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七下英语第一单元作文范文 第1篇



where’s your pen pal from?




教学内容分析:教学内容分析:在课改的背景下,本套教材避免了传统课程的缺点,强调了学生的兴趣、经验等,能结合实际,贴近生活,插图生动活泼,重视了学生的情感。本单元结构有三个部分: section a为目标句型提供分步示例和指导性练习;section b使学生对学过的目标句型运用自如;self-check使学生对自己的英语水平有明确的认识。本单元标题where’s your pen pal from?体现了本单元话题和语言结构。本单元的语言目标为talk about countries, nationalities and language; ask and tell where people live.本课时为本单元的第一课时,课型为听说课。教材一开始通过主题图引出本课表国籍的重点词汇(1a),又通过1b的听力练习的输入进一步巩固单词以及主题图中的重点句型;1c的结对练习是对主题图中的重点句型进行简单的模仿、重复和替换,进行简单的输出练习。2a、2b、2c是进行深一层的输入,在复习国籍的基础上加入了城市的名称的练习,并结合听力练习。2c是结合2b听力练习进行简单的写的练习;2d则为更深一层次输出练习了。最后的语法聚集(grammar focus)是让学生发现和总结阶段了。本节课为听说课,为下一节综合课打下了坚实的基础。





1、能听懂、会读和会说单词: canada, france, japan, the united states, australia, singapore, he united kingdom, sydney, new york, paris ,live


---- where’s your pen pal from?    ---- he is from … .

---- where does he live?             --- he lives ….










教学重点: 1.正确拼读本课单词和词组:canada, france, japan, the united states, australia, singapore, he united kingdom, sydney, new york, paris ,live ,be from /come from


---- where’s your pen pal from?    ---- he is from … .

---- where does he live?             --- he lives ….

教学难点:1. 本课表国籍的部分单词: canada, france, japan, the united states,

australia, singapore, he united kingdom, sydney, new york, paris

2.用所学的目标语言(target language)描述国籍、语言和居住地。


(中文为主 + 所教学科目标语言)

步骤1:warm up

播放flash歌曲《my new friends》


步骤2:free talk

1、free talk: hobbies(谈论自己和家人以及你身边的一个好友)



1)learning new words

1、以country,people,language分类,看中国国旗引出单词:china chinese






















say a rhyme:

china , china.        i’m from china and i like china.

chinese , chinese.    i am  chinese.    i speak chinese.

china , china.        my friend is from china. he likes china.

chinese , chinese.    he is chinese.    he speaks chinese.

canada, canada. i am from canada. i speak english.


3)learning new sentences


----  where are you from?

---- i’m from … ./i’m … .

----  where’s your pen pal from?

----  he is from … .

---- where does he live?

----- he lives  in canada.








步骤4: summary



步骤5: talking







步骤6 homework:

a. listen and read the new words and the target language

b. copy the new words and the target language

c. collect the data of the countries










七下英语第一单元作文范文 第2篇

七年级下册英语单元作文范例一:一个热心的人 A Warm-hearted Man!

One afternoon, an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand. she was going to do some shopping.

just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down. One of her legs was hurt and she couldn't move any more. A kind cleaner saw this and rushed to her at once. He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital. What a warm-hearted man he was!


七年级下册英语单元作文范例二:关于助人为乐Should we help others in need?

Helping others has always been a virtue in traditional Chinese culture. But what’s strange nowadays is that people dare not show their helping hands to those in need. I would like to elaborate my views on this issue.

Firstly, I think people’s moral sense has degraded. When egoism gains the upper hand, many people find it growingly hard to help others. Secondly, there is no denying that some tragic events turn out to be traps by people with evil intentions. So common people are becoming more risk-conscious and are more wary of traps and deceits.

In general, I contend the idea that we should be warm-hearted and offer help as well as look out for potential hazards so as not to be deceived.




七年级下册英语单元作文范例三:体育运动的好处和坏处Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports

Sports do us good in many goes without saying that taking exercises can build up our physical strength. In collective sports like basketball, volleyball, or football, we will learn the importance of cooperation. While taking part in sports game, we will try our best to win and arouse ourselves the competitive spirit. Sports can also help us relax after a period of exhausting work. However, as the saying goes, “there are two sides to everything”, and sports is without exception. We may hurt other players or ourselves if we are not careful enough when participating in sports activities. What's more, excessive or severe training can do harm to our health.


My participation in sports tells me that sports can make us healthy both physically and psychologically. It is also a good way for people to know each other and can promote friendship between people. So long as we are carefully enough, sports can do us nothing but good.


七年级下册英语单元作文范例四:我理想的一天My Perfect Day

First, I would have breakfast with Queen Elizabeth II in Buckingham Palace.

Then I would go to the moon with Heller Borry in my own plane. On the moon I would take photos and sing a song with a microphone.

After that, I would come back to the earth and show my photos of the moon to my friends.

I like adventures, so I would go to Egypt to see the great pyramids.

I would go into the pyramids to see the mummies. Then I would go to the South Pole with an exploration and learn something.

After that I would climb up the Qomolangma and see the sights.

Next I would go to London to make some new English friends. At last, I would go home and sleep for a long time.


然后我会和Heller Borry用我自己的飞机一起飞向月球。在月球上我会拍照片,用麦克风唱歌。






七年级下册英语单元作文范例五:电脑能代替纸笔吗?Can Computer Replace Paper and Pen

People often say we have entered the electronic age. Computers have become the center of life. No one can live and work without computers. In the future, everyone can work and study at home before a PC. There won't be piles of files. Instead, a disc is OK enough.

With the appearance of printers, the pen becomes less useful than before. And since the computer was created, paper is also gradually giving way to the screen, which can show lively moving things from different sides in the same picture. It is true that with the developmem of science, such products as computers and printers will be the major tools in our future life and work. But the traditional tools will also exist for a long time to supplement the function of the modern ones. At least, we still need pens to sign with and paper to sign on.


七下英语第一单元作文范文 第3篇


Section A

1. ---What time do you usually go to school?

---I usually go to school at ……

What time 什么时间,对具体时间点进行提问,回答时用at+具体时刻回答。

2. ---When does Scott go to work?

---He always goes to work at11:00.

When 所表示的时间范围广,有时也可指“几点钟”,“几点几分”,用来代替whattime。

When will he comeback? He'll come back tomorrow.

3. I don’t have muchtime for breakfast.

for breakfast/lunch/dinner固定搭配

4. I always do my homework first.


5. In the evening, I either watch TV orplay computer games.

(1)in the evening,泛指一天的早中晚用介词in。in themorning/afternoon/evening.

(2)但如果具体某一天早中晚,则要用介词on。On a coldmorning/on the afternoon of March 12th, .

(3)固定搭配:at night/at noon; either…or…

Either myteacher or my parents often help me.

6. She knows it’s not good for her.

对…有好处:be good for

对…有坏处:be bad for

It’s bad for us to watch TV too much.

7. I have a very healthy life.

healthy adj. 健康的 we should eat more vegetables tokeep healthy.

health n. 健康 Vegetables are good for yourhealth.

七下英语第一单元作文范文 第4篇

I. 根据所给单词,填入一个正确的单词形式。

1. Yao Ming practices ______(play) basketball every day.

2. ______(not) talk.. It’ s time for class.

3. My sister ____(have) to look after my mother at home today.

4. I have to go to the supermarket ______(late).

often go to the ______(child) palace after school.


1. There is _____milk on the floor.

A . too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

2. There are ____rules in my family.

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

3. Please help me _____ French.

A. speaking B. to speaking C. with peak D. speak

4. He often _____English with the foreign teachers.

A. practice speak B. practices speak C. practice speaking D. practices speaking

5. Don’t _____bed _____9 o’clock.

A. go, at B. in, by C. be in, by D. go in, at

5、___ she ___ clean the classroom today?

A. Does, has to B. Does, have to C. Does, has D. Does, have

6、Don’t _____TV too much after school.

A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. to watching

7、It’s very warm outside. You ____ wear the coat.

A. must B. don’t have to C. have to D. mustn’t

8、The girl ___ red dress is my friend’s daughter.

A. with B. wear C. put on D. in

9、My mom ____carefully, but she ___ nothing.

A. listened, listened B. heard, heard C. listened, heard D. heard, listened

10、Does your father always wear ___?

A. uniform B. an uniform C. a uniform D. two uniform

11、--May I take the magazine out of the reading room ?

--No, you can’t.. You read it here .It’s the rule.

A. must B. would C. may D. might

12、_____ in the school library.

A. No talk B. Not talking C. No talking D. Not talk

13、He arrives _____ here _____ a cold night.

A. /;at B. at; at C. /;on D. in;on

14、Where _____ did you go last year?

A. other B. else C. place D. others

15、We don’t know Jack _____ Bruce.

A. and B. or C. about D. of

16、Can she _____ clean the classroom today?

A. has to B. have to C. has D. have

III. 句型转换

A) 根据题后要求完成句子。

1. Run in the hallways.(否定句)

in the hallways.

have to get up at six.(一般疑问句)

you to get up at six?

can eat in the dining hall.(提问)

you eat ?

4. We have to clean the room.(提问)

do you have to ?

5. late, can, arrive, for, we, not, school (连成一句)

B) 同义句

6. Get up early.

Don’t too .

7. What other place do you have to go to ?

do you have to go ?

8. Peter must go to bed by ten.

Peter go to bed by ten.

9. I washed clothes yesterday.

I some yesterday.


1) 我们不能在教室里练习吉他。

We can’t _____ ________ the guitar in the classroom.

2) 你必须在11点上床睡觉吗?

Do you have to ____ _____ ____ _____ 11:00?

3) 我从来没有任何乐趣。

I ______ have ______ fun.

4) 你认为那条规定怎么样?

_____ do you _____ ___ that rules?

5) 图书室里不许大声讲话。

No ______ _______ in the library.


1 --Do I have to come back tomorrow?(2007武汉市中考题)

--Yes, you ____.

A. can B. may C. must D. should

2 --Must I finish the work today, Mom?

--N o, you __. You can finish it tomorrow.

A. mustn’t B. can’t C. shouldn’t D. needn’t

’t forget to __“Thank you” when someone has helped you.

A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk

4. Keep quiet, kids. Dad ____in the next room.(2007绍兴市中考题)

A. slept B. sleeps C. is sleeping D. had slept











七下英语第一单元作文范文 第5篇

Unit 8 综合测试题

(满分:120分 时间:100分钟)


( )1. — Excuse me, is there __________ postoffice near here?

— Yeah. It’s justnext to ___________ First People’s Hospital.

A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. /; /

( ) you swim _______ the river?

A. near B. between C. from D. across

( )3. ---- What do you often do before goingto bed?

---- I enjoy _____ TV.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. to watch

( )4. Look! There is a bridge _____ the river.

A. between B. across D. along

( )5. The hotel is ______ the bank.

A. across B. from C. across form D. next

( )6. — ______ can I get to the Green Hotel?

— Sorry, I’m new here.

A. What B. When C. Who

( )7.—Excuse me. Where is Garden Supermarket?

—Go_____ Qingdao Street and_____ left. andyou can find it.

A. cross; trun B. across; turn to C. along; turn D. along; turn to

( )8. — Do you like the Internet?

— Yes, I __________ lots of time on ’s a good way (方式) to kill time.

A. bring . pay D. take

( ) there a library in yourschool? ----___________.

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, there is. D. No, there aren’t.

( )10. — Excuse me. Is there _____restaurantnear here?

—Yes, there is ____ near here.

; the B. the; a C. a; one D. one; a

( )11. — How do you get to Beijing?

— By _________.

B. time C. country D. air

( )12. Alice spends too much time _______computergames.

B. plays C. to play D. playing

( ) post office is next _____ thehospital, across ____ the police station.

A. to; from B. at; of C. from; in D. in; for

( )14. — lives in a ___________ neighborhood and he can’t sleep well at night.

—That’s too bad!

A. clean B. tidy C. noisy D. quiet

( )15. _______ any books on the desk?

A. There is B. There are C. Is there D. Are there

( ) ____ a hotel and two banks on Center Street.

A. are B. is C. has D. have

( )17. — Do I need to pay for this trip?

— No, it’s ______ for you.

A. important B. noisy C. cold D. free

( )18. --- Are there any hotels near here?

--- Yes, there`s _________ behind thebus station.

A. it B. one C. other D. some

( )19. My sister is a book lover and sheenjoys _______ very much.

A. read C. to read D. to reading

( )20.—Do you want to buy a new bike?

—Yes, I do. But I don’t have _____now.

A. problem B. newspaper C. money D. work

( )21. There _________a pen and some books inmy bag.

A. are B. have C. has D. is

( )22. The driver is sitting _________ thecar.

A. in front of the front C. in front D. inthe front of

( )! Can you tell me the way tothe post office?

B. Hello C. Excuse me D. sorry

( ) aremany bookstores in our town. You can buy books_____.

A. early B. easily C. quickly D. usually

( )25. There ______ a man and three childrenin the photo.

A. have B. are

二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)



How is everythinggoing with you? My birthday is coming. And on 26 evening, I will have a birthday party in myhouse. I hope (希望) you can come. But it’s 27 easy to find my place, so now I tell you howyou can get here.

Here is a 28 .It can help you find 29 my house is. Go down Long Street and don’t

30 left. Justwalk straight (径直地) for around five minutes. You can see a 31 stop on your left. You can take the No. 5 busand get off at the fifth stop. Then you are on New Street. Walk along the street and youcan see a 32 . And the neighborhood I live in is 33 the bank. When you 34 the gate (大门) of my neighborhood, pleasecall me.

On Friday, the partywill start at 6:00 . Many of my friends will come. And you can also 35 your friends here. My momwill make many kinds of delicious food for us. We can sing and dance together (一起). Ithink we can have a good time that day.



( )26. A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Friday D. Thursday

( )27. A. very C. not D. many

( )28. A. book B. map C. street

( )29. A. how B. what C. when D. where

( )30. A. meet C. turn D. cross

( )31. A. bus B. subway C. train D. bike

( )32. A. hotel B. hospital

( )33. A. from B. across C. front D. behind

( )34. A. get to B. arrive D. visit

( )35. A. take C. leave D. let


( )(哪一) road should you take to goto the swimming pool?

Street. Road. . Road.

My name is school days, I live in my school. It’s across from a bookstore. And I lovemy school because I have many friends here and my school life is colorful (多彩的). Thereis a supermarket near my dormitory (宿舍) and I often buy food andschool things in it. Next to the supermarket, there is a fruit store. And Ioften buy some fruit in it.

My name is live with my grandparents in a small village. I like living there becauseit’s quiet there. There is only one supermarket in the village and there is nobank there. But in the town, there is a bank. When I want to withdraw (提取) somemoney, I need to go to the town.

I am Amber. Thisis my neighborhood. It’s busy. There are lots of stores and restaurants aroundhere. My house is on a street corner (角落). Near my house, there is apost office. And next to the post office is a pay phone. Also, there is a parkin my neighborhood. Many people like to go there to do sports.

( )41. Where is Dave’s school?

A. It’s on a street corner.

’s across from a bookstore.

’s behind a supermarket.

’s in front of a bank.

( )42. The underlined word “there” refers to (指代)___________.

A. Amber’s park

post office D. the street corner

( )43. There is only one supermarket in _____neighborhood.

’s B. Dave’s C. Gina’s D. Amber’s

( )44. Why does Dave love his school life?

A. Because he can have lots of delicious food atschool.

he likes his teachers in his school.

there are so many rules at home.

he has many friends and his school life is great.

( )45. What can NOT we know from the passage?

A. Dave, Johnny and Amber study in the same school.

’s neighborhood is very busy.

is no bank in Johnny’s village.

lives in his school on school days.

Calvin needsto go to New Yorkfor a meeting this Saturday. It’s sunny. It’s his first time to go to New York,so he doesn’t know his way (路) around New York. The meeting is in Peterson Buildingon 34th Street and it starts at ten o’clock. He wants to get there on time, sohe asks two American boys for help.

“Excuseme, could you tell me where 34th Street is?” asks Calvin.

“Sure,” answersone of the boys. “It’s not far from here. And you can just walk along thisstreet and turn left at the first crossing. Then you can see it on your right.”

“No. Don’t listento him. He is not telling you the right place. You can just take the No. 7 busand get off at the third stop,” says the other boy.

Thenthe first boy says, “OK. But the third stop isnot 34th Street. It’s 35th Street.”

Atthis time, Calvin finds that there’s only fiveminutes left (剩下). Then he gets into a taxi (出租车) andleaves. After that, Calvin thinks he should ask a policeman for help next time.

( )46. Why does Calvin go to New York?

A. Because his home is in New York.

he needs to go to a meeting.

he goes there for a vacation.

he needs to see her mother at hospital.

( )47. Accordingto the second boy, how can Calvin get to 34th Street?

bike. B. By bus. C. By taxi. D. By subway.

( )48. When does Calvin leave the two boys?

A. At 10:00. 10:05. C. At 9:55. D. At 10:10.

( )49. What does the underlined sentence mean?

A. The two American boys are clever and helpful.

two boys don’t tell Calvin the right way to 34th Street.

is sure to get lost again next time.

’s important to find the best way when meeting problems.

( )50. What can we learn from the passage?

A. It’s a windy Saturday.

two boys help Calvin a lot.

arrives in New Yorkin the afternoon.

’s the first time for Calvin to get to New York.


gets to the hotel at _____ nine o’clock.

father often takes a 15-minute walk___________ this river after dinner.

’ll ________ you a visit next month.

open your book and ______ to Page Five.

_____________ much time reading in the library.

__________ (警察) are looking for the man.

bus stop is not far away from the _______ (医院).

are two middle schools in this small ________ (镇).

’s hard for her to _____________ (爬) the tree.

is in the _________ (北方) of China.


(hotel) are in town and they arevery clean.

(have) two bikes.

(be)a book and some pensin my bag.

I (help) you?

!The police (eat) under atree. B:

(be) there any apples in the supermarket?

(three) Street and turnright.

turn right at the first (cross).

tell me how (get) to the library?

(be) a chair and three desksin it the room.


phone is behind the library.(改为同义句)

Thelibrary is the pay phone,

is near the park.(对画线部分提问)

the bank.

three boys in the classroom.(对画线部分提问)

boys in theclassroom?

any pencils on the desk?(作否定回答)

________, ________ __________.

some hotels on Bridge Street.(改为一般疑问句)

hotelson Bridge Street.



Youcan _____________ these books away. They _____ _____.


Mydad _________ much time _________ with me.


Toget to the supermarket, you _____________________ ____________ Bridge Street.


Thepolice station is __________ ___________ the post office.


__________________ two fruit stores on Sixth Street.



Mrs. White’s house isin a small town. Near Mrs. White house, there is a new shopping center. And theshopping center is between a park and a restaurant. There is also a bank infront of the center.

Mrs. White enjoysshopping on weekends. And her husband (丈夫) always pays for all thethings she buys.

“Look, Bob. Is this shirt beautiful?” Mrs. Whiteasks.

“Yes. How much is it?” he says to Mrs. White andpays for it.

Every time Mrs. Whiteis going to say something, Bob often says “All right. How much is it?” to when Mrs. White spends all the money Bob takes, Bob will go to thebank to withdraw (提取) more money.

At about 8 ., Bobis tired (疲劳的) and he wants to go home. At this time, Mrs. Whitelooks up at the stars and says, “Look, Bob. Are those stars beautiful?”

“All right. And how much are them?” Bob answers (回答)quickly.

does Mrs. White live?


is the shopping center?


does Mrs. White enjoy doing on weekends?


is Bob?


85. According to the passage, do you think Bob likes shopping?


86. 九、书面表达 (共10分)


Unit 8 综合测试题答案

(满分:120分 时间:100分钟)


1-5ADCBC 6- 10 DCBCC 11-15 DDACD 16-20 BDBBC 21-25 DDCBC

二、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

26-30CCBDC 31-35 ACDAB


36-40ABDCB 41-45 BBADA 46-50 BBCDD


52. along 53. pay 54. turn 55. spend

57. hospital 58. town 59. climb 60. north





of is many are there

’t there


; are free 77. spends; reading

to cross / must go across from 80. There are


a small town. 82. Between a parkand a restaurant.

. 84. Mrs. White’shusband. 85. No, he doesn’t.

九、书面表达 (共10分)

Dear Anne,

On Saturday morning,we can go and buy an English-Chinese dictionary in Xianfeng Bookshop together.

First we need to walk alongHuayuan Streetand turn right at the first then we walk on Long Street. After we walk past a post office, we can turnleft to Shanghai we can see Xianfeng Bookshop. It’s just across from Jiari Hotel and behindthe bank. It’s easy for us to find it.



七下英语第一单元作文范文 第6篇





4. 表达自己对天气的喜好并说明原因




How’s the weather? It’s raining.

How’s it going? It’s great.

Is Aunt Sarah there? Yes, she is.

What’s she doing? She’s cooking.


How 引导的特殊疑问句

Yes/ No 问句及简短回答



raining, sunny, cloudy, snowing, windy, cold, hot, cool, warm, humid, cooking, playing, watching, studying





1 take photos/ pictures 照像

2 take photos/ pictures of sb/ sth 给某人或某物照相

3 have a good time\have fun\have a great tame 玩得愉快

4 work for sb / sth 为某人工作 Eg: Yuan Yuan works for CCTV’s Around The World show

5 on vacation 度假 Eg: There are many people here on vacation.

6 some…others… 一些…另外一些… one…the others…一个…另一个…(两者之间)

Eg: There are many students in the classroom. Some are writing, others are reading.

7 put on 穿上(动作) wear 穿着(状态) Eg: Tom is putting on his coat now.

8 on the beach 在沙滩上 Eg: Tom and his family are playing on the beach at this moment.

9 this group of people 这一群人

10. in this heat


is the weather? 天气怎么样? In the raining. 在下雨。

are you doing? 你正在做什么? I'm watching TV. 我在看电视。

are they doing? 他们在做什么? They are studying. 他们在学习。

is he doing? 他在做什么? He is playing basketball . 他在打篮球。

is she doing ? 她在做什么? She is cooking . 她在做饭。



① How is the weather in Beijing? (How is the weather today?)

② What’s the weather like in Beijing? ( What’s the weather like today?)


①It’s + adj. (形容词) Eg: It’s windy.

3 、How’s it going (with you)? ① Not bad. ② Great! ③ Terrible! ④ Pretty good.

4、Thank you for joining CCTV’s Around The Word show.

5、I am surprised they can play in this heat.

6、Everyone is having a good time.

7、People are wearing hats and scarfs.

① wear 指穿衣服的状态。 ② put on 指穿衣服的动作。Please put on your old clothes


1. It’s sunny/rainy/cloudy. 今天是晴天/雨天/阴天。

2. Lovely weather, isn’t it? 天气真好,是吗?

3. It looks like rain. 看起来要下雨。

4. It’s raining cats and dogs. 正是瓢泼大雨。

5. It seems to be cleaning up. 天似乎要转晴。

6. It’s blowing hard. 风刮得很大。

7. It’s snowing heavily. 正在下大雪。

8. The snow won’t last long. 雪不会持续太久。

9. It’s very foggy. 雾很大。

10. The fog is beginning to lift. 正在收雾。

11. It’s thundering and lightening. 雷电交加。

12. What’s the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样?

13. What’s the weather report for tomorrow? 天气预报明天怎么样?

14. It’s quite different from the weather report. 这和天气预报相差很大。

15. It’s rather changeable. 天气变化无常。

16. What’s the temperature? 温度是多少?

17. It’s two below zero. 零下二度。

18. The temperature has dropped a lot today. 今天温度低多了。

七下英语第一单元作文范文 第7篇


1.答案:A解析: thin是形容词,可判断此句为主系表结构,可排除B、D项;主语the girl是第三人称单数,故选A项。

2.答案:A解析:由答语“她中等身材,留着长长的直发”可知,问句是询问他人的外貌,like作动词时意为“喜欢”,与句意不符,故首先排除C、D两项;look like意为“看起来像”,常用在询问外貌的句型中,且句中已有助动词does,所以应用动词原形,故选A项。

3.答案:B解析: wear意为“穿着;戴着”,表状态;put on意为“穿上;戴上”,强调穿、戴的动作。句意为“我们数学老师总是穿一件旧衬衫”。由句意知表示穿的状态,排除C、D两项;主语our math teacher为第三人称单数,谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,故选B项。

4.答案:C解析: play basketball是固定短语,意为“打篮球”,故排除A、D两项。play为动词,修饰动词要用副词,good为形容词,well为副词,故选C项。

5.答案:D解析: 句意为“同学们停止谈话,认真听老师讲”。表示“停止做某事”要用stop doing sth.,可排除B、C两项。say强调说话的内容;talk强调互相交谈。同学们之间应为“交谈”,故选D项。

6.答案:D解析: a bit和a little可以修饰形容词、副词,表示“有点”;little后只能加不可数名词,表示否定之意;little bit修饰形容词、副词时,须在little前加a;只有D项a little后可加形容词thin。故选D项。

7.答案:C解析: 本句主语为Jack, with短语不影响主语,故谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式,可排除B、D两项。“去购物”用固定短语go shopping。由句末的every Sunday可判断此句为一般现在时,故选C项。

8.答案:B解析:B 一般疑问句助动词用does,则谓语动词用原形,故选B项。

9.答案:C解析: another“另一个”,泛指三者或三者以上中的另一个。

10.答案:A解析: 用and连接起来的句子成分一致,此处and连接的是并列的动词宾语,前一个为动词?-ing形式listening,所以此处应用playing。



13.答案:D解析:be like 意思是“像”:like 做实意动词时是“喜欢”的意思,并且主语是第三人称单数的he,动词要改为相应的第三人称单数形式。

14.答案:B解析:固定搭配,stop doing表示停下正在做的事;stop to do表示停下正在做的事情,做另一件事。所以选B

15.答案:B解析:remember to do 记得做某事;remember doing 指已经做了某事。故选B






解析:题干意为 “文_描述了几个学生?”。通读全文可知描述了a student from China, Jim, Dave, Kitty与Peter,共五个人,故选C项。


解析: differences是difference的复数形式,通读全文可知,文中描述了那个中国学生和其他学生的许多不同之处,difference表示“不同点,差别”,故选B项。


解析:由句子Dave’s hair is curly and brown.可知“Dave的头发是卷的,棕色的”,故选B项。


解析:由第一段最后一句...he was so frightened that he cried out.和第二段第一句That’s because of our appearances.可知选C项。


解析:A项意为“长着直头发的学生来自中国”,与文意相符,正确;B项意为“Jim的头发比中国学生的头发短”,与原文句子Jim’s hair is yellow and much longer than his.不符,故错误;C项意为“我们的衣服也与中国学生的不相同”,与原文句子Our builds and clothes seem to be strange in his eyes, too.意思相同,故C项也正确;D项意为“Kitty头发的颜色是金色的”,与原文句子Kitty’s hair is blonde.意思相同,故D项正确。题干意为“下面哪个陈述是错误的”,故选B项。




解析:由her husband eats half of it推知,是给她丈夫做的。


解析:由her husband eats half of it可知,布朗先生吃了半个蛋糕。


解析:由My husband is going to be very angry...可推知答案。















42.答案:handsome 意为“英俊的”。


44.答案:always “总是”,强调频率。

45.答案:actress 意为“女演员”。

V.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空(每 小题1分,满分10分)

46.答案:has 主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词需用第三人称单数形式。have的第三人称单数是has。

47.答案:glasses 由句意知,此处指“眼镜”,故填glasses。

48.答案:height of medium height意为“中等个”。

49.答案:actor 意为“男演员”。


51.答案:shopping go shopping意为“去购物”,是固定词组。


53.答案:does 主语是第三人称单数,需借助助动词does来构成疑问句。

54.答案:First first of all意为“首先”。

55.答案:funny 意为“滑稽的”,修饰其后的名词pictures,作定语。


56.答案:doesn’t wear 主语she是第三人称单数,需借助doesn’t帮助构成否定句,后跟动词原形。

57.答案:Does; have Tom’s sister作主语,变一般疑问句需借助助动词does,谓语动词用原形。

58.答案:medium height 由原句句意“王海既不高也不矮”知是中等个。

答案:look like 提问长相常用句式:What does/do+主语+look like?

60.答案:may be 情态动词may表示推测,后接动词原形be。

七下英语第一单元作文范文 第8篇


1. time n. 时间

It’s time for sth. 做某事的时间到了。

It’s time for lunch.

It’s time (for sb.) to do sth. 某人做某事的时间到了。

It’s time for me to get up.

It’s time for us to go on having classes.



例: I have been to Americanthree times.

My books are twice as many as yours.


some time Itreally takes me some time to do my English homework every day.

sometimes Our school is some timeslarger than theirs.

sometime Let’s have a talk sometime tomorrow.

sometimes I always get up at 8:00 in the morning, but sometimes at 6:00.

(1)v. 工作

Scott works very long hours.

He works very hard.

(2)n. 工作,是不可数名词

a piece of work

It’s hard to find a good work now.(×)

I want to have new work.

go to work/at work/after work

【拓展】job 工作(职业),可数名词

a part-time job

a full-time job

I want to have a new job.

3. hour n. 小时

半小时:an hour / half an hour

How many hours are there in a day?

一个半小时:an hourand a half = one and a half hours

4. home n. 家,家庭

There is no place like home.

adv. 在家,回家,到家

at home

go home

get home

on one’s way home

arrive home

He usually gets home at six in the afternoon.

5. either…or…或者…或者…


Either you or I am the winner.

Either I or you are the winner.

6. 频率副词的使用

often, usually, sometimes,always, never等频率副词的位置是系动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实义动词之前。例:

I often go to have training classesat weekends.

My mother usually makes a big dinnerfor me when I get the first place in the examination.

7. 一般现在时 ---- 实义动词部分

一般现在时表示经常发生或习惯性的动作,常和always, usually,often, sometimes, every day, in the morning, on Sundays等时间状语连用。例如:

Theygo to school every day.

He smokesa lot every day.

Doyou know his name?

If itdoesn’t rain, we’ll go to the zoo.

8. 时间的表达法


5:00 five (o’clock)

6:18 six eighteen 或 eighteen past six

12:15 twelve fifteen 或 fifteen (aquarter) past twelve

4:30 four thirty 或 half past four

6:45 six forty-five a quarter to seven


It’s eleven o’clock.

It’s seven fifteen.


●当分钟不超过30分钟,用介词past表示,结构:分钟+past +钟点

five past nine = nine five (9:05)

fifteen past ten = ten fifteen = aquarter past ten (10:15)

thirty past two = two thirty =half past two (2:30)

●若分钟超过30分钟,用to来表示。差几分到几点,结构:分钟(60-分钟)+ to + 钟点(钟点+1)

ten to ten = nine fifty (9:50)

fifteen to five = four forty-five= a quarter to five (4:45)

【注】① 表示整点时间,直接用基数词表达,后边可接o’clock (也可不加)。表达“几点几分”时,绝不能用o’clock。

② 表达“15分”或“45分”时,常用quarter(刻)。

七下英语第一单元作文范文 第9篇


I. 单项选择

1. Lily goes to school _______ bus every day.

A. on B. at C. by D. in

2. Mum, my bike is too old. Please buy me a_____ one.

A. new B. big C. small

3. On the table we see lots of fruit _____ applesand bananas.

A. like D. with

4. —______ does Tony get to school?

—He takes the subway.

A. What B. How D. Why

5. —What’s forty and fifty?

—It’s ________.

A. sixty B. seventy C. eighty D. ninety

6. It’s my ______ to be an English teacher.

A. dream B. job C. work D. habit

7. Every evening it _______ me half an hourto do my homework.

A. gets B. asks D. knows

8. —Where’s the music club?

—It’s_________ the art club ______ the chess club.

A. either; or B. from; to C. between; and D. from; and

9. —______ is it from your home to school?

—It’s about two kilometers.

A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How far

10. —What does Jenny _________ our school?

—She likes it. She says it’s very nice.

A. play with B. get to C. think of D. look at

11. I know my English teacher has an________ daughter.

A. eight-year-old B. eight years old C. eight-years-old D. eight year old

12. —There’s no bridge or boat. How do we ______the river?

—Let’s go on a ropeway.

A. clean B. run C. walk D. cross

13. —Every morning I _______ home at seven thirty and get to school atseven fifty.

—Oh, it takes you twenty minutes to get toschool.

A. get B. leave D. come

14. The library is not far from here. Wecan ______ our bikes there.

A. buy B. ride C. take D. drive

15. —Jack, do you know _______?

—Sorry, I don’t know.

A. where does Mike live B. where do Mike live

C. where Mike lives D. where Mike live

Ⅱ. 完形填空

Mr. Brown is my uncle. He is 36 ___1___old. He works in a sportsclub. His job is to ___2___ the students how to play basketball. He ___3___ farfrom the club. He has a car, but he doesn’t ___4____ his car to work. Usually,he goes to work ___5___ bike. He thinks it is good ____6____ and he can get tothe club early when many buses and cars are in the street. Every morning, gets up at 6:30. Then he takes a shower and has ___7____ good 7:40, he ___8____ his bike to the club. The bike ride usually ___9____ anhour. “I never feel tired (累的). I think the ride is ___10____ and interesting,” says .

1. A. days B. weeks D. years

2. A. ask B. join C. teach D. think

3. A. lives

4. A. buy C. play D. drive

5. A. by B. on D. with

6. A. subject C. food

7. A. a B. an C. the D. /

8. A. takes B. gets D. sees

9. A. sells C. wants

10. A. boring B. relaxing C. difficult

Ⅲ. 阅读理解 (20分)

Sonia: Hey, Simon. I see two cars in frontof (在……前面) yourhouse. Are they your parents’?

Simon: Yes. The black one is my father’sand the red one is my mother’s.

Sonia: Do your parents go to work by carevery day?

Simon: No. My father usually walks to hisclub and my mother usually rides her bike to her store.

Sonia: When do they drive their cars?

Simon: Ha, every weekend when we go to seemy grandparents. They live in the village and it

usually takes us two hours to drive there.


1. What color is Simon’s mother’s car?

A. White. B. Red. . .

2. Where does Simon’s father work?

A. In a school. B. In a store. C. In a library. D. In a club.

3. How does Simon’s mother go to work?

A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By subway. D. By car.

4. When do they go to see Simon’s grandparents?

A. Every weekend. B. Every Monday. C. Every Wednesday. D. Every Friday.

5. How long does it take them to get toSimon’s grandparents’ home?

A. Half an hour. B. One hour. C. Two hours. D. Three hours.

Hi, I’m Judy. I’m a middle school student. Inmy class, there are thirty-eight students. How do they go to school every day?Seventeen of them take buses because they live far from the school. Six students walk. They think walking is goodexercise. Fifteen students ride their bikes to school because they like ridingbikes very much and their homes are not far from the school. No one goes toschool by car. How do I go to school? Ha, I’m one of the fifteen.

6. There are _______ students in Judy’s class.

A. 29 B. 30 C. 38 D. 45

7. Six students think ________ is good exercise.

A. running B. walking C. swimming

8. ______ students ride their bikes to school.

A. 17 B. 6 D. 15

9. Judy goes to school ________.

A. on foot B. bybike C. by bus D. by car

10. No one gets to school ______.

A. by car B. bybike C. on foot D. by bus

Ⅳ. 词汇运用


1. —Is your grandmother with you?

—No, she l________ with my aunt in Shanghai.

2. I think his dream can come t_________one day.

3. —Can we swim in the r_______?

—Yes, you can.

4. There are twelve months in a y_________.

5. There is no bus stop b________ my home andthe school.

B). 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

6. It takes me forty minutes__________(walk) to school every day.

7. My father usually____________ (leave)home at seven o’clock in the morning.

8. There are five _________ (hundred)students in our school.

9. In the picture we see many old__________ (bus).

10. I want to know what he _________(think) of the school show.



1. Sonia usually takes the bus to school. (改为同义句)

Soniausually goes to school ________ ____________.

2. His father gets to the library by bike.(对划线部分提问)

__________does his father __________ to the library?

3. My sister walks to school every day. (改为一般疑问句)

_________your sister _________ to school every day?

4. It takes me an hour to clean the room. (对划线部分提问)

____________________ does it take you to clean the room?

5. Tony lives far from the trainstation. (改为否定句)


I. 1-5 CAABD 6-10 ACCDC 11-15 ADBBC

Ⅱ. 1-5DCADA 6-10 BACDB

Ⅲ. 1-5BDAAC 6-10 CBDBA

Ⅳ. 2. true 3. river 4. year 5. between 6. to walk

7. leaves 8. hundred 9. buses 10. thinks

Ⅴ. bus 2. How; get 3. Does; walk 4. Howlong 5. doesn’t live

七下英语第一单元作文范文 第10篇


Around The World 世界各地

On vacation 度假

Take photos 拍照

On the beach 在海边

a group of people 一群人

play beach volleyball 打沙滩排球

be surprised 惊讶的

be surprised at sth./sb.对某人或某人感到惊讶

in this heat 在酷暑中

be relaxed 放松

have a good time 玩得很痛快

in different kind of weather 在不同的天气里

Thank sb for(doing)sth由于(做)某事而感谢某人

How’s it going?近况如何


Look like..看起来像。。。


(1)-How’s the weather(+地点)? –It’s raining?

(2)-What’s the weather like?—It’s sunny./It’s cold and snowing.

(3)-How’s it going? –Great./Not bad.

(4)Thanks you for joining CCTV’s Around The World show?

(5)-Is Aunt Wang there? –Yes,she is/No,she isn’t

Unit 7 What dose he look like?


look like 看起来像....

curly /short/straight/long hair 卷/短/直发

medium height/build 中等高度/身体

a little bit 一点儿…

a pop singer 一位流行歌手


wear glasses 戴眼镜

have a new look 呈现新面貌

go shopping 去购物

the captain of the basketball team 篮球队队长

Nobody knows me 没有人认识我


1) --What does he look like?

--He’s really has short hair.

2) --She has beautiful,long black hair.

3) --I don’t think he’s so great .

4) --What do you look like? I’m ’m thin.

5) --What do they look like?-

--They are medium height.

6) --She never stops talking.

--Stop doing(sth)表示停止正在干的事.

如:He stop listening

--stop to do (sth)表示停下来去做某事

如:He stops to listen.

7)I can go shopping and nobody knows me.

Unit 8 I’d like some noodles.


would like 想要

a large/medium/small bowl 大碗/中碗/小碗

what size 什么尺寸

orange juice 桔汁

green tea 绿茶

phone number 电话号码

as well as 而且

what kind of 表示….的种类

a kind of 一种…

some kind of 许多种…

a bowl of rice 一碗米饭

a bottle fo orange juice 一瓶桔子汁

three oranges 三个桔子(可数)

a bottle fo orange j 一瓶桔子汁(不可数)

some chicken 一些鸡肉(不可数)

three chickens 三只小鸡(可数)


1)What kind of … would you like? 你想要…?

EG:--What kind of noodles would you like?

--Beef and tomato noodles. please.

2)We have lare ,medium,and small bowls.

3)I like dumplings,I don’t lkee noodles.


(1)—Can I help you?

--I’d like some .

(2)--what kind of noodles would you like?

--I’d like mutton and potato noodles. Please.

( 3)—Would you like a cup fo green tea?


would like后面还可以跟不定式.即:

A:would like to .想要做某事.

He would like to see you today.

B:would like .想要某人做某事

What would you like me to do.


do one’s homework 做某人的家庭作业

如:do my homework 做我的家庭作业

play +运动或棋类

如:play soccer 踢足球 play chess 下棋

play +乐器 如:play the guitar 弹吉他

go to the movies 去看电影

do some reading 阅读

study for the (math) test 准备(数学)考试

stay at home 呆家里

go to summer camp 去夏令营

go to the mountains 去爬山

visit sb 拜访某人

go shopping 去购物

last month 上个月

three days ago 三天前

yesterday 昨天

look for 寻找

go for a walk 散步

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早上/在下午/在晚上

play computer games 玩电脑游戏

It was time to do sth 该。。。的时候了


(1)I visited my aunt last weekend.

(2)-- How was your weekend?

--It was great./OK

(3)—It was time to go home.


(1)—What did you do last weekend?

--On Saturday morning,I played teenis.

(2)—How was your weekend?

--It was went to the brach.




(1) 一般情况下在动词词尾加-ed.如:

stay—stayed help—helped visit-visited

(2) 词尾是e的动词加-d.

如:like—liked live—lived

(3) 以一个元音字母加一个辅音结尾的重读闭章节应双写该辅音字母,再加-ed.如:

stop—stopped plan—planned

(4) 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,要将y改为i再加-ed.如: study—studied worry—worried

(5) 不规则动词的过去

am/is—was are—were have-had

go—went find—found do—did see-saw

Unit 10 Where did you go on vacation?


ptetty good 相当好;不错

in the conner 在角落

kind of boring 有点无聊

be lost 迷路

feel happy 感到高兴

be fun 很有趣

on vacation 在度假

Central Park 中央公园

the Great Wall 长城

the Palace Museum 故宫

Tian’an Men Square _广场


(1)—Where did you go on vacation?

--I went to the breach.

(2)—How was the weather?

--It was hot and humid.

(3)--It was kind of boring

(4)—That made me feel very happy.

(5)--We had great fun playing in the water.

--have great fun doing sth表示“愉快地做某事”,“做某事很有趣”

(6)I helped him find his made me feel very happy.

help sb.(to).帮助某人做某事(to可省)

make . 使某人做某事

let .

Let me help you carry(搬动) it.

(7)I found a small boy crying in the conner.

find sth.发现某人正在做某事。

find .发现某人做某事(整个过程)

七下英语第一单元作文范文 第11篇


1. The girl thin, so she is not heavy.

A. is B. has C. are D. Have

()2. ―What does your aunt ?

―She is of medium build with long straight hair.

A. look like B. looks like C. like D. Likes

()3. Our math teacher always an old shirt.

A. wear B. wears C. put on D. puts on

() young boy likes playing basketball very much, and he can play it very .

A. the; good B. /; good C. /; well D. the; well

()5. The students stop and listen to the teacher carefully.

A. saying B. to say C. to talk D. talking

()6. The boy is thin but h e is healthy.

A. little B. bit C. little bit D. a little

()7. Jack with his father shopping every Sunday.

A. is B. go C. goes D. are

()8. Does your father a computer?

A. has B. have C. is D. does

()9. I don’t like the shirt. Please give me .

A. other B. the other C. another D. one

()10. We all like listening to music and games.

A. playing B. play C. to play D. Plays

()11 .-Is he heavy?-No, he’s a little________.

B .thin C .short D .quiet

()12 .Mike is tall and ______short hair.

B .has C .does D .have

() is ______his mother .He _____reading, too.

, likes B .like, like

, like D .like, likes

() your friend quiet?-No, he never stops_________.

B .talking C. to talk D is talking

() remember ________the book.

B to take C bringing D to bring


Mr White works in a middle school. He 16 English. He is friendly to his 17 and they also like him. He spends 18 time on his work. He often does some reading and writing. When he’s 19 , he is also very busy. So he can’t help his wife do any 20 .The woman is always angry with him.

It’s Saturday. Their daughter Kate is 21 her homework in her bedroom. Mrs White finds her 22 is out. She hopes her daughter will say she’s 23 than her husband. She gives an apple to Kate and asks,“ 24 is cleverer, your father or I?”

Can you guess what the girl’s 25 is?

“I’m the cleverest in our family!”Kate says without thinking.

()16. A. studies B. watches C. teaches D. Reads

()17. A. friends B. students C. workers D. drivers

()18. A. many B. little C. some D. much

()19. A. at home B. at work C. in bed

D. in the classroom

()20. A. washing B. cooking C. cleaning

D. housework

()21. A. making B. doing C. finding D. looking

()22. A. mother B. brother C. husband D. teacher

()23. A. good B. better C. bad D. worse

()24. A. Who B. Whose C. Why D. What

()25. A. play B. sing C . answer D. think


There is a student from China i n our class. He is very good at his lessons, but he is also very shy. He doesn’t talk too much with us because he thinks that there are so many differences. When he came into our classroom for the first time, he was so frightened (受惊的) that he cried out.

That’s because of our appearances. For example, his hair is short, black and straight, but ours are all different from his. Jim’s hair is yellow and much longer than his. Dave’s hair is curly and brown. Kitty’s hair is blonde. Our builds and clothes seem to be strange in his eyes, too. Peter is a boy. He is tall and thin, but he wears a colorful T-shirt.

()26. How many students are described (描述) in the passage?

A. Three. B. Four. C. . Six.

()27. What does the word “diffe rences” mean?

A. 困难 B. 差别 C. 作业 D. 事情

()28. Whose hair is curly?

A. Jim’s. B. Dave’. Kitty’s. D. Peter’s.

()29. Why did the student cry out when he came into our classroom for the first time?

A. Because he is . Because he didn’t like to be a student of our class .

C. Because our appearances frightened him too . Because he was ill.

() of the following statements (陈述) is NOT true?

A. The student with straight hair is from China.

B. Jim’s hair is shorter than that of the Chinese.

C. Our clothes are also different from that of the Chinese.

D. The color of Kitty’s hair is blonde.

Mrs. Brown is very fat (胖).

“Don’t eat meat or cakes,”her doctor says to her.

“I’m going to stop her eating them, doctor,”her husband (丈夫) says.

The next morning, Mrs. Brown makes a nice cake, and her husband eats half of it. After he goes out, Mrs. Brown cuts ( 切) a very small piece of the cake and eats it. It is very good. She cuts a bigger piece and eats it. In a few minutes she finishes the cake.“My husband is going to be very angry (生气),”she says.“What am I going to do?”

She makes another cake very quickly, eats half of that, and leaves half on the table.

Her husband comes back later. He sees the half of the cake on the table and he is very happy.

()31. The doctor tells Mrs. Brown not to eat meat or cakes because .

A. Mrs. Brown likes them

B. meat and cakes can make her fatter

C. Mr. Brown tells the doctor to say so

D. meat and cakes are not good food

()32. The next morning Mrs. Brown makes a cake for .

A. her husband B. her children

C. her sister D. the doctor

()33. Mr. Brown eats hat morning.

A. one cake B. half cakes

C. half a cake D. many cakes

()34. Mrs. Brown makes another cake because .

A. she is good at making cakes

B. her husband likes cakes

C. she wants to eat more cakes

D. if her husband knows she eats the half of the cake, he will be angry

()35. Why is Mr. Brown very happy when he sees the half of the cake on the table?

Because .

A. he is angry

B. Mrs. Brown likes cakes very much

C. the cake is nice and delicious

D. he thinks Mrs. Brown begins to stop eating cakes

My father is tall and has short, gray(灰白的) hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames(框架). But I just see a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he’s 15 years old. He’s short and he has glasses with small, round frames. He has long, yellow hair and it’s really straight. He’s wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word “Love”. I’m 15 years old now. I’m medium height and I have short hair. My hair isn’t yellow, it’s blue. My dad thinks it’s strange(奇怪的), but my friends think it’s great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. They’re so cool! I have an earring(耳环) in one ear, too. Dad really can’t understand(明白) that, I never wear blue jeans. I like big, baggy(松的) pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands(摇滚乐队) on them.

()36. What kind of glasses does Father wear when he is fifteen years old? He wears ______ .

A. glasses with heavy, black frames

B. glasses with bright red frames

C. long and yellow glasses

D. glasses with small, round frames

()37. What color is my hair? It’s _______.

A. yellow B. blue

C. gray D. red

()38. What do I like to wear? I like to wear ______.

A. blue jeans and a T-shirt

B. yellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word “love”

C. big and baggy pants and long T-shirts

D. blue jeans and an earring

()39. What’s on my father’s T-shirt?

A. The word “love”.

B. Heavy and black frames.

C. Pictures of rock bands.

D. An earring.

()40. Who has an earring in one ear?

A. My dad does. B. I do.

C. My father does. D. My Friends do.


41. Mary has a new look. Her hair is long and s ______.

42. The actor is very h__________ .

43. Her hair is not black. It’s b ______like gold.

44. She a_________ wears a red skirt and white shoes.

45. The a____________ is very popular. Everyone likes her.

V.用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空(每 小题1分,满分10分)

pen pal_______ (have)long curly hair.

does he wear_________ (glass)?Is he short-sighted (近视的)?

is of medium__________ (high).

Lianjie is my favorite__________ (act).

girl is good at drawing. She want to be an_________ (art).

want to go __________(shop) with my mother because I need a T-shirt.

think she is a good_________ (sing).

(do)your pen pal look like?

54. ____________(one) of all, you have to remember these words.

55.―Can you draw________ (fun)pictures?

―Yes,I can.


56. She wears glasses every day.(改为否定句)

She ________ ________glasses every day.

57. Tom’s sister has long straight yellow hair.(改为一般疑问句)

_______Tom’s sister_______ long straight yellow hair?

58. Wang Hai isn’t too tall or too short.(改为同义句)

Wang Hai has_______ _______ .

59. George is tall and thin.(就画线部分提问)

What does George s_______ _______ ?

60. Maybe the woman with long black hair is her mother.(改为同义句)

The woman with long black hair her mother.


根据提供的.信息写一篇30~50词的短文。汤姆高高的个子,中等身材,金色的直发,会讲英语和一点儿汉语,喜欢打篮球,最喜欢的动物是熊猫 和海豚。他认为熊猫很可爱,海豚很聪明。

1. Medium build

2. Straight blonde hair

3. Speak English and a little Chinese

4. pandas, cute

5. dolphins, clever

One possible version:

Tom is tall and has a medium build. He has straight blonde hair. He can speak English and a little Chinese. He likes reading books and playing basketball. His favorite animals are pandas and dolphins. He thinks pandas are cute, and dolphins are very clever.




