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2020天津英语第一次高考作文范文 第1篇

假定你是李华,你和同学根据英语课文改编一个短剧,请你写一封邮件给外教miss Veans,请他指导你们。邮件内容包括:情节简介、指导内容、商定时间和地点。


Dear Miss Evans,

I was wondering if you could help me revise a short play adapted from our English textbook.

The plot of the tragic story is about Lady Meng jiang and her husband, who lived more than 2000 years ago in ancient their wedding,her husband was taken away forcefully to bulid the Great jiang went to look for her husband, only to learn of his death. Then she cried at the Great Wall,causing it to fall apart.

Could you kindly give me guidance on two aspects? First of all, could you check the language for us? Secondly, if you could please give us some direction on our acting and use of tone?

If possible, could I meet you in your office at 10 am?

We are looking forward to your reply.



2020天津英语第一次高考作文范文 第2篇




This unusual term witnessed a swift heart-shaking growth in our self-discipline,which was, is and will always be leaving a significant influence on our development.

With the unexpected COID-19 threatening our health and safety continuously,staying indoors and working online is a must-take defensive senior 3 students are just among those, who have no other choice but to manage ourselves at home by learning on the , one day ,a survey came ,which showed an awful result that most of us had not made full use of this kind of resources,wasting much time playing online games or paying no carefulness to the required the monitor of our class, I frowned with endless dinner,a talk took place in my family,where my considerate father and mother put forward practical the purpose of strengthening self-discipline awareness together,I organized an online classmeeting ,stating a series of advice ,calling on everyone to improve our self-discipline and ending up with a regular came the time when three months flew new survey showing our progress excited me greatly,with the result that I called my headteacher,telling him our long-expected mixed with bits of satisfaction surged into his heart and mine.

It is owing to this special period that we have grown up is impossible if we are determined enough to control ourselves and build self-discipline in any situation.


2020天津英语第一次高考作文范文 第3篇


1. 条件及要求;

2. 表示感谢并提醒注意防护。




Dear Jim,





Li Hua

2020天津英语第一次高考作文范文 第4篇




Mrs. Meredith was a most kind and thoughtful woman. She spent a great deal of time visiting the poor. One morning she told her children about a family which she had visited the day before. There was a man sick in bed, his wife who took care of him, and could not go out to work, and their little boy. The little boy—his name was Bernard—had interested her very much.

“I wish you could see him,” she said to her own children, John, Harry, and Clara, “he is such a help to his mother. He wants very much to earn some money, but I don’t see what he can do.”

After their mother had left the room, the children sat thinking about little Bernard.

“I wish we could help him to earn money,” said little Clara.

“So do I,” said Harry.

For some moments John said nothing, but, suddenly, he sprang to his feet and cried:

“I have an idea!”

The other children also jumped up all attention. When John had an idea, it was sure to be a good one.

“I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of corn Uncle Sam sent us for popping? Well, we can pop it, and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it round to the houses and sell.”

When Mrs. Meredith heard of John’s idea, she, too, thought it a good one.

Very soon the children were busy popping the corn, while their mother went out to buy the paper bags. When she came back, she brought Bernard with her.

In a short time, he started out on his new business, and, much sooner than could be expected, returned with an empty basket.

Tucked into one of his mittens were ten nickels. He had never earned so much money before in his life. When he found that it was all to be his, he was so delighted he could hardly speak, but his bright smiling face spoke for him. After he had run home to take the money to his mother, John said:

“We have corn enough left to send Bernard out ever so many times. May we do it again?”

“Yes,” said Mrs. Meredith, “you may send him every Saturday morning, if you will pop the corn for him yourselves. John, will you agree to take charge of the work?”

“Indeed I will,” replied John, and he kept his word. For many weeks, every Saturday morning, no matter what plan was on foot, no matter how good the coasting or skating, he saw that the corn was all popped, the paper bags filled, and arranged in the basket when Bernard arrived.

People began to watch for the “little pop-corn boy,” and every week he had at least fifty cents to take home, and often more. And all this was because of John’s bright idea, and the way he carried it out.





