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英语辞职信模板及范文 第1篇











Dear leader


I came to work at our convenience store in August, and now its December. These four months have made me feel the hardships of the retail industry and given me some new ideas for my future. So after repeated struggles, I chose to resign. The main reason for resigning this time is because I have figured out what I really need. I am also more stable than before, so after repeated struggles, I still made this choice. I will not regret it, and I hope you can achieve it. Thank you!

I used to be a very stubborn and rigid person, and I couldnt accept night shifts, but I still did this job. Since entering this position, I have come to understand that every job is not so easy to do. Sometimes, only by allowing ourselves to change can we improve our environment and achieve some real growth. This is an inevitable thing. I will always firmly believe in this principle, allowing myself to constantly strive, move forward, change, and grow.

I am still quite young now, in my twenties and fours. I first chose the retail industry because I was more interested in it. I want to learn and exercise more while I am still young. Although I am a girl, I should be able to do my job well. Previously, I couldnt accept staying up late because my skin was poor. Although I worked as a salesperson, I didnt want to encounter any trouble because of this. However, to exercise myself, I inevitably had to go through some unavoidable things. So I still persevered, but until now, I feel like I cant hold on anymore. Although I am already familiar with this environment, in fact, for me, life still requires passion and desire. I want to change myself, change my current life, and also change my low state.

The job at a convenience store is not very tiring, but it can also be quite tedious and complex. Sometimes, I may encounter unexpected events, and I may feel panicked and at a loss. However, gradually, I still grew up. I began to understand how to handle these things time and time again, and how to arrange my time and life. I am still growing and moving forward with my goals. Now, unfortunately, my goal has changed direction, and I believe it is also a good goal, and I look forward to this future.

I am very grateful to my store manager. You have had a great impact on me and have given me a lot of substantive encouragement and support. I really appreciate your support and I think I will continue to work harder. No matter what setbacks and difficulties you may encounter in the future, I will always remember your advice and continue to move forward.





英语辞职信模板及范文 第2篇


您们好! 首先向您们说声抱歉,我辜负了您们对我的期望,今天写信是向您们提出辞职的。








Dear school leaders

Hello everyone! First of all, I apologize to you for not living up to your expectations of me. I am writing today to resign from you.

Since I arrived five years ago, I have been receiving various tips and help from you. Its not just a simple _thank you_ thats enough, but I still want to solemnly say to you, _Thank you! Thank you for letting me grow up happily and happily! I really enjoyed working in this big family, and its already been my fifth year without realizing it. Sincerely thank you!_ I remember that I only graduated from university six months ago, Suddenly, I transformed from a student into a glorious peoples teacher, and I am both familiar and unfamiliar with the profession of teaching. When I first came to school, I didnt understand anything and had very little courage. It was under your leadership that I adapted to the environment, understood the basic situation of the school, and put my work on track.

During these five years of work, due to factors such as personality and work experience, I may have caused a lot of trouble to you and the school. I deeply apologize for this!.

In these five years of teaching life, I have truly felt the bits and pieces of education, although it is hard, it is also sweet. Although I have not achieved great success in teaching, I can still say that I have a clear conscience. Because I really insist on _giving students more love and being more sincere about education!_ But now due to family reasons, I need to change my workplace, so please understand! I am submitting the reason for my resignation. Please review it carefully.

I also appreciate your trust and support during my tenure, and wish all the leaders and colleagues of the school greater success in their future work. Wishing you all the best!





英语辞职信模板及范文 第3篇










Dear school leaders


With the ideal of dedicating ones youth to the education cause of our country and infinite admiration for the most glorious profession under the sun, we joined this warm and united collective of xx 20 xx years ago. In a blink of an eye, my xx Teachers Day has already passed.

Looking back on my journey back, every achievement and joy I have achieved are filled with your care and trust in me, as well as the help and love from my colleagues. It is precisely because of your care and trust, as well as the help and love of colleagues, that I have grown and matured happily in this beautiful family full of warmth and love in XX.

Recently, due to my development needs and personal reasons, after a long time of reflection, I have had to make the decision to resign from my course teaching role and leave xx school. Therefore, I solemnly submit my resignation to the leadership. Thank you very much for your concern and understanding. In the following working hours, I will continue to work diligently, assist in the handover of related work, and stand in the last position.

I believe that I deeply love xx, and under your wise leadership, we will be able to set one brilliant milestone after another. Blessing xx!





英语辞职信模板及范文 第4篇










Dear leader


Hello! First of all, thank you very much for your trust and care over the past year.

During this period, I have carefully reviewed my work situation over the past year and feel that working at xx is my luck. I have always cherished the job of after-sales customer service. Over the past year, the company leaders have shown me care and guidance, and my colleagues have been immensely grateful for their help. During my more than a year of working in the company, I have learned a lot, both in terms of professional skills and personal development. I am grateful to the company leaders for their care and cultivation of me. I can only express my deep apologies for leaving at this moment. I am very grateful to the company for providing me with such a job and training opportunity. But at the same time, I realized that my interest in working in the customer service industry has also declined. I dont want to work with this kind of emotion, Im sorry for you and Im sorry for myself. Its really time to change my career. At this moment, theres an opportunity and I plan to give it a try, so Ive decided to resign. Please support me.

Please forgive my decision and the temporary departure I took. I hope we can have another opportunity to work together. I will leave the company xx weeks after submitting my resignation report in order to complete the handover of work.

In just one year, our company has undergone tremendous and gratifying changes, and I regret not being able to contribute my own efforts to the brilliant future of the company. I can only sincerely wish the companys performance to soar all the way! The company leaders and colleagues are working smoothly!





英语辞职信模板及范文 第5篇









Dear leader


I am very grateful for your care, guidance, and assistance in my work during this period, which has enabled me to grow into a qualified customer service personnel day by day. I am also fortunate to be able to work at the company, meet you, and meet other colleagues. Every day I work here, I am very happy. The company is also very good to our employees, and the benefits and benefits are unmatched by many companies. But due to some personal reasons, I am unable to continue working in the company. Therefore, after considering for a long time, I submit my resignation to you and hope you can agree. I am actually reluctant to leave the company, our loving family, colleagues, and you. But theres no way, I have to choose to leave.

My position is customer service, which is a seemingly simple but difficult job. Our main task is to communicate with customers, introduce our products to them, answer their questions about our products, and meet their needs as much as possible. Our work is very important and relates to customers impression of our company. Therefore, when communicating with customers, we should use the most enthusiastic tone and language to communicate with them, so that they feel our emotions and are willing to purchase our products. Before answering customers questions, we must understand all the products of the company ourselves, because we cannot know in advance which product the customer wants to know, nor do we know which point the customer has questions about the product. If we cannot answer the questions when answering, the customer will feel that we are unreliable, do not trust us, and may not purchase our products. We must make customers feel that we are professional, so that they have the intention to purchase. Sometimes we also encounter difficult customers, and we should not let our emotions affect our work. No matter what kind of customers we are facing, we should communicate with a positive and enthusiastic tone.

During my time working in the company, my performance has been quite good and I have not made any serious mistakes. I want to resign this time because of my personal reasons, and I may not be able to work with peace of mind afterwards. So I think its better to resign rather than affecting the quality of my work due to personal reasons. I am very grateful for your care of me. I have never despised me. If I make a mistake, you will also tell me what I should do in the future. I will always remember your kindness to me and hope to have another chance to see you again in the future. I am also very grateful to my colleagues for their care and concern, which I have always remembered. I hope that your work and that of other colleagues will become more and more smooth, that the performance of our team will become better and better, and that the scale of the Hope Motor Company will become larger and larger!





英语辞职信模板及范文 第6篇













Dear leader


I am a tallyman and I am applying to resign due to physical reasons. I have been working as a tallyman for five years and have been working steadily. If it werent for a car accident, I wouldnt have chosen to resign. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused the store. As a tallyman, I mainly repeat five tasks every day:

1. Proficient in mastering the performance, purpose, and usage of the products operated in this position.

2. Regularly record the shortage of goods operated and develop a replenishment plan.

3. Products and shelves must be cleaned every 5-7 days, and floor utensils must be cleaned once a day.

4. Conduct market research, grasp consumer needs, promptly report to supervisors, and develop new product purchase and sales plans.

5. The display of commodities must be based on the characteristics of seasonal commodities, promotional commodities, best-selling commodities, and Gross margin, and adopt effective and reasonable display methods and the principle of multi commodity display.

Although the work may be dull and boring, I have already adapted to it. Thank you to the supervisor for all these years of care and care for me. Finally, I wish the store a prosperous business and all colleagues good health.





英语辞职信模板及范文 第7篇


Company Name or Letterhead


City, State Zip




City, State Zip


Effective October 1, I will assume the position of director of human resources for XXX, Inc., in Baton Rouge. Therefore, please accept my resignation as benefits and compensation coordinator of the Human Resources Department within AAA Associates, effective September 30.

The decision was a difficult one for me BECause I have so enjoyed my working relationships here. The job description has given me GREat latitude in assisting other coordinators within the human resource area, and as a result, I’ve gained skills in several related fields. These cross-training opportunities have been invaluable, and in a much more formal, classroom setting, I’ve been able to take advantage of classes in management, interpersonal skills, writing, and oral presentations. All of this training has been a worthwhile effort for both AAA (company) and me.

As I go to the new position, I’ll do so with the utmost respect for the management examples and philosophies learned here and with gratitude for the personal attention to my career growth.

Thank you for the rewarding experience I’ve enjoyed during my seven-year association with the organization.


英语辞职信模板及范文 第8篇










Dear leader


I am xxx, and I have been at xx Hospital for a year now. I am still very happy to integrate into this collective. I think this is very precious. This time, I have come to resign and have to leave here. Although I dont really want to leave, the beautiful year is so fast. I remember when I arrived at our hospital, I was just graduating and lacked practical skills. I was so excited to rush to work, The year here is indeed very fulfilling. When I came to work here, I thought that there must be a lot of work waiting for me. I am very happy that everything here has been so smooth, at least for a year here, I have been very smooth. I am optimistic about the work, but for some reasons, I have to resign from you.

Before coming here, I didnt consider some factors. There were no friends here, and it was still quite far from home. At that time, I came here to work and felt good. This was not a problem, but it took me time to adapt to this new environment. I was still able to accept it. After coming here for a year, my life has changed, which made me think about those issues. I have fewer friends around me, Because I have been lacking in communication for a year, it is difficult for me to keep in touch with some of my previous friends in such a unfamiliar environment. I also realize that work is busy and I need to have determination. However, after a year, I still havent adapted to it. It feels like being alone here, which makes me very uncomfortable.

Another thing is that I am far from home. Before I came here, I thought I could find time to go home. However, my actual work tells me that I still dont have time. I spend all my time on work, and I havent had any time for a year because being far from home makes me feel inconvenient. My family is also talking about me, asking me to consider changing my environment. In fact, I have been thinking about this matter, I think of the situation over the past year and I still think I should resign. After all, my circle is not here, and when working, I should also consider life and my work environment. This deeply affects my environment, and I have to consider it. I have also thought a lot, because I am not in a very good state, so I still decided to resign.

Because I increasingly feel that I lack motivation, its irresponsible. Without motivation, I can easily make mistakes in my work. I dont want to see myself making mistakes, and I definitely dont want to. The next life will be long, and life also requires me to treat it with care. Although I have to resign and leave, this longing for work will not decrease. I will treat my work well, The spirit of hard work and hard work in our hospital will never be forgotten when I resign this time. In the future, more people will come to the hospital to learn this spirit, and I will be happy to be here every day. The only thing left is for me to cherish myself. Please approve my resignation from the leadership!





英语辞职信模板及范文 第9篇









Dear leader


Thank you very much for the trust and care that the supermarket has always shown me, and for providing me with a platform to leverage my personal strengths. During my four years working in the supermarket, my leaders have also given me a lot of cultivation, which has taught me a lot and made me progress. At the same time, I have also seen the cruelty and ruthlessness of social competition. But because I couldnt get what I wanted in the supermarket, both mentally and materially. During this period, my mood has been quite suppressed, and the pressure from various aspects has made me gasp for breath. As a supermarket manager, my enthusiasm has gradually faded. I dont want to work with this kind of emotion, as it will only cause me to feel sorry for the supermarket and myself. Moreover, I deeply feel that my abilities are limited, unable to meet the requirements of the supermarket, and my abilities are not enough in all aspects of the supermarkets needs. So, I am resigning from the supermarket and hope the supermarket can understand.

I will complete the final work diligently and responsibly during the final period, marking a complete stop. After leaving my job, I will never do anything that would harm the interests of the supermarket, nor will I disclose the internal situation of the supermarket to the public. I sincerely wish the supermarket every success and prosperity in its future development journey! Supermarket leaders and colleagues are working smoothly!

Please review and approve by all leaders of the supermarket!





英语辞职信模板及范文 第10篇








英语辞职信模板及范文 第11篇

dear wang:


from november to the first interview now, i work in an instant the great wall of life for nearly two years, when i got the heavy hand of 3-year contract, the mood is very complex. i choose not to renew muster a lot of courage and determination.

i still remember the look with confidence to the interview, still remember to give me an interview small total, total forest, jiaozhu ren warm smile, even remember the bad sense of direction, i rush to catch a shuttle kind of embarrassed at 105 butler bridge, really the vivid. wang, you remember? our dinner in the small dining room inside, you let these new college students per contract dish, we eat together, laugh together, talk together to talk about the idea of learning to work and the attitude towards life. i think this is what i want to come to the place.

time really flies. take a look at the company on the wall depicting vivid photos and see for yourself camera records scenes corporate events, how much i desperately integrate into the community. from the office to the documents to the finance ministry, under the busy upstairs every day, pass by colleagues, i called out the names of each of them, so real and intimate, i use best efforts to do their work and assist others the work. i remember every night overtime, and colleagues waiting for guests to reply, hoping to win orders; remember i racked my brain comedy show on expanding training programs so that everyone tears laughing out; i remember staying up late writing year-end party lines weekend rehearsal with everyone, is certainly hard work and sweat; remember my passion lofty shouting sea enterprise wall, united until his throat was unable to say anything; i remember kneeling on the ground that we posted a variety of photos, each issue of making our poster; i remember a question the teacher lectures on lin weixian jizhongshengzhi scene i think, actually got so much appreciation ...... maybe im not the best people, but i really have been working hard.

there are too many things that we have experienced together, each segment for us, have many memories; there are too many thank to say, without you i am not the first one flew over the bridge, without you im not so much the passion to release, it will not grow so much. and we say goodbye is not an easy thing to do, i do not even dare to look at your eyes, and you are important to me is very important, i am very concerned about each one, our team is very good very good. but leave, i have to do is choose.

economic seminars, consulting companies, one being a reform of our company, i saw a company to do everything; i have to do everything possible to actively participate. change is not easy, as the course rome was not built in a day, requires a cumulative, long-term trend continues, i firmly believe that our company will be a good long-term, i believe our team and leadership. i saw human resources, employee benefits are many ways on track, really happy for everyone. able to work in such an atmosphere overseas group, for any trade term trade based on people it is a very honorable thing. i am still very grateful to the company had selected me and gave me the opportunity to exercise.

im a stick man. i stepped into the door from school, i told myself in the future to become a good foreign trade salesman, into the company from the very first day i wanted to be the endeavor of the salesman, i think any of the other activities, halo, honor all but more rewarding than doing business come. but very unfortunately, two years, despite my best efforts, but did not bring much help to enhance the sectors performance. adjust the overall decline this year and the countrys foreign trade policy does make me worry about their future, and even questioned once the choice, i would like to find a suitable platform and the future direction of advance is my most important thing.

i have said that life is like a race, i do not want to stop. it was also said that the opportunity is left to prepare people. when i want to seize my chance when i was young, i had the opportunity to choose, even if i can afford the time to fail, give yourself a new chance to try.

thank you for your willingness to retain me, if you think so. i will retain you as my greatest encouragement, firm go; i thank you still think im a person can be cultivated, thank you saw and recognized me in the company every day, every activity efforts.

i think when i was young, energetic, passionate and motivated is still time to take the initiative to choose a new life. in fact, the road ahead, i do not know, but for myself, i am confident.

come , the great wall enterprise sea refueling, refueling jennifer!


want to expand my horizons.


made a tough decision, sir. Here is my resignation.


quit because I dont want to be stuck in a rut. I want to move on.


of all, Id like to say that Ive really enjoyed working with you. However, I think its about time for me to leave.


been trying, but I dont think Im up to this job.


been here for too long. I want to change my environment.


sorry to bring up my resignation at this moment, but Ive decided to study abroad.


be honest, Ive got a better offer.


running out of steam. I need to take a break.


quitting because I want to try something different.


英语辞职信模板及范文 第12篇















Dear leader


I am xxx, a nurse in the xx department. Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to review my resignation letter. I apologize for the inconvenience caused by my decision to quit this job.

I considered my decision to resign for a long time, hesitated for a long time, and finally made up my mind not long ago. With an indescribable complexity, I wrote this resignation letter. I know that with my perseverance after graduation, I came to xx Hospital. During this long and warm work experience, I have gradually developed a strong affection for xx Hospital. I have ten thousand regrets about my beloved xx position.

However, now I am also very clear and aware that my situation makes it unsuitable for me to continue working here. This is not only a change in form, but also some expectations from my family and myself.

Nursing work is very busy, and sometimes even during holidays, we cant get busy. You are also aware of this. Although I have the intention to continue dedicating my warmth and care to my work, after taking care of so many patients, I am always concerned about my parents in my life. Because I was young at the time, I chose to work in a distant place, but now, with busy work, I dont even have time to meet my parents on weekdays. In recent years, as my parents get older, I have less time to communicate with them. I am aware that although I have been conscientious in my job as a nurse, I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a child in taking care of my parents. I feel ashamed and regretful.

Recently, I have learned that my parents lives have become somewhat inconvenient. I am eager to go back, but I cannot get away from work. I realize that this is not possible, and it is an inappropriate result for my parents. Therefore, I am determined to resign from this job and hope to take this opportunity to return to my hometown for development and take care of my parents.

Im sorry that I chose to leave and pushed the trouble of my work onto everyone. But I also hope you can understand that there are always too many helplessness in life, especially when it comes to close relatives, there is no room for choice.

Considering my own situation and the hospitals situation, I have chosen to resign in the near future and in the final month, I hope to transfer my work tasks well, so that I can handle all my problems in the hospital comprehensively and leave without any worries. For this, I hope you can take the trouble to arrange. I will strive to do a good job in the final period of time, and conscientiously do my own tasks!

Sorry for not being able to continue serving patients at xx Hospital, but I will not forget my original intention to choose the nursing path. No matter where I go, I will become a nurse. I am proud to have been a nurse at xx Hospital!

Finally, I would like to wish all of you at xx Hospital a smooth work, and the patients can recover as soon as possible, safe and healthy!



Resignation applicant:


英语辞职信模板及范文 第13篇











Dear Principal

Hello, I have been working in your kindergarten for two years, and during these two years, I have learned a lot. Both in terms of class leadership and teaching, great progress has been made, all of which are the results of the careful guidance of the leaders and the care of the teachers. I express my sincere gratitude for this.

I remember when I first came to kindergarten, I didnt have any experience or ability to lead the class. It was all under the patient guidance of my class teacher and principal that I gradually made progress. Perhaps I have experienced many difficulties, but I will strive to overcome them.

When I first took over the new class, I was really at a loss. Even the children in the small class didnt listen to me and loved crying, so I had no way to start. Thanks to the diligent guidance of the principal, I have learned a lot of knowledge and principles from it. These are things that cannot be learned from outside. Sometimes, I also make mistakes and receive criticism from the principal. However, I am grateful to you from the bottom of my heart that you have taught me a lot of things and principles.

Now, due to the expiration of the contract period and my throat problem, it has been unresolved for several months. This has made me determined to resign from my current job. I must take care of my throat and then start over. I hope you can understand, please approve.

Thank you to the principal, all the teachers and colleagues. Thank you to the kindergarten for bringing me so much joy and providing me with such a good development platform. I believe that no matter where you are, you are my most beautiful memories.

Here, I wish your kindergarten every success and great success.





英语辞职信模板及范文 第14篇




一旦你投入到一份新工作中,这意味着你的.生活将发生新的变化。当然,我认为在XXX工作对我来说是一种全新的生活方式(公司名), 与我最初的生活相比有很多明显的不同,我仍然对这两年我个人生活中发生的这些变化感到惊讶。也许这些仍然会在我未来的生活中留下一个标记。





Dear All:

Now it is time for me to say Bye to everyone of you for being co-working in the last more than two years.

Here, Id express my sincere thanks to you for the demonstration of team work spirit , and your professional technical/ Management skill and experience really impressed me deeply.

Once you plunging into a new job, that means a new change will happen in your life. Surely, I think it s a totally new life-style for me to work in XXX(公司名), there have abounds of definite difference compared with my originals, I am still astonished these changes in my personal life happened in this two years. Maybe these will still keep a marked sign in my future life.

Good Luck...





英语辞职信模板及范文 第15篇


I am writing to inform you about my decision of resignation. I have enjoyed working with you and the staff in our in the past few years. However, I find it is inappropriate for me to take the position as ____________(接职务,如an editor)for the following reasons.

First and foremost, _____________________. (第一个原因) Besides, _____________________.(第二个原因) Most importantly, _____________________.(第三个原因)

Thank you for your caring in these several years’ working. I am deeply sorry for any inconvenience my leaving may cause.


Yours sincerely,

Li Ming




