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2018专八写作范文 第1篇

Students Should Be Required to Wear School Uniform

Of all the great changes that have taken place in the system of compulsory education, school uniform of diverse patterns has proved to be a success. Today, however, a controversy towards school uniform stretches widely as it is feared that such uniform somewhat diminishes the individual personality of students. My opinion is that it is worth the praise it has received.

In the first place, school uniform helps students foster team spirit and strengthen the spirit of cooperation. Providing a sense of unity, the uniform makes everyone feel that he or she is influential and indispensable in the team. Regardless of performance in class or examination, one student is wearing the same clothes as the others and working on his share for the team responsibility. Naturally they will be willing to participate in the team and proud of their contributions. Brought up in this caring and inclusive environment, students will have an easy time functioning in new community and collaborating with coworkers.

In the second place, school uniform reinforces the sense of equality for a diversified student body. School uniform tends to narrow down the discrepancy between students from families of low and high economic status. In this sense it may help lift some psychological obstacles. Owing to school uniform, the bias against poor students will disappear gradually. Had it not been for school uniform, wearing shabby clothes would be a constant reminder of poor family conditions. And what’s worse, they would feel ashamed of whom they are and the low self-esteem may have adverse impacts on study.

Last but not least, school uniform takes effect when accidents occur and the safety of students is endangered. The name or logo of school printed on uniform will help witness to know the victim’s identity and come to timely and efficient aid.

On the whole, students will benefit a great deal from their uniforms for the reasons ranging from their personality cultivation to aids in face of danger. Considering all above factors, it bears no reasoning to abandon school uniform.

2018专八写作范文 第2篇

Learn English in an English-speaking Country

As economic globalization accelerates, language plays a vital role in cross-boundary communication. An international language like English is inevitably popular among language learners all over the world. And there is a widespread concern whether or not to go abroad for one's English study. To me the answer is undoubtedly a yes, since it provides a chance not only to learn the language, but also to understand the culture.

First of all, going to an English-speaking country is a better way to create an ideal language-learning environment. As it is said, when in Rome, do as Romans do. Thus it can be inferred that a better way to learn how Romans behave is to go to Rome and observe their way of life. It is also true with English study. In an English-speaking country, one is likely to be exposed to more chances to communicate with native speakers rather than being confined to book knowledge only. On his stay in London, a student will have a taste of royal English himself, thus it is easier for him to improve his pronunciation and intonation through imitation. Surrounded by native speakers, a language learner will also find it very helpful in improving other skills like speaking, reading and writing.

Moreover, a student going abroad not only enhances their language proficiency but also comes into direct interplay with a new culture, which is an integral part of language study. Some linguists maintain that one cannot fully grasp a language unless he knows about the culture profoundly, for language is only a medium to conduct communication. Thus living with English-speaking people, one can obtain a vivid first-hand understanding of some idioms, slang and the cultural background And this personal experience will be very difficult to achieve-whatever abundant study resources can be accessed to domestically. By chatting with native speakers in daily life, students can gain an insight in the culture.

Judging from all the analysis above, we may safely come to such a conclusion that going to an English-speaking country is advantageous for English learners. A study experience abroad is such a practice to double the achievements with half the efforts. Fully utilizing the chance to get a deeper involvement in the exotic culture, students may become real masters of English.

2018专八写作范文 第3篇

The Relationship between Historical Grandet and the Future Greatness

Given to the humiliating history of last two centuries,Chinese people always make efforts to build a powerful the recent debate over the rise of China,some grass-root scholars argue that since China had achieved grandeur in ancient times, Chinese people are likely to lead the world logic seems plausible,but is there any causal relationship between historical grandeur and China’s future greatness?

Personally,I do not agree with this ,the argument assumes that they can predict the future by finding evidence in the course of mistake was criticized by Karl Popper in his influential book The Open Society and Its the book,he lenientlessly attacks ’historicism’,which means an approach to make historical predictions by discovering the patterns that underlie the evolutionof other words,precedent can not be used to explain what will happen in the China’s case,undoubtedly,it reached the historical peak in Tang that time,China was preponderant inthe world,for no countries could successfully challenge its consider the world situationat that world was separated by oceans,mountains,and deserts,for the communications means wereso retarded that China enjoyed a relatively safe environment except the threats from neighboring ,is it reasonable to predict that China’s greatness in the future is based on Tang Dynasty’s preponderance when the world is becoming smaller and more intermingled?

Secondly,indicative of finding evidence in the course of history is China’s current China has surpassed Germany as the third largest economy,its per capita income still ranks in the developingcountry is still a wide gap between China and the developed countries in terms of science and technology,education,military strength,and that China is still a developing country, it is understandable that we can gain inspiration from the historical grandeur,but we can not use it as evidence to support our goodwill. What matters a great China in the future is the efforts we are making atpresent.

In conclusion,we can see that there is no causal relationship between China’s grand history and its grandeur can only serve as inspiration to urge us to make more one proverb goes,many hands make light people will build a great nation in the future with combined efforts.




