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英语总结范文 第1篇



英语总结范文 第2篇

Time flies by quickly, and in the blink of an eye, half of my beautiful and fulfilling winter vacation life has passed. In this short holiday of only a few days, I was happy - because my brother and I went back to our hometown together for the Spring Festival, but also very busy - because we had to learn to finish our homework.

Not long after returning home, we started a big cleaning and kept the clean and tidy side for the Chinese New Year. We take action as soon as we speak. I first carefully wiped the glass with a newspaper, and then my younger brother brought in a _good helper_ to clean it up. Wet the two sponges inside, put the _clean_ half inside and the other half outside, pass it to me, and press it tightly against the glass. _Pa_ suck the glue and I use a thread to hold the outer half, then move it up and down in sequence. I cleaned five windows in one breath, and the ones I cleaned were extremely clean. Even when my dad was looking outside, he bumped into a bag. We were so busy in the morning that our backs were sore. In order to reward our dad, we made a big table of dishes. After eating and drinking, we stopped idle and started doing winter homework. After a whole afternoon of hard work, I did a lot of homework. This makes me feel that winter vacation is really fun!

Although there are still a few days before the Chinese New Year, our hearts that look forward to setting off fireworks have already been pounding wildly. Grandpa prepared fireworks and firecrackers for us, and grandma prepared delicious food and drinks for us early on. Grandma decided to start making dumplings together tonight. I, mom, grandma make dumplings together, dad, and brother roll out dumpling skins together. We couldnt wait to wrap it up, and in no time, we made quite a few dumplings. Although Grandpa doesnt pack, he looks at us happily. After Grandma cooked the water, the plump dumplings were put into the pot one by one. After cooking, we happily eat, for some reason, everyone eats more than usual.

This is my winter vacation life, both happy and busy. I hope my next winter vacation will still be so happy. And I hope my new semester will be smooth sailing and successful in my studies.





英语总结范文 第3篇



英语总结范文 第4篇

On the first day of winter vacation, I get up in the morning opened the door a look, oh. Its snowing. I hurriedly dressed out make a snowman snowball fights is a play a lunch.

In the afternoon, my father and I go to the park to play in the park I saw the flowers withered can almost chrysanthemum is another more luxuriant scene and it always open.

Today I also have a harvest when I know the chrysanthemum is face cream take cold open bright and beautiful scenery.

There were so many harvest today!





英语总结范文 第5篇



1 、简单原则




Eg. I’m not myself today.我今天心神不宁。

I’ll walk you to the door.我送你到门口。

I mean what I say. 我说话算数,


2、 量的原则


3 、重复原则

Repetition is the mother of skills(重复是技能之母)


英语总结范文 第6篇

I like winter holiday very much, although it’s very short. The Spring Festival is interesting. I have many things to eat and I will have new clothes. Besides, I can watch TV.

I like cartoons. They are so interesting that I can watch them all the day. I have a new computer, so I can play games with my father. He promised to teach me. I will visit my relatives during the Spring Festival and I can get lucky money. Therefore, I can buy something I like.

I have many to buy. Winter holiday is wonderful.




英语总结范文 第7篇












英语总结范文 第8篇







English learning summary I learned a lot from the course of Materials Science and Engineering English in my junior is our first professional English class, compared with other professional classes, it has its unique think this course will play a great role in the future study and postgraduate examination of our related nine weeks of study, I learned and mastered a lot of technical terms that I didn't know before, thanks to the warm explanation of learned a lot of materials, such as nanomaterials, nanomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers and semiconductors, and we learned about some of the properties of these materials(physical, chemical, thermal, electro-optic, magnetic).Sound etc., structure and application in daily addition, the teacher also explained some writing methods and skills about English papers, so as to facilitate our later study and post-graduate the end of this course, I would like to express my gratitude to my teacher and hope that I will have a better understanding and enrichment of the course in the future.译文2: I learned a lot from the “Professional English for Materials Science and Engineering” course offered in the junior benefited a is the first professional English class that our professional with other professional courses, it has its unique think this course will play a big role in the study and postgraduate study of our related majors in the the nine-week study period, under the enthusiasm of Du Fu's teacher, I learned and mastered a lot of previously unknown subject have studied a wide range of materials, such as nanomaterials, nanobiomaterials, metals, ceramics, polymers, and semiconductor materials;we also learned about some properties of these materials(physical, chemical, thermal, electro-optical, magnetic, acoustic, etc.)Structure and application in daily addition, the teacher also supplemented some of the writing methods and techniques for English papers to facilitate our later study and postgraduate the end of this course, I would like to express my gratitude to the also hope that I can have a better understanding and enrichment of this course in the future.











三、培训后的收获 为以后的教学搭建了交流的平台

英语总结范文 第9篇





3.最后,在2011职称英语考试中,阅读理解部分还是考察重点,一共有3篇文章。这些文章内容还是比较贴近社会热点话题,以及最新科技发展。卫生类的文章专业化比较强;综合类更加侧重社会一直关注的问题,例如流行性感冒。理工类考察的专业性减弱,相对来说增强了对社会热点话题的`关注。总体来说,2011职称英语还是以社会热点为重点。于此同时,也需要大家注意一下,在社会热点当中,有关青少年的文章尤为突出。在职称英语初期资料“职称英语考试指定教材出炉,新增文章进一步贴近生活,关注社会热点”中,我们总结出“20教材新增文章变化的另一特点就是,三个类型都新增了有关青少年的文章。”果不其然,2011年新增的有关青少年的文章都考到了,分别是:综合类Excessive Demands on Young People;理工类Smoking Can Increase Depressive Symptoms in Teens和Young Adults Who Exercise Get Higher IQ Scores;卫生类Preventing Child Maltreatment.从以上分析中,我们可以看出,青少年问题已经成为社会备受关注问题,请广大考生提起注意和重视。


更多内容:职称英语学习窍门         职称英语高频词汇

英语总结范文 第10篇

One day in a winter vacation, I and my grandma to the fruit stand to buy fruit. Came to a fruit stand, while grandma and selling fruit machine of bargaining, I look east, west to see see. Suddenly, I made the rim now has a basket of yellow pear, the seller is a young girl, and he was wearing cloth cotton-padded clothes, seems to be a simple peasant girl.

Coming at this time, as the bustling crowd, a painted with the rouge lipstick, middle-aged women, also took a four or five years old girl. They come to pear stand, the middle-aged woman asked: _how much a kilo here? Sweet not sweet?_ _One yuan and fifty cents a catty, very sweet._ _Hum! I try._ The pick and choose among the women finally picked a big, yellow pear, with a handkerchief wiped, just eat it. _Mom, I also want to!_ The kid lifted her childish face, chubby little hands. A child could taste what flavor? That being said, the woman still pick out a big pear gave the little girl.

Middle-aged women finished eating pears, wipes her mouth, said: _not sweet, not to buy!_ She took the little girl was walking, the little girl cried: _sweet! Sweet, pears are nice, not acid, mother love lie._ All of a sudden very angry, the woman was the long face, _pa_ a slap at the little girls face, _wow..._ The little girl began to cry, cry also while Shouting: _mother love deceive people, mother love for petty gains._ The woman has a little girl, at this time, the rural girl hurriedly come forward to stop her, took a few pears from basket to the little girl, then dont look at the woman and pushed up the car and go to another to sell the pears. The woman in people buzzed, stay there dont know what to do

Seeing this, my mind left two, one is so tall, one is so small.





英语总结范文 第11篇

The gardner's dog fell into a deep well, from which his master used to draw water for the plants in his garden with a rope and a bucket. Failing to get the dog out by means of these, the gardener went down into the well himself in order to fetch him up. But he dog thought he had come to make sure of drowning him; so he bit his master as soon as be came within reach, and hurt him a good deal, with the result that he left the dog to his fate and climbed out of the well, remarking, “It serves me quite right for trying to save so determined a suicide.”

英语总结范文 第12篇

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, a month of winter vacation has come to an end. In summary, I have really learned a lot during this winter vacation.

During the winter vacation, I make good use of every day to enrich myself, spending my winter vacation life through various means such as reading books, magazines, and surfing the internet. Of course, the most meaningful thing is to learn about Chinas New Year culture. China is a civilized country with a long history. Before the Chinese New Year, we never thought about getting to know it more deeply.

In the past, we only spent time visiting relatives and friends, but this year there has been a significant change in the format. People dont just stay at home, but invite a few friends to go out and play. Speaking of this, I am particularly impressed because I also went out to play with a few good friends this year. It felt really comfortable, much better than visiting relatives and friends during the Chinese New Year before, and it was also very simple and convenient.

In short, I have gained a lot during this winter vacation. Have you summarized your winter vacation and learned anything?




英语总结范文 第13篇

The winter vacation is coming to an end, and the new semester is about to begin. Its time for me to write a winter vacation summary. My sixth grade life is about to start again. Looking back at this colorful winter vacation, there were many interesting and happy gains, and my mood is incredibly happy.

I completed many tasks as planned during this winter vacation, but my biggest takeaway was learning how to cook. Cooking is not easy, different dishes have different methods. When I first started learning how to cook, I couldnt even stir fry an egg well, but it was what I usually thought was the simplest dish. However, after a summer of practice, my cooking skills have greatly improved and I can now make some simple meals.

I have also made some breakthroughs in my studies during this winter vacation. In terms of mathematics, I also followed a friends advice and did some math problems every day to make my brain more and more flexible, so that mathematics no longer became my biggest challenge! Moreover, during this holiday, I also learned to write essays on topics such as poetry, poetry, fairy tales, and so on. I also prepared to preview the text from the sixth grade Chinese textbook. I believe that my efforts will not be in vain, and I will definitely succeed!

During the winter vacation, my uncle took me hiking and made me understand that anything you do, as long as you persist, you can definitely reach the other side of success; I suffered from diarrhea due to my gluttony, which made me feel uncomfortable. It taught me that we should not overeat anything, otherwise it would be your own misfortune; The teachers misunderstanding, my fathers words, I have come to understand a truth: no matter what, you should treat it with a good attitude. The teachers misunderstanding is a stumbling block on your life path. If you cant cross it, you will always be stagnant, but if you cross it, your life path will become wider and brighter! I gained a lot during this winter vacation, learned a lot, and also grew a lot.





英语总结范文 第14篇








英语总结范文 第15篇

Hectic for a semester, the long-awaited winter has finally arrived. At the moment, our children can all distress and sorrow all unhappy things behind to go to, let the joy with us the whole holiday!

Winter vacation, a make us yearning, looking forward to the holidays, a make us happy holiday. We could have a relaxed holiday, a holiday can enrich our lives.

At ordinary times is very busy, rarely have a rest time, but I cant live too irregular - 11, didnt go to bed at 2 o clock at night, didnt get up in the morning the sun high, that not only does no good to the body, but also have no spirit, the second day after the holiday will not become a _panda_ no? So it is important to note that regularly, vacation rest, to think of your body! And early to rise body good! An hour in the morning is worth two in the should have a good grasp. The early running and reading is the best, _how the steel was tempered_ this book is my winter vacation to see the classics, the wings of the book is a treasure trove of knowledge, wisdom, the ladder of human progress, early in the morning she Lou, get some fresh air, looking at classics is one of the beauties of life.




英语总结范文 第16篇

During my two-month winter holiday,the most exhilarating momment is spring festival. spring festival is our traditional celebration for new year,during this time, our family gather together and sit around at the table for a big family dinner.

To most children, they are fascinated with amazingly beautiful fire works. loud noise of happiness, all well decorated in red, no one would simply sleep early as usual. It displays the attraction and strong impression inprinted in my heart which are hard to forget.

I always think winter is a monotonous and unfriendly season with no fun,but the time of spring festival is the best comfort for me to get rid of this mind.




英语总结范文 第17篇

My winter holiday life rich and colorful, traveling, watching movies, mountain climbing, a classmate birthday party... Among them, the mountain climbing is my favorite.

On one occasion, my parents and I go to climb the east scenic mountain. That day, it seems that god to test our will, blowing wind, we against the wind, go after a flat front path was gone, turned into a stone and clay. We didnt give up, move on, walk, my legs slowly became soft, look at mom and dad, they are in high spirit. At this moment, as if to see my dad idea, encourage a way: _come on! Lets not far from success!_ I have heard, nodded, and summon up courage to once again, hard to climb to the top of the summit, crawling crawling, and I was tired, looked up to the height, ah! Isnt that the summit? We is coming, I was so happy, run out whole body energy to climb. Finally, we climbed to the summit. I stood on the summit to look down, wow! _Infinite scene in the perilous peak_ ah!

The movies I also in the winter holiday liked leisure activities. One day, I see a movie, mom and dad to CGV international studios we see is _god steal dads 2_, is, used to steal the moon the bad personality of lu turn over a new leaf three little sons and daughters when dad. Crime groups, however, _coalition against the wicked_ come, put a blow big task in the hands of the wicked. And he deeply in love with his partner, Lucy. Finally, when the two of them were trapped in the wrong hands, Dr Gutzon home with three small sons and daughters to rescue them, but Lucy havent untie the rope, then, the bad guys to raise the hen pecked at the launch of Lucy be tied down the button, global and Lucy is about to fly into a crater. At this time, the global and Lucy jumped into the sea, finally, global doctor send small boats to rescue them. After 147 days, global and Lucy finally married.

My winter holiday life rich and colorful, you?





英语总结范文 第18篇

The winter vacation life is colorful, colorful like a rainbow, shining like a shooting star, and the sky exceptionally clear. We have experienced wind and frost during this flowering season, and we are also growing during this season. Tomorrows winter vacation, I did not spend it by playing, but by embellishing it with knowledge and sports, leaving my life empty. It seems that this _colorful_ can be portrayed vividly by me.

Under the arrangement of my mother, who was looking forward to my daughter Cheng Feng, I went to the Golden Dolphin to learn how to swim. In the intermediate class, I was particularly outstanding. First, I started breaststroke, and the teacher said sternly, _I need to slide my hands to my chin and hook my feet._ However, I cannot hook my feet in swimming and need to hit the surface of the water?? Finally, class was over. My younger siblings and I swam towards the deep water area. They could stand at both ends, but my legs were numb with fear. With their assistance, we bravely swam forward. I had never been so brave before, and gradually realized that everything was not scary. Just face it bravely, and you will gradually become brave. At first, I was able to jump into the water from the shore, thanks to them.

Sports not only empty my winter vacation, but knowledge also fills my life with limited fun.

Books are the ladder of human progress. In my spare time, I always head towards my familys library. I stay for two hours, and now I have more and more knowledge. However, it is still necessary to integrate the crystallization of learning composition. In composition class, I listen carefully and write carefully, but I still get around 97 points. I keep thinking about writing a 100 point essay, and as I write, I realize a bit of truth. To write a good essay, I need to read more books, make more corrections, and add more good words and sentences to it, so that I can write it well.

This rich life is my turning point, I no longer have it, nor can I cherish it. However, winter vacation life is very important to me. I have practiced the difficult measures and understood the knowledge that I find difficult to understand. In the past, this rich and colorful summer vacation life, may you continue to stay in my heart, forever immortal.

寒假的生活是多姿多彩的,如彩虹般绚烂,如流星一样闪亮,如天空异样明澈。我们在这个花季历经风霜,我们也在这个花季生长。明天的寒假,我并没有以游玩来渡过,而是以知识和运动来点缀着寒假 ,空虚着生活,看来,这“多姿多彩”可被我表现得淋漓尽致。

在望女成凤的妈妈的布置下,我去金海豚学习游泳,在中级班里我比拟突出,先是开始蛙泳,教师严历的说:“手要滑到下巴,脚要勾起来。”而自游泳不能勾脚,要打出水面??终于下课了,我和弟弟妹 妹游向深水区,他们能站在两头,可我却惧怕的两腿发麻,可还是在他们的协助下英勇的向前游,我历来没这么英勇过,渐渐地发现其实一切并不可怕,只需英勇面对,你就会渐渐英勇起来,最初我还 能从岸边跳入水中,这多亏了他们。


书籍是人类提高的阶梯。在闲暇的工夫里我总会向我家的书库进发,我一呆就会是2个小时,如今我的知识越来越多。不过还是要加上学习作文的结晶交融起来才行。作文课上我会仔细听讲,写作文时也 仔细书写可还是停留在97分左右,我不断想写出100分的作文来,写着写着,就悟出了一点道理,作文要写好就要多看书,多修正,在作文中多加一些好词好句,这样作文才写得好。

这个丰厚的生活是我的'转机点,我不再拥有,也无法珍惜。可是,寒假的生活对我来说十分重要,练好了我难做的举措,懂得了我难以理解的知识。往年这个丰富多彩的暑假生活,愿你不断留存在我的 心中,永远不朽。




