the child to phenomenon gives rise to a lot of negative effects. In the first place, while the parents are playing mahjong, they make a lot of noise, which disturbs the child’s study.

In the second place, the child will have no place to study if his parents spend all day playing mahjong. However, time is crucial for him to acquire the knowledge, because practice makes perfect. Last but not least, the child will learn to play mahjong from his parents. Just as the old saying goes, _Like father, like son_, so the child will abandon his study and be a gambler like his as it seems, we can think of some measures to deal with the problem. To begin with, the government should make stricter rules to prohibit parents from playing mahjong. What’s more, the parents should give up playing mahjong for their child’s sake.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第30篇



1) Many nations have been faced with the problem of ...

2) Recently the problem has been brought into focus.

3) Recently the phenomenon has become a heated topic.

4) Recently the issue has aroused great concern among ...

5) Nowadays there is a growing concern over ...

6) Never in our history has the idea that ... been so popular.

7) Faced with ..., quite a few people argue that ...

8) According to a recent survey, ...

1) From what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that ...

2) It is high time that strict measures were taken to stop ...

3) It is necessary that steps should be taken to ...

4) In conclusion, it is imperative that ...

5) There is no easy method, but ...might be of some help.

6) To solve the above-mentioned problem, we must ...

7) In summary, if we continue to ignore the above-mentioned issue, more problems will crop up.

8) With the efforts of all parts concerned, the problem will be solved thoroughly.

9) We might do more than identify the cause it is important to take actions to ...

10) Taking all these into account, we ...

11) Whether it is good or not /positive or negative, one thing is certain/clear...


1)It is true that ..., but one vital point is being left out.

2) There is a grain of truth in these statements, but they ignore a more important fact.

3) Some people say ..., but it does not hold water.

4) Many of us have been under the illusion that...

5) A close examination would reveal how ridiculous the statement is.

6) It makes no sense to argue for ...

7) Too much stress placed on ... may lead to ...

8) Such a statement mainly rests on the assumption that ...

9) Contrary to what is widely accepted, I maintain that ...


advantage far outweigh the disadvantages.

advantages of A are much greater than those of B.

may be preferable to B, but A suffers from the disadvantages that...

is reasonable to maintain that ...but it would be foolish to claim that...

all the disadvantages, it has its compensating advantages.

anything else, it has its faults.

and B has several points in common.

bears some resemblances to B.

, the same is not applicable to B.

10. A and B differ in several ways.

11. Evidently, it has both negative and positive effects.

12. People used to think ..., but things are different now.

13. The same is true of B.

14. Wondering as A is ,it has its drawbacks.

15. It is true that A ... , but the chief faults (obvious defects )are ...


number of factors are accountable for this situation.

number of factors might contribute to (lead to )(account for ) the phenomenon(problem).

3. The answer to this problem involves many factors.

4. The phenomenon mainly stems from the fact that...

5. The factors that contribute to this situation include...

6. The change in ...largely results from the fact that...

7. We may blame ...,but the real causes are...

8. Part of the explanations for it is that ...

of the most common factors (causes ) is that ...

contributing factor (cause ) is ...

the primary factor is that

the fundamental cause is that ..

大学英语四六级英语范文 第31篇

It is universally acknowledged that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. To put in another word, it is wise for us to seize the moment and spare no efforts to finish the current task.

On the one hand, actions play a key role in the course of achieving goals. As a consequence, it is imperative that we should take prompt actions to accomplish a future aim. On the other hand, we are supposed to attach due importance to the efficiency, which exerts a critical impact on personal growth and future career. As a result, improving the efficiency is what we cannot neglect.

In a word, effective and efficient actions must be taken by every individual for the sake of achieving great dreams. If we can make progress little by little, the dream will come true in the near future.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第32篇


Currently, XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory ―― nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1). If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you. It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (4).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With reference to my standpoint, I think (7).









The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory ―― nothing is more valuable than self-confidence. It is clear that (self-confidence means trust in one's abilities). If you (are full of self-confidence, it will bring your creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything ). Failure will be following with you。It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismayed).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (the secret of MMe. Curie lies in perseverance and self-confidence, the latter in particular). It will exert a profound influence upon (the achievement of one's ambitions). With reference to my standpoint, I think (he that can have self-confidence can have what he will).


In recent years, XX has caused a heated debate on (1). The factors for (2).First of all, (3).

大学英语四六级英语范文 第33篇

Since the Chinese Government singled out family planning as one of the basic state policies in 1978,the country has adopted various measures and achieved great success in birth total birth rate has been decreasing gradually.

However,at present China's population is still growing very is reported that every year the population of this country increases by an extra 15 million and China is encountering a birth peak during the is abvious that China's economic development and improvement of people's living standards have been and will be greatly affected by the population.

Therefore,to control population growth more strictly is clearly essential to the country's reforms and economic should restress the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to make more effective actions

大学英语四六级英语范文 第34篇

1. Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress .


2. One can raedily trace the disappearance of dinosaurs to a major cataclysmic event .


3. The raesons for poverty are many , but for the most part center on illiteracy , the lack of opportunities and in some cases pure laziness .


4. Child development depends on a number of factors , both physical and psychological . Correct parental nurturing from infancy through adolescence determines both the physical and mental profile of a mature individual .


5. Factors such as self-condidence and ambition , combined with determination and willpower , contribute to eventual success or failure .


大学英语四六级英语范文 第35篇

In recent years with fast economic growth, many skyscrapers have appeared in big cities of China. People’s attitude towards the skyscrapers varies widely.

Some think of them as a sign of economic progress and a miracle of modern architecture. They also believe that building skyscrapers helps to solve the problem of the growing scarcity of land in the city, for they can obtain the maximum space per square meter of ground and meanwhile offer to the tenants offices and apartments that please them. Yet others, speak of the problems skyscrapers have brought. They complain that the monstrous edifices interfere with television reception, blot out the sun and create many dark sunless streets. Besides, excessively large masses of human beings working in a single gigantic building overburden public transportation. Lighting, heating, and air conditioning strain energy supplies, to the extent that skyscrapers become lavish consumers, and wasters, of electric power. Worst of all, their reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films raise the temperature of the surrounding air.

With these problems and the effect the skyscrapers has exerted on the environment, more and more people have begun to wonder whether skyscrapers are necessary or desirable.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第36篇

On Privacy of Famous People


2. 出现这种现象的原-因

3. 我的看法

On Privacy of Famous People

In recent years, many newspapers and magazines focus on the activities of film stars, pop singers and some other celebrities. Reporters disguise their identities, infiltrate the subject’s business and family, or even bug and wiretap them to get the news by whatever means.

It is not difficult to explain the reason for the reporters’ great interest in celebrities’ private lives. What matters to a newspaper or a magazine is the number of readers. A large readership means the rise in the circulation of their publications, hence a huge profit. Since celebrities are newsworthy figures, and their stories draw far more attention than those of ordinary people, it is natural that the press tries to feature private lives of celebrities.

In my view, famous people are also citizens. They have the right to keep their own privacy like ordinary people — their privacy should be respected, protected and guaranteed by laws under all circumstances. Therefore, the press should stop invading their privacy.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第37篇

A famous saying goes: “Seeing is believing.” indicating that what you hear may not be reliable, while what you see can be trustworthy. This opinion, however, is still quite partial.

What we see or hear are the facts, but they might be only part of the story, therefore a quick conclusion can be reckless and lead to unnecessary misunderstandings. For example, on a metro packed with passengers, some young people are sitting while an elderly is standing. If you don’t find out the whole story, you may jump to a conclusion that these young people are so rude and indifferent that they show no love and care to the elderly. But the true story may be that these young people have invited the old man to sit down before you came, even if they are quite exhausted after a whole day’s work, while the elderly is quite refreshed after a workout and he refused to take the seat so that the young passengers can have a rest.

In conclusion, before making a judgement, it is better to get to know the situation in a comprehensive way. Only in that case, can we reduce the risks of misunderstanding to the minimum.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第38篇


Dear _____________ ,

① I am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for _____________(感谢事由)。

② Id like you to know how much your meant to me. ③ You have a positive genius for_____________(对收信人某一方面的赞美).

④ I not only enjoyed _____________, but also_____________.

⑤ I shall ever remember _____________as one of the most _____________in my life.

⑥ I hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating(报答).

⑦ I will feel very honored and pleased if you _____________ (表达自己回报的心愿)。

⑧ I am looking forward to seeing you next time!

⑨ I repeat my thanks for your_____.

⑩ Please give my kind regards to your________.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming


Dear Mum and Dad

How are you doing? How time flies。I am now a senior three student ,enjoying many successes as well as going through a number of failures,which shows that I have really grown I am thinking of these,I cant help feeling grateful to is you who first give me encouragement when I meet with difficulties,especially when I am not getting along well with my my inspiration seems to be a lamp,which offers me light of hope,courage and more importantly,you are always teaching me to be good to others,and try to contribute to our society.

Yours sincerely,


Li Hua Dear Li Hai,

I had a very good holiday in your home this summer. During my stay at your home, you showed me around Beijing and your mother prepared very delicious food for me. I enjoyed myself very much. Thank you for all the things you had arranged for me. I hope you can come to visit my hometown some day. I am sure we will have a good time together. Do give my best regards to your parents.

Yours, Wang hua

大学英语四六级英语范文 第39篇

I am pleased to serve as your guide today.

This is the palace museum; also know as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved imperial residence in China today. Under Ming Emperor Yongle, construction began in 1406. It took 14years to build the Forbidden City. The first ruler who actually lived here was Ming Emperor Zhudi. For five centuries thereafter, it continued to be the residence of23 successive emperors until 1911 when Qing Emperor Puyi was forced to abdicate the throne .In 1987, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization recognized the Forbidden City was a world cultural legacy.

It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Zi Jin Cheng (Purple Forbidden City), got its name from astronomy folklore, The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan(North Star). The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence. In folklore, the term ”an eastern purple cloud is drifting” became a metaphor for auspicious events after a purple cloud was seen drifting eastward immediately before the arrival of an ancient philosopher, LaoZi, to the Hanghu Pass. Here, purple is associated with auspicious developments. The word jin (forbidden) is self-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-explanatory as the imperial palace was heavily guarded and off-limits to ordinary people.

The red and yellow used on the palace walls and roofs are also symbolic. Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth. Yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau, the original home of the Chinese people. Yellow became an imperial color during the Tang dynasty, when only members of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture.

The Forbidden City is rectangular in shape. It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meter wide from east west. It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters .A 52-meter-wide-moat encircles a —high wall which encloses the complex. Octagon —shaped turrets rest on the four corners of the wall. There are four entrances into the city: the Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate(Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate(Gate of military Prowess) to the north, and the Xihua Gate(Western Flowery Gate )to the west ,the Donghua (Eastern Flowery Gate) to the east.

Manpower and materials throughout the country were used to build the Forbidden City. A total of 230,000 artisans and one million laborers were employed. Marble was quarried from fangshan Country Mount Pan in Jixian County in Hebei Province. Granite was quarried in Quyang County in Hebei Province. Paving blocks were fired in kilns in Suzhou in southern China. Bricks and scarlet pigmentation used on the palatial walls came from linqing in Shandong Province .Timber was cut ,processed and hauled from the northwestern and southern regions.

The structure in front of us is the Meridian Gate. It is the main entrance to the forbidden City. It is also knows as Wufenglou(Five-Phoenix Tower). Ming emperors held lavish banquets here on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar year in hornor of their counties .They also used this place for punishing officals by flogging them with sticks.

Qing emperors used this building to announce the beginning of the new year. Qing Emperor Qianglong changed the original name of this announcement ceremony from ban li(announcement of calendar)to ban shou(announcement of new moon )to avoid coincidental association with another Emperor` s name, Hongli, which was considered a taboo at that time. Qing Dynasty emperors also used this place to hold audience and for other important ceremonies. For example,when the imperial army returned victoriously from the battlefield ,it was here that the Emperor presided over the ceremony to accept prisoners of war.

(After entering the Meridian Gate and standing in front of the Five Marble Bridges on Golden Water River)

Now we are inside the Forbidden we start our tour, I would like to briefly introduce you to the architectural patterns befour us .To complete this solemn, magnificent and palatial complex, a variety of buildings were arranged on a north-south axis, and 8-kilometer-long invisible line that has become an inseparable part of the City of Beijing. The Forbidden City covers roughly one –third of this central axis. Most of the important building in the Forbidden City weree arranged along this line. The design and arrangement of the palaces reflect the solemn dignity of the royal court and rigidly –stratified feudal system.

The Forbidden City is divided into an outer and an inner are now standing on the southernmost part of the outer count. In front of us lies the Gate of supreme Harmony .The gate is guarded by a pair of bronze lions ,symbolizing imperial power and dignity. The lions were the most exquisite and biggest of its kind. The one on the east playing with a ball is a male, and ball is said to represent state unity. The other one is a female. Underneath one of its fore claws is a cub that is considered to be a symbol of perpetual imperial succession. The winding brook before us is the Golden Water River. It functions both as decoration and fire control .The five bridges spanning the river represent the five virtues preached by Confucius :benevolence, righteousness, rites, intellence and fidelity. The river takes the shape of a bow and the north-south axis is its arrow. This was meant to show that the Emperors ruled the country on behalf of God.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第40篇

There are some individuals who argue that,compared to the environment protection,the top priority is supposed to given to economic development. They deem that environmental problems are inevitable and unavoidable in the process of economic development. They are only the by products of economic development,which can be handled later when we have the time and money.

However,other individuals hold different opinions that environment protection should be attached more importance than economic development in that present serious environmental problems will threaten the health of the residents and hinder the advance of the economy.

As far as I am concerned,environmental protection and economic development can coexist in parallel and can stay in harmony. Our ultimate aim in economic development is to provide a comfortable and happy life for our people. What is the point of economic development if we achieve it at the cost of our environment? There has been much evidence to prove that a balance between the two helps more rapid and continuous development of the society.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第41篇

There is a famous saying that the best preparation for tomorrow is to do good work today. Simple as the saying is,it informs us that one doesn’t need to worry about the future if he can seize the moment.

It is generally believed that taking immediate action is of great importance. Doing good work today enables people to achieve their great goals step by step. Assume a college student who is indulged in his wishful thinking of passing the CET-6 exam with a high score without any efforts and hardwork,and he will be devastated to accept the reality when he fails. The same thing may be said of some grown-ups who aspire to gain fame and fortune but never bother to put their splendid plans into practice immediately.

Therefore,by some means or other we must take action to pursue our goals. It is necessary for us to aim high but our behaviors should also deserve our dreams. We are supposed to put our efforts into every single day and never look down upon those little tasks. Only in this way can we fulfill our dreams.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第42篇

the flow of electricity through wires and cables from the main supply can be compared with the flow of water through pipes from a water tank.

when the tap is turned off, the water does not move, but when a tap is turned on the height of the water in the tank exerts pressure on the water in the pipes and forces it through the outlet. this water pressure is comparable with voltage in electricity. the rate of the water flow, similar to the flow of current, is controlled by two things: the pressure and the size of the outlet. for example, a very narrow spray allows less wager to flow than a wide pipe. similarly in electricity, a very thin wire restricts or resists the flow of current.

electricians measure this resistance in ohms and the flow of the current in amperes

大学英语四六级英语范文 第43篇

Directions: Write a letter of complaint according to the following situation: You bought an air conditioner in Sun Appliance and had it installed the other day, but you found that the fan made too much noise when the machine operated. You demand the store to send a representative to check it up.

Write your letter in no less than 150 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.

June 23, 2007

Dear Sir or Madam,

Im writing to lodge the complaint about the poor quality of an air conditioner that I purchased from Sun Appliance Company.

Frankly speaking, Sun Appliance has always been my favorite. On April 4, 2007, I bought the air conditioner (serial number 12345) from one of your chain store located in Lang Fang. The machine operated well at first, but ten days later, there was a fault that bothered me, that is, the fan made so much noise that I could not sleep well at night. Worse still, the cooling system didnt work well and the machine began to leak recently. Its poor quality ruined almost all my previous impression toward your products.

I strongly suggest that a repairman or a service engineer should be sent to my home without delay. I wonder if you could pinpoint the exact cause of the malfunction as soon as possible. If you cant, I am afraid that I will request for full amount of refund or a new air conditioner.

I would appreciate all your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions, please dont hesitate to contact me. Look forward to your reply.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第44篇

Directions: Write a letter of thanks according to the following situation. Once you were ill and were hospitalized for a few weeks in the Chaoyang Medical Center, Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. During your stay the entire staff were kind to you. When you came back home, you wrote them a letter of thanks.

Write your letter in no less than 150 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter; use Li Ming instead. You do not need to write the address.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第45篇



Currently, XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1). If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you. It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (4).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With reference to my standpoint, I think (7).









The importance of self-confidence Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than self-confidence. It is clear that (self-confidence means trust in one's abilities). If you (are full of self-confidence, it will bring your creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything ). Failure will be following with you。It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismayed).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (the secret of MMe. Curie lies in perseverance and self-confidence, the latter in particular). It will exert a profound influence upon (the achievement of one's ambitions). With reference to my standpoint, I think (he that can have self-confidence can have what he will).


In recent years, XX has caused a heated debate on (1). The factors for (2).First of all, (3).Then, there comes a case that (4). Moreover, (5). Especially when (6).Indeed, these unique points can be collected the remind people that (7).In this way, we should behave just like (8).


The impact of Television In recent years, with the development of science and technology, 80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV, offering as many as 50 channels. It has caused a heated debate on (the impact of television on children). Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children. The factors for (parents' worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it.).First of all, (with so many programs to choose from, children are not getting as much exercise as they should ).Then, there comes a case that (some studies have show that excessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school ). Moreover, (the effect on children's minds are more serious than the effect on children's bodies). Especially when (the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them).Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that (they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children's TV viewing).In this way, children will not be influenced too deeply.

本新闻共4页,当前在第1页  1  2  3  4

大学英语四六级英语范文 第46篇

Nowadays, Internet plays an important role in our daily life. (OR: the world has already entered the era of Internet.) Meanwhile, more and more people like chatting online with others. Like everything else, chatting online has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows.

First, by chatting online we can get friends all over the world. Besides, it can help us improve our English level when we chat with a foreigner. Most important of all, we can communicate with someone that we couldn’t contact in daily life.

But every coin has two sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. To begin with, we don’t know the real identity of the person we chat with. To make matters worse, chatting will waste much time. Worst of all, we may be in danger if we reveal our real identity to others who have bad intentions.

Now the conclusion is self-evident/apparent. The negative aspects outweigh the positive ones. Therefore, it should be noted that we must make good use of internet and should not waste time on chatting with strangers.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第47篇




2、练听力:听力在考试前一个月突击是没有什么太大的效果的。所以,在基础阶段时,要加大听力的练习。大家不需要特意去练习考试听力。可以从英语四六级论坛下载一些听力资料,也可以在线听。为大家准备了英语听写资料VOA, BBC, CNN新闻听力练习100篇,每天听一篇,相信大家在9月份开学时,会有很大的收获因为四六级的听力语速很慢每天只需要听一篇。但是一定要一边听一遍写,直到能把英语都写下来,无论听多少遍。这就需要大家在寒假有着执着的学习精神。












6、真题:模拟题实战训练。最后15天每天一套真题或模拟题。自己严格按照考试流程来,掐着时间做,做完后自己对照分数。英语四六级710分计算器cetcounter 。

大学英语四六级英语范文 第48篇

In recent years,to get a certificate Why does this craze appear?

To begin with,it is the employment pressure that forces college students to get more certificates. With the admission expansion of colleges,a lot more graduates have to face the fierce competition in the job market. How can one make himself more competitive? More certificates at hand,maybe. Furthermore,diploma and certificates are still vital standards by which a good many employers measure a person’s ability. In order to increase the qualifications for a job,the students compel themselves to run from one exam to another.

From my point of view,we should be more rational when it comes to certificates,since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certificates blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude,we should focus on improving our ability but not getting a certificate of no practical value.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第49篇

Apunctual person is in the habit of doing things at proper time in a planned way and is always keeping his appointment. He knows that if he wants to succeed in his work and society he must observe regular or appoinled time. The unpunctual mall, on the contrary, seldom does what he bas to do at the set time. If he has made an appointment with someone, he never cares about the appointed time and is likely to be late for half an hour.

Unpanetuality is very harmful. Friends sometimes grow cold to wards each other, or even become enemies, because one of them has been remiss in keeping appointmems. Imagine how it would be if those who are entrusted with important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time. A man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends, his classmates or colleagues.

There is a proverb which says, _There is a time for everything._ This is true. In fact time is life itself, and the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time and is no doubt fond of punctuality.

大学英语四六级英语范文 第50篇

Enhance Awareness to Guard against Campus Thefts.

“If you don’t want to wake up and find you have no pants to wear, you’d better put them on in sleep,” goes a popular joke among students. Obviously, campus thefts have become increasingly annoying as they occur far more often than before. And it seems that the thieves are less choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, purses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and even underwear. In short, anything that worth a dime is likely to be stolen.

What makes students the easy targets? The reasons are not hard to find. But I believe of all these reasons, the lack of anti-theft alertness is the most important. For lack of alertness, the students tend to leave the doors and windows wide open during sleep at noon or at night in summer. For the same reason, they’ll also leave their bikes unlocked before a store or by a road, or forget to take away their personal stuff before they go out of the classroom to make a phone call. These acts undoubtedly have increased their exposure to the light-fingered monsters.

In order to minimize possible losses, the students must stay on guard in the first place, as awareness of the thefts around often makes a big difference. To be more specific, the students should not hide any tempting amount of cash in the dorm. Put it in the bank instead. Besides, do not leave any valuable items unattended. Take them wherever you go. In addition, it’s advisable to develop a neighbourhood watch programme with other students in the dorm and neighbouring dorms.




