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21年考研英语真题范文 第1篇


The picture virtually drips with inspiration when it comes to the attitude towards knowledge acquirement. It can be seen that, two students saw the same poster of a lecture in their campus, one taking it as nothing useful for her major, but another viewing it as a chance for self-enhancement.


Behind this instructive drawing lies a perception that, students tend to focus on the practical purpose of knowledge acquirement. Admittedly, there is a convenient excuse for ignoring the seemingly useless in their studies, and it all boils down to a lack of broader vision. However, a wide range of learning is the very condition to connect the dots in our future development. Likewise, the ripple effect of comprehensive knowledge allows us to tap into our potential and sow a sense of confidence. All this gives enough grounds to learn extensively and set our sight on a far horizon.


So, stay hungry, stay foolish. It promises more opportunities to push the boundaries of possibility, and will put us in a better position to prepare for a fruitful future.


21年考研英语真题范文 第2篇


The picture gives us a window to examine the meaning of following one’s heart. It can be seen that, a father stands in front of his son, encouraging him to get rid of concern about studying Chinese drama if it is what he truly likes.


Behind the father’s instructive words lies a perception that, interest is an essential ingredient of motivated studies, and it lights the way to real devotion. However, more than often, we are mired in others’ judgement, killing our chances of choosing what we truly like. This lack of independence is what often leads us to a puppet life, and acts as a drag on our pursuit of the things we dream about. Actually, the value of life is measured by our own feeling of satisfaction, and interest is the very condition to impel man to unfold his power. So, follow your heart when making a decision. This is a recipe for a satisfying life, and will yield fruitful results.


Therefore, don’t surrender to general opinions. Only by translating “what we truly like” into “what we actually do”, can we find the right approach to shape the yet-to-be-made future with more delicious experiences.


21年考研英语真题范文 第3篇


The picture virtually drips with inspiration when it comes to how we perceive losses in life. It can be seen that, a man stands still in depression, sighing for the loss when he saw a fallen bottle with water leaking away. But the other man takes it quite easy and feels lucky for the rest.


Behind this instructive drawing lies a perception that, optimism is an essential ingredient of happiness, and it lights the way to helpful actions. However, more than often, people tend to be mired in pessimism when there is a loss, slamming the door of optimism about what they have been left. This lack of positive attitude is what often leads us to a dark mood, and acts as a drag on our practice of moving ahead. Actually, happiness is measured by our own feeling of satisfaction, and a positive mindset is the very condition to impel man to unfold his power. So, see the bright side when facing a setback. This is a recipe for a satisfying life, and will yield fruitful results.


In a nutshell, only by translating our attitude into a positive one, can we redirect our mind instead of focusing on the negative experiences. This is the right approach for us to keep a positive outlook in work and life.


21年考研英语真题范文 第4篇


The picture casts intense light on theimportance of cultivating a good habit. It can be seen that, a girl is doing her homework, feeling that things should be done as early as possible. By contrast, the boy onthe right-handsideof thepicture sits in front of the desk, saying that he will put things off until the last minute.


Behind this instructive drawing lies a perception that, never put off till tomorrow what may be done today. Admittedly, there is a convenient excuse for delaying our work until the last minute, and it all boils down to a lack of a good habit in time management. However, initiative spirit is the very condition to impel man to unfold his power. Likewise, the ripple effect of motivated actions allows us to tap into our potential and sow a sense of satisfaction. All this gives enough grounds for avoiding being a laggard. So, get hands on your task. It promises to put you on the road to fruitful results.


In a nutshell, at the center of this issue is the need to foster a good habit of seizing the time. This is the right approach to become more efficient, and it will put us in a better position to lift our performance.


21年考研英语真题范文 第5篇


The picture virtually drips with sarcasm when it comes to the difference between “having books” and “reading books”. It can be seen that,a man leisurely sits in a chair, saying with satisfaction that he owns a lot of books, although without reading them at all. By contrast, the boy onthe right-handsideof thepicture is making an actual plan of reading 20 books before the end of the year.


Behind this instructive drawing lies a perception that, our satisfaction of “having books” will eat into our motive of “reading books”. Admittedly, there is a convenient excuse for delaying our reading, and it all boils down to a lack of motivated intention. However, tangible action is the very condition to impel man to unfold his power. Likewise, the ripple effect of massive reading allows us to tap into our potential and sow a sense of confidence. All this gives enough grounds for reading books instead of having books only. So, make a plan of reading right away. It promises to put you on the road to a treasure of knowledge.


Therefore, only by taking the initiative to read, can we really benefit from books. This is the right approach to acquire knowledge, and it will put us in a better position to prepare for a more fruitful future.


21年考研英语真题范文 第6篇


The column chart allows us a holistic view of the choices after graduation in a certain college in 2013 and 2018. To be specific, the graduates choosing to work constitute a massive in 2013 and in 2018, followed by those going for further study ( in 2013 and in 2018) and those for starting a business ( in 2013 and in 2018). Overall, there is an upward trend in the choices of pursuing further study and starting a business, but a downward trend in choosing to work.


Such information brings clarity to the pattern of graduates’ choices, and it can be further interpreted as follows: Firstly, the shrinking number of graduates choosing to work is the result of sluggish job market. Secondly, the competitive environment is an impetus for the rising number of those advancing their studies. Thirdly, opportunities abound in the world today, and this led to a rise in the total number of college startups, but this group is still way outnumbered by the former two since very few people are prepared to face a volatile future.


In the final analysis, the number of graduates going for entrepreneurship is expected to keep growing in the near years, and it offers us a promising vision of a more dynamic market.





