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历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第1篇


Write a short essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart and

2) give your comments.

You should write at least 150 words.

Write your essay on ANWER SHEET 2.(15 points)




Direction: Suppose your cousin, Liming, has just been admitted to a university, write him/her a letter to

1) congratulate him/her, and

2) give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life.

Your should write about 100 words on ANSER SHEET 2.

Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Zhang Wei” instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points)


Dear Li Ming,

Congratulations on your admittance to the University you have dreamed about! I’m absolutely delighted to learn that you have just been admitted to Stanford University. I know there was fierce competition this year but your diligence and perseverance definitely paid off.

I’d like to offer you several proposals on how to prepare for your university life. Above all, I do recommend you to take advantage of the library in your university by reading books beside the normal curriculum. In addition, I believe that you may spare your free-time for three main activities: building your body, expanding your knowledge, and communicating with friends and family.

I wish you further success in future and hope you will invite me to your graduation ceremony four years later.

Yours faithfully,

Zhang Wei


本文首先书信格式完整、正确。段落安排合理,层次清楚,内容连贯,使用了Above all, In addition 等引导文章开展,符合英文书信写作套路。第一段开门见山,向朋友提出祝贺,以及祝贺的理由。第二段从课外学习和生活两个角度对大学生活提出建议。最后,祝贺对方在未来阶段获得更大的成就。另外,本文语言自然流畅,句式和用词都相对丰富多样。因为是给同辈亲戚写信,因此文中适当使用了祈使句和缩写。符合私人信函的语域。很好的完成了写作任务。

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第2篇

Part B

48. Directions:


Write an essay based on the following chart. In your essay, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

As the bar graph indicates, both city and rural area witnessed a distinguished phenomenon in population fluctuation. Indeed, population in city increased at a breakneck speed and surpassed that of rural area during the period from 1990 to while population in rural region slightly decreased down to a scale which was close to that of city.

What accounts for this disparity? The answer involves two factors. The first contributing factor is the substantially fast developing steps of cities in China. No one can deny that since Chinese economic reform from 1980s which mostly benefits people in city. The second reason is that Chinese farmers enjoy the harvest from new policies that are established to benefit farmers. People in rural areas are allowed to migrate for work and residence by the law and an increasing number of farmers choose to work in city and become migrant workers just because they would make much more money than ever before in city. All these are the result of urbanization.

Based on the analyses above, we can safely draw the conclusion that the process of urbanization will continue in the years ahead, and every single Chinese benefits from the fast development of China.

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第3篇

Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

People have speculated for centuries about a future without work .Today is no different, with academics, writers, and activists once again 1 that technology be replacing human workers. Some imagine that the coming work-free world will be defined by 2 . A few wealthy people will own all the capital, and the masses will struggle in an impoverished wasteland.

A different and not mutually exclusive 3 holds that the future will be a wasteland of a different sort, one 4 by purposelessness: Without jobs to give their lives 5 , people will simply become lazy and depressed. 6 , today’s unemployed don’t seem to be having a great time. One Gallup poll found that 20 percent of Americans who have been unemployed for at least a year report having depression, double the rate for 7 Americans. Also, some research suggests that the 8 for rising rates of mortality, mental-health problems, and addicting 9 poorly-educated middle-aged people is shortage of well-paid jobs. Perhaps this is why many 10 the agonizing dullness of a jobless future.

But it doesn’t 11 follow from findings like these that a world without work would be filled with unease. Such visions are based on the 12 of being unemployed in a society built on the concept of employment. In the 13 of work, a society designed with other ends in mind could 14 strikingly different circumstanced for the future of labor and leisure. Today, the 15 of work may be a bit overblown. “Many jobs are boring, degrading, unhealthy, and a waste of human potential,” says John Danaher, a lecturer at the National University of Ireland in Galway.

These days, because leisure time is relatively 16 for most workers, people use their free time to counterbalance the intellectual and emotional 17 of their jobs. “When I come home from a hard day’s work, I often feel 18 ,” Danaher says, adding, “In a world in which I don’t have to work, I might feel rather different”―perhaps different enough to throw himself 19 a hobby or a passion project with the intensity usually reserved for 20 matters.

1.[A] boasting [B] denying [C] warning [D] ensuring

【答案】[C] warning

2.[A] inequality [B] instability [C] unreliability [D] uncertainty

【答案】[A] inequality

3.[A] policy [B]guideline [C] resolution [D] prediction

【答案】[D] prediction

4.[A] characterized [B]divided [C] balanced [D]measured

【答案】[A] characterized

5.[A] wisdom [B] meaning [C] glory [D] freedom

【答案】[B] meaning

6.[A] Instead [B] Indeed [C] Thus [D] Nevertheless

【答案】[B] Indeed

7.[A] rich [B] urban [C]working [D] educated

【答案】[C] working

8.[A] explanation [B] requirement [C] compensation [D] substitute

【答案】[A] explanation

9.[A] under [B] beyond [C] alongside [D] among

【答案】[D] among

10.[A] leave behind [B] make up [C] worry about [D] set aside

【答案】[C] worry about

11.[A] statistically [B] occasionally [C] necessarily [D] economically

【答案】[C] necessarily

12.[A] chances [B] downsides [C] benefits [D] principles

【答案】[B] downsides

13.[A] absence [B] height [C] face [D] course

【答案】[A] absence

14.[A] disturb [B] restore [C] exclude [D] yield

【答案】[D] yield

15.[A] model [B] practice [C] virtue [D] hardship

【答案】[C] virtue

16.[A] tricky [B] lengthy [C] mysterious [D] scarce

【答案】[D] scarce

17.[A] demands [B] standards [C] qualities [D] threats

【答案】[A] demands

18.[A] ignored [B] tired [C] confused [D] starved

【答案】[B] tired

19.[A] off [B] against [C] behind [D] into

【答案】[D] into

20.[A] technological [B] professional [C] educational [D] interpersonal

【答案】[B] professional

Section II Reading Comprehension

Part A


Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 points)

Text 1

Every Saturday morning, at 9 am, more than 50,000 runners set off to run 5km around their local park. The Parkrun phenomenon began with a dozen friends and has inspired 400 events in the UK and more abroad. Events are free, staffed by thousands of volunteers. Runners range from four years old to grandparents; their times range from Andrew Baddeley’s world record 13 minutes 48 seconds up to an hour.

Parkrun is succeeding where London’s Olympic “legacy” is failing. Ten years ago on Monday, it was announced that the Games of the 30th Olympiad would be in London. Planning documents pledged that the great legacy of the Games would be to level a nation of sport lovers away from their couches. The population would be fitter, healthier and produce more winners. It has not happened. The number of adults doing weekly sport did rise, by nearly 2 million in the run―up to ―but the general population was growing faster. Worse, the numbers are now falling at an accelerating rate. The opposition claims primary school pupils doing at least two hours of sport a week have nearly halved. Obesity has risen among adults and children. Official retrospections continue as to why London 2012 failed to “inspire a generation.” The success of Parkrun offers answers.

Parkun is not a race but a time trial: Your only competitor is the clock. The ethos welcomes anybody. There is as much joy over a puffed-out first-timer being clapped over the line as there is about top talent shining. The Olympic bidders, by contrast, wanted to get more people doing sports and to produce more elite athletes. The dual aim was mixed up: The stress on success over taking part was intimidating for newcomers.

Indeed, there is something a little absurd in the state getting involved in the planning of such a fundamentally “grassroots”, concept as community sports associations. If there is a role for government, it should really be getting involved in providing common goods―making sure there is space for playing fields and the money to pave tennis and netball courts, and encouraging the provision of all these activities in schools. But successive governments have presided over selling green spaces, squeezing money from local authorities and declining attention on sport in education. Instead of wordy, worthy strategies, future governments need to do more to provide the conditions for sport to thrive. Or at least not make them worse.

21. According to Paragraph1, Parkrun has .

[A] gained great popularity

[B] created many jobs

[C] strengthened community ties

[D] become an official festival

【答案】[A] gained great popularity

22. The author believes that London’s Olympic“legacy” has failed to .

[A] boost population growth

[B] promote sport participation

[C] improve the city’s image

[D] increase sport hours in schools

【答案】[B] promote sport participation

23. Parkrun is different from Olympic games in that it .

[A] aims at discovering talents

[B] focuses on mass competition

[C] does not emphasize elitism

[D] does not attract first-timers

【答案】[C] does not emphasize elitism

24. With regard to mass sport, the author holds that governments should .

[A] organize “grassroots” sports events

[B] supervise local sports associations

[C] increase funds for sports clubs

[D] invest in public sports facilities

【答案】[D] invest in public sports facilities

25. The author’s attitude to what UK governments have done for sports is .

[A] tolerant

[B] critical

[C] uncertain

[D] sympathetic

【答案】[B] critical

Text 2

With so much focus on children’s use of screens, it’s easy for parents to forget about their own screen use. “Tech is designed to really suck on you in,” says Jenny Radesky in her study of digital play, “and digital products are there to promote maximal engagement. It makes it hard to disengage, and leads to a lot of bleed-over into the family routine. ”

Radesky has studied the use of mobile phones and tablets at mealtimes by giving mother-child pairs a food-testing exercise. She found that mothers who sued devices during the exercise started 20 percent fewer verbal and 39 percent fewer nonverbal interactions with their children. During a separate observation, she saw that phones became a source of tension in the family. Parents would be looking at their emails while the children would be making excited bids for their attention.

Infants are wired to look at parents’ faces to try to understand their world, and if those faces are blank and unresponsive―as they often are when absorbed in a device―it can be extremely disconcerting foe the children. Radesky cites the “still face experiment” devised by developmental psychologist Ed Tronick in the 1970s. In it, a mother is asked to interact with her child in a normal way before putting on a blank expression and not giving them any visual social feedback; The child becomes increasingly distressed as she tries to capture her mother’s attention. “Parents don’t have to be exquisitely parents at all times, but there needs to be a balance and parents need to be responsive and sensitive to a child’s verbal or nonverbal expressions of an emotional need,” says Radesky.

On the other hand, Tronick himself is concerned that the worries about kids’ use of screens are born out of an “oppressive ideology that demands that parents should always be interacting” with their children: “It’s based on a somewhat fantasized, very white, very upper-middle-class ideology that says if you’re failing to expose your child to 30,000 words you are neglecting them.” Tronick believes that just because a child isn’t learning from the screen doesn’t mean there’s no value to it―particularly if it gives parents time to have a shower, do housework or simply have a break from their child. Parents, he says, can get a lot out of using their devices to speak to a friend or get some work out of the way. This can make them feel happier, which lets then be more available to their child the rest of the time.

26. According to Jenny Radesky, digital products are designed to ______.

[A] simplify routine matters

[B] absorb user attention

[C] better interpersonal relations

[D] increase work efficiency

【答案】[B] absorb user attention

27. Radesky’s food-testing exercise shows that mothers’ use of devices ______.

[A] takes away babies’ appetite

[B] distracts children’s attention

[C] slows down babies’ verbal development

[D] reduces mother-child communication

【答案】[D] reduces mother-child communication

28. Radesky’s cites the “still face experiment” to show that _______.

[A] it is easy for children to get used to blank expressions

[B] verbal expressions are unnecessary for emotional exchange

[C] children are insensitive to changes in their parents’ mood

[D] parents need to respond to children’s emotional needs

【答案】[D] parents need to respond to children’s emotional needs

29. The oppressive ideology mentioned by Tronick requires parents to_______.

[A] protect kids from exposure to wild fantasies

[B] teach their kids at least 30,000 words a year

[C] ensure constant interaction with their children

[D] remain concerned about kid’s use of screens

【答案】[C] ensure constant interaction with their children

30. According to Tronick, kid’s use of screens may_______.

[A] give their parents some free time

[B] make their parents more creative

[C] help them with their homework

[D] help them become more attentive

【答案】[A] give their parents some free time

Text 3

Today, widespread social pressure to immediately go to college in conjunction with increasingly high expectations in a fast-moving world often causes students to completely overlook the possibility of taking a gap year. After all, if everyone you know is going to college in the fall, it seems silly to stay back a year, doesn’t it? And after going to school for 12 years, it doesn’t feel natural to spend a year doing something that isn’t academic.

But while this may be true, it’s not a good enough reason to condemn gap years. There’s always a constant fear of falling behind everyone else on the socially perpetuated “race to the finish line,” whether that be toward graduate school, medical school or lucrative career. But despite common misconceptions, a gap year does not hinder the success of academic pursuits―in fact, it probably enhances it.

Studies from the United States and Australia show that students who take a gap year are generally better prepared for and perform better in college than those who do not. Rather than pulling students back, a gap year pushes them ahead by preparing them for independence, new responsibilities and environmental changes―all things that first-year students often struggle with the most. Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment, making it easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation blunders.

If you’re not convinced of the inherent value in taking a year off to explore interests, then consider its financial impact on future academic choices. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, nearly 80 percent of college students end up changing their majors at least once. This isn’t surprising, considering the basic mandatory high school curriculum leaves students with a poor understanding of themselves listing one major on their college applications, but switching to another after taking college classes. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but depending on the school, it can be costly to make up credits after switching too late in the game. At Boston College, for example, you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department. Taking a gap year to figure things out initially can help prevent stress and save money later on.

31. One of the reasons for high-school graduates not taking a gap year is that .

[A] they think it academically misleading

[B] they have a lot of fun to expect in college

[C] it feels strange to do differently from others

[D] it seems worthless to take off-campus courses

【答案】[C] it feels strange to do differently from others

32. Studies from the US and Australia imply that taking a gap year helps .

[A] keep students from being unrealistic

[B] lower risks in choosing careers

[C] ease freshmen’s financial burdens

[D] relieve freshmen of pressures

【答案】[D] relieve freshmen of pressures

33. The word “acclimation” (Line 8, Para. 3) is closest in meaning to .

[A] adaptation

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第4篇


历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第5篇





历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第6篇

Text 4

There will eventually come a day when The New York Times ceases to publish stories on newsprint. Exactly when that day will be is a matter of debate. “Sometime in the future,”the paper’s publisher said back in .

Nostalgia for ink on paper and the rustle of pages aside,there’s plenty of incentive to ditch print. The infrastructure required to make a physical newspaper-printing presses, delivery trucks—isn’t just expensive; it’s excessive at a time when online-only competitors don’t have the same set of financial constraints. Readers are migrating away from print anyway. And though print ad sales still dwarf their online and mobile counterparts, revenue from print is still declining.

Overhead may be high and circulation lower, but rushing to eliminate its print edition would be a mistake, says BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti.

Peretti says the Times should’t waste time getting out of the print business, but only if they go about doing it the right way. “Figuring out a way to accelerate that transition would make sense for them,” he said, “but if you discontinue it, you’re going to have your most loyal customers really upset with you.”

Sometimes that’s worth making a change anyway. Peretti gives the example of Netflix discontinuing its DVD-mailing service to focus on streaming. “It was seen as a blunder,” he said. The move turned out to be foresighted. And if Peretti were in charge at the Times? “I wouldn’t pick a year to end print,” he said. “I would raise prices and make it into more of a legacy product.”

The most loyal customers would still get the product they favor, the idea goes, and they’d feel like they were helping sustain the quality of something they believe in. “So if you’re overpaying for print, you could feel like you were helping,” Peretti said. “Then increase it at a higher rate each year and essentially try to generate additional revenue.” In other words, if you’re going to make a print product, make it for the people who are already obsessed with it. Which may be what the Times is doing already. Getting the print edition seven days a week costs nearly $500 a year—more than twice as mush as a digital-only subscription.

“It’s a really hard thing to do and it’s a tremendous luxury that BuzzFeed doesn’t have a legacy business,” Peretti remarked. “But we’re going to have questions like that where we have things we’re doing that don’t make sense when the market changes and the world changes. In those situations, it’s better to be more aggressive than less aggressive.”

New York Times is considering ending its print edition partly due

[A] the high cost of operation.

[B] the pressure from its investors.

[C] the complaints from its readers.

[D] the increasing online ad sales.

37. Peretti suggests that, in face of the present situation, the Times should

[A] seek new sources of readership.

[B] end the print edition for good.

[C] aim for efficient management.

[D] make strategic adjustments.

can be inferred from Paragraphs 5 and 6 that a “legacy product”

[A] helps restore the glory of former times.

[B] is meant for the most loyal customers.

[C] will have the cost of printing reduced.

[D] expands the popularity of the paper.

believes that, in a changing world.

[A] legacy businesses are becoming outdated.

[B] cautiousness facilitates problem-solving.

[C] aggressiveness better meets challenges.

[D] traditional luxuries can stay unaffected.

of the following would be the best title of the text?

[A] Shift to Online Newspapers All at Once

[B] Cherish the Newspaper Still in Your Hand

[C] Make Your Print Newspaper a Luxury Good

[D] Keep Your Newspapers Forever in Fashion

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第7篇

48、Directions:Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing , you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)

Emerging from the clearly depicted pie chart is the distribution of focusing factors of citizens in a city when choosing a restaurant in , consisting of 4 parts, which are features, service, environment, price and other factors. Among them, the proportion of service, environment, price and other factors is , , and respectively. By contrast, the factor of focusing on features of the restaurant is in the lead, accounting for .

What has triggered this phenomenon? To begin with, with the fast development of national economy and personal wealth, people in China have stepped into an era of enjoying life, transforming traditional pattern of living. Therefore, such a great proportion of citizens are more likely to focus on the features of a restaurant, instead of only concentrating on the price. Moreover, in a society where living standard is highly advocated, citizens in mounting numbers in China, shrugging off their former habit of focusing on lower price, gradually find the service and environment of a restaurant is an essential factor. According to a survey conducted by China Research Center, up to 87% Chinese people prefer to choose a comfortable and fashionable restaurant when they go out for eating.

Taking into account what has been argued so far, I am inclined to think about the current situation is normal. In view of the analysis above, it can be predicted that the trend will continue in the future. Accordingly, it is of no necessity for the public to regard it with too much consideration.

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第8篇





原文标题:A Primer for Pessimists


原文节选:Most people would define optimism as being eternally hopeful, endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor who taught the university’s most popular course, Positive Psychology, from to . “It certainly doesn’t mean thinking everything is great and wonderful.”

Ben-Shahar, who is the author of Happier and The Pursuit of Perfect, describes realistic optimists an “optimalists”―not those who believe everything happens for the best, but those who make the best of things that happen.

In his own life, Ben-Shahar uses three optimalist exercises, which he calls PRP. When he feels down―say, after giving a bad lecture―he grants himself permission (P) to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction (R). He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there’s perspective (P), which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.

Studies suggest thatpeople who are able to focus on the positive aspects of a negative event―basically, cope with failure―can protect themselves from the physical toll of stress and anxiety. In a recent study at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), scientists asked a group of women to give a speech in front of a stone-faced audience of strangers. On the first day, all the participants said they felt threatened, and they showed fear hormones. On subsequent days, however, those women who had reported rebounding from a major life crisis in the past no longer felt the same subjective threat over speaking in public. They had learned that this negative event, too, would pass and they would survive. “It’s a back door to the same positive state because people are able to tolerate and accept the negative,” says Elissa Epel, one of the psychologists involved in the study.

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第9篇

今年英语一的作文相对来说,并没有特别的标新立异,小作文仍然是信件类,是信件类型中较为熟知的推荐信。这类信件在考过一个类似的推荐一部电影,而如今考到了推荐书籍。这一点也再次证明了真题的重要性,真题是一切的根本,每年的考试都是以真题为基础,然后在此基础上加以适当变化。考过电影那是否同样会考察书籍呢?同时让大家列举出相应的书籍名称,课堂上很多同学根据20的推荐电影联想到推荐书籍比如“Harry Potter”,“Gone With the Wind”等等。所以联系思维是一定要的,但这样的思维只有在仔细研究真题的基础之上才能有。

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第10篇




Section I Use of English

Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Thinner isn’t always better. A number of studies have 1 that normal-weight people are in fact at higher risk of some diseases compared to those who are overweight. And there are health conditions for which being overweight is actually 2 . For example, heavier women are less likely to develop calcium deficiency than thin women. 3 among the elderly, being somewhat overweight is often an 4 of good health.

Of even greater 5 is the fact that obesity turns out to be very difficult to define. It is often defined 6 body mass index, or BMI. BMI 7 body mass divided by the square of height. An adult with a BMI of 18 to 25 is often considered to be normal weight. Between 25 and 30 is overweight. And over 30 is considered obese. Obesity, 8 ,can be divided into moderately obese, severely obese, and very severely obese.

While such numerical standards seem 9 , they are not. Obesity is probably less a matter of weight than body fat. Some people with a high BMI are in fact extremely fit, 10 others with a low BMI may be in poor 11 .For example, many collegiate and professional football players 12 as obese, though their percentage body fat is low. Conversely, someone with a small frame may have high body fat but a 13 BMI.

Today we have a(an) 14 to label obesity as a overweight are sometimes 15 in the media with their faces covered. Stereotypes 16 with obesity include laziness, lack of will power,and lower prospects for health professionals have been shown to harbor biases against the obese. 17 very young children tend to look down on the overweight, and teasing about body build has long been a problem in schools.

Negative attitudes toward obesity, 18 in health concerns, have stimulated a number of anti-obesity 19 .My own hospital system has banned sugary drinks from its facilities. Many employers have instituted weight loss and fitness initiatives. Michelle Obama launched a high-visibility campaign 20 childhood obesity, even claiming that it represents our greatest national security threat.

1. [A] denied [B] conduced [C] doubled [D] ensured

2. [A] protective [B] dangerous [C] sufficient [D]troublesome

3. [A] Instead [B] However [C] Likewise [D] Therefore

4. [A] indicator [B] objective [C] origin [D] example

5. [A] impact [B] relevance [C] assistance [D] concern

6. [A] in terms of [B] in case of [C] in favor of [D] in of

7. [A] measures [B] determines [C] equals [D] modifies

8. [A] in essence [B] in contrast [C] in turn [D] in part

9. [A] complicated [B] conservative [C] variable [D] straightforward

10. [A] so [B] while [C] since [D] unless

11. [A] shape [B] spirit [C] balance [D] taste

12. [A] start [B] quality [C] retire [D] stay

13. [A] strange [B] changeable [C] normal [D] constant

14. [A] option [B] reason [C] opportunity [D] tendency

15. [A] employed [B] pictured [C] imitated [D] monitored

16. [A] compare [B] combined [C] settled [D] associated

17. [A] Even [B] Still [C] Yet [D] Only

18. [A] despised [B] corrected [C] ignored [D] grounded

19. [A] discussions [B] businesses [C] policies [D] studies

20. [A] for [B] against [C] with [D] without

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第11篇

Dear classmates,

I’m writing to inform you that our class is going to hold a charity sale for poor children in remote areas. I am calling on every student to take part.

You can bring old books, toys, stationery, and other useful things to the sale. All the money raised would donate poor children. Remember that the sale will begin at 9 pm and last for three hours. There is no doubt that it is meaningful and enjoyable to join us.

Anyone who is interested and enthusiastic in the sale is welcomed warmly. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 123456789 immediately. Thank you for your kindness, I am looking forward to your participation.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Ming

(1)引出主题:What is illustrated in the column chart/line graph/pie chart/table shows clearly that + 主题词.

(eg: What is illustrated in the table shows clearly that an increasing number of people are not satisfied with their job, especially those people aged between 41 and 50.)

(2)描述图表:A版本:In the column chart/line graph/pie chart/table above, a accounts for the highest percentage/proportion at ×% of + 主题词, followed by B at ×% and C, ×%. At the bottom of the column chart/line graph/pie chart/table, ×% is regarded as D.

B版本:To be specific, ×% and ×% are defined as the percentage/proportion of A and B respectively.)

C版本:On the contrary, / However, / In the same Way, / Likewise, / Meanwhile, there is a sharp/remarkable increase/rise/drop/decline from 5% to 1% between 2010 and 2020 in + 主题词.

D版本:The past few years between 2013 and 2015 witnessed a sharply/steeply/gradually/steadily increase in the number of museums from 4160 to 4690.

(3)过渡句:Simple as the column chart/line graph/pie chart/table looks, its implicit meaning should be epoch-thinking.

Dear Friends,

I am so happy that we, the Students'Union, are planning to hold a campus food festival on December 31,202l and we hereby extend to you our sincere invitation to take part in it.

Here are some details about it. First of all, you can enjoy various food from different countries,such as sushi, kimch1,pudding,p1zza and so on. Secondly, some interesting games to win prizes are waiting for you and you will also appreciate several wonderful dancing shows while tasting delicious food.

We hope that you would accept the invitation. In case of any problems, please feel free to contact with us.

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Wei大作文





历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第12篇


历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第13篇


Section I Use of English


Read the following text. Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

Though not biologically related, friends are as “related” as fourth cousins, sharing about 1% of genes. That is 1 a study, published from the University of California and Yale University in the Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences, has 2 .

The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1,932 unique subjects which 4 pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers. The same people were used in both 5 .

While 1% may seem 6 , it is not so to a geneticist. As James Fowler, professor of medical genetics at UC San Diego, says, “most people do not even 7 their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the 8 our kin.”

The study 9 found that the genes for small were something shared in friends but not genes for immunity. Why this similarity exists in smell genes is difficult to explain, for now, 10 , as the team suggests, it draws us to similar environments but there is more 11 it. There could be many mechanisms working together that 12 us in choosing genetically similar friends 13 “functional Kinship” of being friends with 14 !

One of the remarkable findings of the study was the similar genes to be evolution 15 than other genes. Studying this could help 16 why human evolution picked pace in the last 30,000 years, with social environment being a major 17 factor.

The findings do not simply explain people’s 18 to be friend those of similar 19 backgrounds, say the researchers. Though all the subjects were drawn from a population of European extraction, care taken to 20 that all subjects, friends and strangers, were taken from the same population.

1、[A]what [B]why [C]how [D]when

2、[A]defended [B]concluded [C]withdrawn [D] advised

3、[A]for [B]with [C]by [D]on

4、[A]separated [B]sought [C]compared [D] connected

5 、[A]tests [B] objects [C]samples [D]examples

6、[A]Insignificant [B]unexpected [C] unreliable [D]incredible

7、[A]visit [B]miss [C] know [D] seek

8、[A]surpass [B] influence [C] favor [D]resemble

9、[A]again [B] also [C]instead [D]thus

10、[A] Meanwhile [ B]Furthermore [C] Likewise [D]Perhaps

11、[A] about [ B] to [C] from [D]like

12、[A] limit [ B] observe [C] confuse [D]drive

13、[A] according to [ B] rather than [C] regardless of [D]along with

14、[A]chances [ B]responses [C]benefits [D]missions

15、[A] faster [ B]slower [C] later [D]earlier

16、[A] forecast [ B] remember [C] express [D]disruptive

17、[A] unpredictable [ B] contributory [C] controllable [D]disruptive

18、[A] tendency [ B] decision [C]arrangement [D]endeavor

19、[A] political [ B]religious [C] ethnic [D]economic

20、[A] see [ B]show [C] prove [D]tell

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第14篇

Text 2

For years, studies have found that first-generation college students-those who do not have a parent with a college degree-lag other students on a range of education achievement factors. Their grades are lower and their dropout rates are higher. But since such students are most likely to advance economically if they succeed in higher education, colleges and universities have pushed for decades to recruit more of them. This has created a dox in that recruiting first-generation students, but then watching many of them fail, means that higher education has continued to reproduce and widen, rather than close achievement gap based on social class, according to the depressing beginning of a paper forthcoming in the journal Psychological Sciense.

But the article is actually quite optimistic, as it outlines a potential solution to this problem, suggesting that an approach(which involves a one-hour, next-to-no-cost program) can close 63 percent of the achievement gap(measured by such factors as grades)between first-generation and other students.

The authors of the paper are from different universities, and their findins are based on a study involving 147 students(who completed the project)at an unnamed private unive generation was defined as not having a parent with a fou r-year college degree Most of the first-generation students( percent) were recipients of Pell Grants,a federal g rant for undergraduates with financial need,while this was true only for percent of the students wit at least one parent with a four-year degree

Their thesis-that a relatively modest inte rvention could have a big impact-was based on the view that first-gene ration students may be most lacking not in potential but in practical knowledge about how to deal with the issues that face most college students They cite past resea rch by several authors to show that this is the gap that must be na rrowed to close the achievement gap.

Many first-gene ration studentsstruggle to navigate the middle-class culture of higher education,learn therules of the game,and take advantage of college resou rces, they write And this becomes more of a problem when collages dont talk about the class advantage and disadvantages of different groups of students Because US colleges and universities seldom acknowledge how social class can affect students educational expe rience,many first-gene ration students lack sight about why they a re struggling and do not unde rstand how students like them can improve

26. Recruiting more first-generation students has

[A]reduced their d ropout rates

[B]narrowed the achievement gao

[C] missed its original pu rpose

[D]depressed college students

27 The author of the research article are optimistic because

[A]the problem is solvable

[B]their approach is costless

[q the recruiting rate has increased

[D]their finding appeal to students

28 The study suggests that most first-gene ration students

[A]study at private universities

[B]are from single-pa rent families

[q are in need of financial support

[D]have failed their collage

29. The author of the paper believe that first-generation students

[A]a re actually indifferent to the achievement gap

[B]can have a potential influence on othe r students

[C] may lack opportunities to apply for resea rch projects

[D]are inexperienced in handling their issues at college

mayinfer from the last graph that

[A]universities often r~ect the culture of the middle-class

[B]students are usually to blame for their lack of resources

[C]social class g reatly helps en rich educational experiences

[D]colleges are partly responsible for the problem in question


missed its original purpose

the problem is solvable

are in need of financial support

are inexperienced in handling issues at college

colleges are partly responsible for the problem in question


Even in traditional offices,the lingua franca of corporate America has gottenmuch more emotional and much more right-brained than it was 20 years ago, said Ha rva rd Business School professor Nancy Koehn She sta rted spinning off you and I pa rachuted back to Fortune 500 companies in 1990,we would see much less frequent use of terms like Journey, mission,passion. There were goals,there were strategies,there were tives,but we didnt talk about energy;we didnt talk about passion.

Koehn pointed out that this new era of corporate vocabula ry is very team-oriented-and not by not forget sDorts-in male-dominated corporate America,its still a big deal. Its not explicitly conscious;its the idea that Im a coach,and youre my team,and were in this togethec. There are lots and lots of CEOs in very different companies,but most think of themselves as coaches and this is their team and they want to win.

These terms a re also intended to infuse work with meaning-and,as Khu rana points out,increase allegiance to the have the importation of terminology that historically used to be associated with non-profit organizations and religious organizations:Terms like vision,values,passion,and purpose,saidKhurana

This new focus on personal fulfillment can help keep employees motivated amid increasingly loud debates over work-life balance The mommy wars of the 1990s a re still going on today, prompting arguments about whywomen still canthave it all and books like Sheryl Sandbergs Lean In,whose title has become abuzzword in its own right. Terms like unplug,offline,life-hack,bandwidth,andcapacity are all about setting boundaries between the office and the home But ifyour work is your passion, youII be more likely to devote yourself to it,even ifthat means going home for dinner and then working long after the kids are in bed

But this seems to be the irony of office speak:Everyone makes fun of it,butmanage rs love it,companies depend on it,and regular people willingly absorb itAs Nunberg said,You can get people to think its nonsense at the same timethat you buy into it. In a workplace thats fundamentally indiffe rent to your lifeand its meaning office speak can help you figu re out how you relate to yourwork-and how your work defines who you are

31. According to Nancy Koehn, office language has become

[A]more e motional

[B]more tive

[C]less energetic

[D]less energetic

[E]less strategic

corporate vocabulary is closely related to

[A]historical incidents

[B]gender difference

[C]sports culture

[D]athletic executives

believes that the importation of terminology aims to

[A]revive historical terms

[B]promote company image

[C]foster corporate cooperation

[D]strengthen employee loyalty

can be inferred that Lean In

[A]voices for working women

[B]appeals to passionate workaholics

[C]triggers dcbates among mommies

[D]praises motivated employees

of the following statements is true about office speak?

[A]Managers admire it but avoid it

[B]Linguists believe it to be nonsense

[C]Companies find it to be fundamental

[D]Regular people mock it but accept it


more emotional

sports culture

strengthen employee loyalty

voices for working women

companies find it to be fundamental

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第15篇


Write an essay based on the following chart. you should

1) interpret the chart and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points).



As is clearly reflected in the above pie chart, the purpose of students travelling abroad demonstrates obvious differences in one college of China. According to the data given, the purpose of enjoying the beautiful landscape takes a comparatively large share, accounting for 37%, while that of relieving pressure also takes away 20% of the whole proportion.

What triggers this phenomenon? It is not difficult to put forward several factors responsible for this phenomenon. To start with, with the rapid economic development of economy, people, including college students, are becoming increasingly wealthy, which enables them to afford the once-deemed- expensive oversea traveling. In order to enjoy the charming landscape all around the world, a large proportion of students choose to travel abroad. What’s more, along with the ever-accelerating improvement of economy and society is also the ever-increasing work and life pressure. Consequently, the purpose of relieving pressure ranks the second among all the purposes for folks to travel around the world.

In view of the arguments above, we can conclude that the current phenomenon is of no surprise. And therefore, it can be predicted that admiring the scenery and alleviating pressure will still be the main purpose for people to arrange a traveling to other countries.


今年英语二作文的题目比较好写,因为标题和图示非常清晰明白。图表显示了某高校学生旅游目的调查, 考生分析原因的话也会很简单。下面分三段简要地说一下这三段应该怎么写。


第二段给出你的评论,主要写这种情况的原因。主要要结合图表描述的内容从两个方面写起。一方面为什么为了欣赏风景而旅行的目的占37%, 另一方面为什么缓解压力会占到33%比例。


Suppose you won a translation contest and your friend Jack wrote an email to congratulate you, and ask advice on translation. Write him a reply to

1)thank him;

2)give your advice.

You should write neatly on the ANWSER SHEET. Do not sign you own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming ” instead. Do not write the address .(10 point)


称呼: Dear Jack注意称呼中,后面的逗号不可丢,也不能写成冒号。


第一段:写作内容需涵盖两点:写信目的,表明感谢来自朋友的祝贺;可以采用这样的表达方式:I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest.

第二段: 写作内容应以建议为主体。在这个过程中可以把日常我们如何提高的方式写进正文,如讲究学习方式、注重坚持、多多接触外文文化及语境。那本篇老师主要从前两个方面进行论述,表达如下:As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals in this part. At the top of list is the persistence due to the fact that you could deserve the position after days or years of efforts that you have had in the field. What’s more, you are supposed to pay more attention to the way in which you finish your major, for it plays a significant role in the process.

第三段:再次强调重申写信目的,如Thanks again and I do hope that my suggestions can be in favor of your future study.

落款: Yours sincerely, 特别提醒sincerely后面逗号不能丢;签名: Li Ming特别注意 Ming 后面一定不能出现句点。


Dear Jack,

I’m writing to express my gratitude for your congratulation on my success in the translation contest.

As regard to my experience, I would like to offer you some proposals in this part. At the top of list is the persistence due to the fact that you could deserve the position after days or years of efforts that you have had in the field. What’s more, you are supposed to pay more attention to the way in which you finish your major, for it plays a significant role in the process.

Thanks again and I do hope that my suggestions can be in favor of your future study.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming



历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第16篇


Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments.

You should write about 150 words.(15 points)


What can be seen from the chart is the proportion change of students having part-time jobs during the four years’ college study. The proportion increases slightly from the first year to the third year, however, the fourth year has witnessed a dramatic increase, surging to .

There is no denying the fact that this trend is very pervasive in current colleges and, to some extent, quite proper. It is not difficult to come up with some possible factors accounting for this trend. To begin with, the major jobs of freshman and sophomore are to study, and to lay a solid foundation for their future work. What’s more, when students are going to step out of school and enter into society, they have to master lots of practical skills, for example, how to deal with challenges outside, so they have to take part in some part-time jobs. Apparently, doing part time job has many advantages. On the one hand, students can learn how to get along well with others and know the society more profoundly. On the other hand, to take a part-time job provides students with a valuable opportunity to put what they have learned from books into practice and make some money, which helps to reduce their families’ financial burden.

Due to the analysis above, this trend will continue for quite a while in the future. And it should be pointed out that study is the major task for college students though work experience is valuable. Students have to strike a balance between study and part-time job.


Suppose your class is to hold a charity sale for kids in need of help. Write your classmates an email to

1) inform them about the details and

2) encourage them to participate.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. Don?t write your address.(10 points)


Dear classmates,

I am writing this letter to inform that our class is going to hold a charity sale for the needy children in rural area of our province who have dropped out of school because their parents cannot afford their education. This activity will be held on our school’s playground on next Monday, January 22.

It is universally acknowledged that children are regarded as flowers and future of our nation; however, because of poverty, a growing number of kids in remote villages lost their learning opportunities which are not only crucial for their personal growth, but also essential for the sound development of the whole society. Consequently, there is no doubt that it is a noble cause to donate money to needy children through charity sale.

I really appeal to all the students to take part in this event and I will be grateful if you could come and give your donation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

历年考研英语二作文真题及范文 第17篇

Text 3

Crying is hardly an activity encouraged by society. Tears, be they of sorrow, anger, on joy, typically make Americans feel uncomforuble and embarrassed. The shedder of tears is likely to apologize, even when a devastating (毁灭性的) tragedy was the provocation. The observer of tears is likely to do everything possible to put an end to the emotional outpouring. But judging form recent studies of crying behavior, links between illness and crying and the chemical composition of tears, both those responses to tears are often inappropriate and may even be counterproductive.

Humans are the only animals definitely known to shed emotional tears. Since evolution has given rise to few, if any, purposeless physiological responset, it is logical to assume that crying has one or more functions that enhance survival.

Although some observers have suggested that crying is a way to clicit assistance form others (as a crying baby might from its mother), the shedding of tears is hardly necessary to get help. Vocal cries would have been quite enough, more likely than tears to gain attention, So, it appears, there must be something special about tears themselves.

Indeed, the new studies suggest that emotional tears may play a direct role in alleviating stress, University of Minnesota researchers who are studying the chemical composition of tears have recently isolated two important chemicals from emotional tears. Both chemicals are found only in tears that are shed in response to emotion. Tears shed because of exposure to =cut onion would contain no such substance.

Researchers at several other institutions are investigating the usefulness of tears as a means of diagnosing human ills and monitoring drugs.

At Tulane University’s Teat Analysis Laboratory Kastl and his colleagues report that they can use tears to detect drug abuse and exposure to medication(药物), to determine whether a contact lens fits properly of why it may be uncomfortable, to study the causes of “dry eye” syndrome and the effects of eye surgery, and perhaps even to measure exposure to environmental pollutants.

At Columbia University Faris and colleagues are studying tears for clues to the diagnosis of diseases away from the eyes. Tears can be obtained painlessly without invading the body and only tiny amounts are needed to perform highly refined analyses.

31. It is known from the first paragraph that ________.

A) shedding tears gives unpleasant feelings to American

B) crying may often imitate people or even result in tragedy

C) crying usually wins sympathy from other people

D) one who sheds tears in public will be blamed

32. What does “both those responses to tears”(Line 6, Para, 1) refer to?

A) Crying out of sorrow and shedding tears for happiness.

B) The embarrassment and unpleasant sensation of the observers.

C) The tear shedder’s apology and the observer’s effort to stop the crying.

D) Linking illness with crying and finding the chemical composition of tears.

33. “Counterproductive” (Lines 6-7, Para,1) very probably means “________”.

A) having no effect at all

B) leading to tension

C) producing disastrous impact

D) harmful to health

34. What does the author say about crying?

A) It is a pointless physiological response to the environment.

B) It must have a role to play in man’s survival.

C) It is meant to get attention and assistance.

D) It usually produces the desired effect.

35. What can be inferred from the new studies of tears?

A) Emotional tears have the function of reducing stress.

B) Exposure to excessive medication may increase emotional tears.

C) Emotional tears can give rise to “dry eye” syndrome in some cases.

D) Environmental pollutants can induce the shedding of emotional tears.

Text 4

When the government talks about infrastructure contributing to the economy the focus is usually on roads, railways, broadband and energy. Housing is seldom mentioned.

Why is that? To some extent the housing sector must shoulder the blame. We have not been good at communicating the real value that housing can contribute to economic growth. Then there is the scale of the typical housing project. It is hard to shove for attention among multibillion-pound infrastructure project, so it is inevitable that the attention is focused elsewhere. But perhaps the most significant reason is that the issue has always been so politically charged.

Nevertheless, the affordable housing situation is desperate. Waiting lists increase all the time and we are simply not building enough new homes.

The comprehensive spending review offers an opportunity for the government to help rectify this. It needs to put historical prejudices to one side and take some steps to address our urgent housing need.

There are some indications that it is preparing to do just that. The communities minister, Don Foster, has hinted that George Osborne, Chancellor of the Exchequer, may introduce more flexibility to the current cap on the amount that local authorities can borrow against their housing stock debt. Evidence shows that 60,000 extra new homes could be built over the next five years if the cap were lifted, increasing GDP by .

Ministers should also look at creating greater certainty in the rental environment, which would have a significant impact on the ability of registered providers to fund new developments from revenues.

But it is not just down to the government. While these measures would be welcome in the short term, we must face up to the fact that the existing £ programme of grants to fund new affordable housing, set to expire in 2015,is unlikely to be extended beyond then. The Labour party has recently announced that it will retain a large part of the coalition’s spending plans if returns to power. The housing sector needs to accept that we are very unlikely to ever return to era of large-scale public grants. We need to adjust to this changing climate.

36. The author believes that the housing sector__

[A] has attracted much attention

[B] involves certain political factors

[C] shoulders too much responsibility

[D] has lost its real value in economy

37. It can be learned that affordable housing has__

[A] increased its home supply

[B] offered spending opportunities

[C] suffered government biases

[D] disappointed the government

38. According to Paragraph 5,George Osborne may_______.

[A] allow greater government debt for housing

[B] stop local authorities from building homes

[C] prepare to reduce housing stock debt

[D] release a lifted GDP growth forecast

39. It can be inferred that a stable rental environment would_______.

[A]lower the costs of registered providers

[B]lessen the impact of government interference

[C]contribute to funding new developments

[D]relieve the ministers of responsibilities

40. The author believes that after 2015,the government may______.

[A]implement more policies to support housing

[B]review the need for large-scale public grants

[C]renew the affordable housing grants programme

[D]stop generous funding to the housing sector




